Early in the morning, the wind was cold, and last night's snowstorm made the snow on String Moon Island thicker.


Nine drones were shuttling through the jungle, and on the snow layer, Chu Feng and the women were stepping on the thick snow, leaving a meandering footprint behind them with no end in sight.

After everyone finished breakfast, they packed up their things and left the hot spring and returned to the way they came.

"Chu Feng, do you still recognize the way?" Yun Xin asked softly, shaking the small hand that was being pulled by Chu Feng.

Last night, the wind and snow were very heavy, and the traces left along the way were covered by snow.

"Recognize, go this way." Chu Feng replied casually, leading the girl forward and continuing to walk forward.

"If only there weren't so many trees, you could ski back." Wu Qingyue said softly.

Everyone walks in the jungle, five steps a tree, three steps a bush, there are some rattans buried under the snow, and many raised stones, here skiing is estimated to hit the tree directly, and then the head will break the blood.

"It's not practical to ski here, unless it's on open ground." Chu Feng said softly without replying.

He also thought about skiing, but it was too dangerous, so he didn't practice,

"At this rate now, I should be able to return to the shelter in the afternoon." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

"Well, it's okay if your physical strength allows."

Chu Feng waved a firewood knife, cut off the branches that were weighed down by the snow in front of him, and said softly: "But there is no meat, the calories and physical strength consumed cannot be replenished, and it will be very hard to walk." "

"It's good to be able to go back in time." Wu Qingyue breathed a sigh of relief, preferring to sleep on a warm earthen kang rather than spending the night in the wild.

Time passed slowly, and the sun in the sky was moving towards the west, around one o'clock in the afternoon.

Chu Feng stopped, looked sideways at the girl's slightly white lips, waved and shouted, "Stop and rest." "

"Eh, the fat gained by eating meat these days has been consumed." Wu Qingyue ignored the image of the goddess and sat on the snowdrift and gasped.

Everyone stopped and each found a place to sit and rest.

"Then go back to the shelter tonight and make up for it." Yun Xin pursed her lips and said with a smile.

She took out a steel pot and hay from the bamboo basket and prepared to make a fire to boil some water for everyone to drink.

Qi Weiting got up to help collect the wood and branches, and after more than ten minutes, the snow in the steel pot melted, and the boiling was placed on the snow to cool down.

Yun Xin took out the pottery bowl and poured water for everyone.

"Much more comfortable." Wu Qingyue sighed.

It was her ninth day in the wilderness, her long blonde hair was casually tied behind her head, and her face was not worn, but she was still very delicate and white.


Wu Qingyue's stomach was uncontested, and after walking for most of the day, the bean cake and broth she ate in the morning had already been digested.

"Hold on a little longer, it's going to be two hours away." Chu Feng chuckled.

Wu Qingyue's face turned slightly red, and she quickly waved her hand and said, "It's okay, I'm not very hungry." "


As if a chain reaction, Yun Xin's stomach also screamed softly, followed by Liu Yimeng's stomach.

The girl pursed her mouth, a little embarrassed.

"Rest for a while and continue to hurry, and you will have to eat when you go back." Chu Feng chuckled and shook his head, after all, he had only eaten a bowl in the morning.

More than ten minutes later, everyone set out again and walked in the direction of the camp.

Time passed slowly, the sun tilted to the west, and in about two hours, the camp appeared in everyone's sight.

"Back, finally back." Liu Yimeng had a look on her tired cheeks with excitement on her eyes, and she quickened her pace and rushed towards the camp.

"Slow down, be careful of falls." Chu Feng hurriedly instructed.

At the same time, his eyes scanned the surroundings of the camp, and his heart relaxed after not finding the footprints of the beasts.

"It's finally here." Yun Xin also sighed softly, looking at the shelter and feeling very cordial in his heart, which felt like home.

"Crunch..." The gate of the fence was pushed open, and Liu Yimeng was the first to rush into the courtyard.

Chu Feng and the others also returned to the courtyard one after another, and Qi Weiting closed the fence gate tightly with her backhand.

"Nothing has changed." Liu Yimeng pushed open the wooden door of the shelter and bent in, checking the situation of the shelter.

Chu Feng walked into the shelter, his eyes began to scan from left to right, from top to bottom, and found no traces of being turned over.

"I'll cook it." Yun Xin couldn't wait to walk towards the fireplace and skillfully lit the fire of the fireplace.

She got up and took out the steel pot, looked sideways at the water tank, and said helplessly: "The water is frozen." "

The fireplace did not light a fire for nearly two days, and the originally melted snow naturally froze.

Yun Xin carried the steel pot out of the shelter, loaded the snow in the yard and came back, setting it up on the fireplace to cook.

"Eat some snacks first, pad your stomach."

She turned and rummaged on the wooden shelf, took out wild plantain slices, coconut meat, and pulled lamb, and placed them on the wooden table.

Chu Feng grabbed a handful of torn mutton, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it slowly, turned around and pushed open the door of the shelter, and walked towards the cultivation room.

He pushed open the wooden door of the cultivation room, it was dark inside, and the fireplace had long been extinguished.

Chu Feng quickly lit the fireplace with hay and branches, and the light of the fire illuminated the cultivation room while driving away part of the cold.

He got up and went to the breeding rack where the wild vegetables were planted, reached out and pinched the young leaves of the wild vegetables, and felt between his fingers that there was already ice residue in the young leaves.

"It's a bit difficult." Chu Feng smiled bitterly, all wild vegetables are the same look.

The temperature in the cultivation room gradually increased, and the wild vegetables hanging with ice residue began to thaw, and the originally emerald green young leaves became a little soft and rotten, which was the reason for the broken cells inside the leaves.

"It should continue to grow." Chu Feng muttered softly, he reached out and turned over the dirt, pulled out a wild vegetable and examined the root whiskers.

As long as the root system is not damaged and the nutrition can keep up, it is still possible for wild vegetables to continue to grow and grow leaves again.

"I have wild vegetables for dinner." Chu Feng smiled bitterly, and reached out to pinch off all the soft and rotten young leaves of the wild vegetables, and these soft and rotten leaves could still be eaten after thawing.


The wooden door was pushed open, and Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting walked in, still pulling mutton in their mouths.

"Chu Feng, what are you doing?" Wu Qingyue asked vaguely.

"Clean up the leaves." Chu Feng briefly explained the reason.

"Well, then I'll help you." Wu Qingyue rolled up her sleeves, walked to the cultivation rack, and reached out to carefully pinch off the leaves of the wild vegetables, leaving only the young leaves that had just emerged from the tip of the leaf.

Qi Weiting also bent down to help, carefully handling the blades.


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