Chu Feng leaned against the shelter, the wooden stick in his hand was tinkering with the fire, the wood burned with a 'crackling' sound, and sparks splashed out, and it was extinguished by the cold before it landed.

He looked sideways at the women's frowns, five minutes had passed since he said the puzzle.

"That, do you want to..." Chu Feng pursed his lips.

"Don't." Yun Xin waved his hand, feeling that he was very close to the mystery, so he almost guessed it.

"We thought for ourselves." Liu Yimeng lowered her head and said in a muffled voice, I guessed that I had boasted before, but wouldn't it be very faceless if I didn't guess it now.

"Okay." Chu Feng grinned.

He looked sideways into the darkness outside the shelter, except for the fluttering snow, there were only branches swaying in the wind, and the sense of danger was not triggered.

"Break I open my leg... Not serious, not serious. Liu Yimeng muttered softly.

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, still entangled in this?

"Chu Feng, is it a compass?" Wu Qingyue asked tentatively.

"It's not." Chu Feng shook his head.

"Isn't it? It's also about breaking two I legs..." Wu Qingyue whispered to herself, lowering her head and continuing to think.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly, this riddle was easy to guess.

He guessed that the women's attention was on the first two sentences of the mystery, and the latter was the key.

Qi Weiting's frowning brows stretched out, and she asked softly, "Chu Feng, is it glasses?" "

"That's right." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, and finally someone answered.

"Huh??? Is it glasses? Liu Yimeng asked in surprise.

"Of course, you have a good time to recall the mystery." Chu Feng said with a wry smile.

"Lift I..." Liu Yimeng whispered, and finally revealed a look of realization.

"It's really glasses, it's long overdue." Liu Yiqiu sighed secretly, the mystery had already hinted obviously.

"Sister Wei Ting is so good." Wu Qingyue praised.

"I thought of it in a flash." Qi Weiting pursed her lips.

"Really, a glasses said so informally." Yun Xinjiao said with disgust, reaching out and pinching Chu Feng's waist and gently pinching I.

"It's you who want to be crooked." Chu Feng joked with a smile.

Wu Qingyue rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever, it's clear that you misled us." "

"Come again, I don't believe it and can't guess." Liu Yimeng pouted.

"The last one." Chu Feng said seriously.

Yun Xin's face was grim, and he said seriously: "I can't say those unorthodox riddles anymore." "

Chu Feng quickly nodded, thought about it and said softly: "The little daughter-in-law gives birth to a child, guess a four-character idiom." "

“...... Blood spouts people. Liu Yiqiu's face turned red sharply.

"Chu Feng..." Several women looked at Chu Feng speechlessly at the same time.

"Ahem, not coming." Chu Feng quickly shook his head, and I was afraid that the unorthodox crime would be confirmed.

"Then let's come, I'll say, you guess." Liu Yimeng pouted and turned around.

"Good." Yun Xin and the others responded enthusiastically, and there was only this fun time to play in the wild.

After nearly an hour, all the riddles that the women could think of were guessed, and gradually became bored again.

Chu Feng stood up and stretched, and said softly: "It's not early, or rest." "

"We only have two sleeping bags, but there are six people, how can we sleep..." Wu Qingyue bit her lower lip and said softly.

"The sleeping bags are actually quite large, and each sleeping bag can sleep three people on its side." Liu Yimeng muttered softly.

"The problem is, Chu Feng..." Liu Yiqiu said softly, glancing at Chu Feng embarrassedly.

"You guys sleep, I keep vigil, the perfect solution." Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and said softly.

"No, since we came out together, we must share happiness and suffering, or take turns to keep vigil."

Liu Yimeng refused righteously, and then proposed: "I sleep with Yun Xin and Chu Feng, and Yun Xin sleeps apart. "

Liu Yiqiu half-narrowed her eyes and stared at her sister's serious face suspiciously.

"Is this really good?" Wu Qingyue's red lips moved.

"It's okay, I believe in Chu Feng's person." Liu Yimeng said seriously.

"I look like I'm going to be a beast." Chu Feng helplessly smiled bitterly, before he could speak, he had already been clearly arranged by Liu Yimeng.

"In this way, two people in a group of vigil, there is no need to worry about the sleeping bag is not enough distribution." Chu Feng thought for a moment and said softly.

"Good idea, so be it." Wu Qingyue agreed, not only did not have to sleep hard, but also had someone to chat to pass the time during the vigil.

"That's fine." Liu Yimeng pouted slightly

Liu Yiqiu raised her eyebrows and stared at her sister suspiciously, is this unhappy?

"Let's keep watch for the middle of the night." Wu Qingyue said softly, now she is not sleepy.

"Well, wake me up when the moon gets to that position." Chu Feng said softly, stretching out his finger to a certain part of the sky, this is the time he estimated, after the moon arrives there, it will probably be around the early morning.

"Good." Wu Qingyue stretched out her hand and gestured to everyone to sleep at ease.

"Aha~~" The Liu sisters stretched their waist, took out the sleeping bag from the bamboo basket, unfolded it and spread it on the ground.

"Good night, remember to wake me up when it's time." Liu Yimeng instructed seriously.

"Okay, good night." Yun Xin and Chu Feng got into another sleeping bag.

Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting sat together with firewood knives in their hands, adding wood to the fire and burning the fire.

Time passed slowly, and the moon moved in the direction Chu Feng was pointing.

"Aha~~" Wu Qingyue couldn't help but yawn, stretching her waist to refresh herself.

"Qingyue, you can squint for a while, I'll just watch." Qi Weiting said softly.

"No, you'll be bored." Wu Qingyue waved her hand, but her upper and lower eyelids began to fight uncontestedly.

Two minutes later, she rested her head on Qi Weiting, her eyes closed, and her breathing gradually evened out.

Qi Weiting glanced sideways, and then looked up at the moon in the sky, and it was probably more than an hour before she reached the position that Chu Feng pointed to.

Time passed slowly again, and the sleeping Chu Feng's brows trembled, and then he opened his eyes.

He glanced sideways at the girl, reached out and pinched her nose and shook it gently, and said softly: "Little lazy cat, it's time to get up." "

"Hmm~~" Yun Xin's brows furrowed, turned over and slowly opened her eyes.

She rubbed her eyes and said confusedly, "Is it time?"


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