Chu Feng and the three were busy in the cultivation room, with bamboo baskets on the side, and wild vegetable leaves piled up inside.

"Okay, Qingyue, send the wild vegetables to Yun Xin, and let her arrange how to cook them." Chu Feng said softly, pinch off the last wild vegetable leaf.

Looking around, the two cultivation racks that were originally green are now bare, and only a few wild vegetables still have young leaves the size of fingernails, which have been left because the impact is relatively low

"Okay." Wu Qingyue picked up the bamboo basket and pushed open the wooden door of the cultivation room to go out.

"How's the mushroom?" Qi Weiting stayed.

"It's okay, it's not a big impact." Chu Feng lifted the hay on the cultivation rack, and the mycelium in the wood chips grew well and was not affected for the time being.

He lifted all the hay and inspected all the bamboo grooves, only a few of the mycelium in the bamboo troughs showed signs of necrosis, and the rest were fine.

Chu Feng added a few pieces of wood to the fireplace and scanned the cultivation room.

After confirming that nothing had been done, he turned his head sideways and whispered, "Let's go, go back to the shelter." "

Qi Weiting nodded lightly and followed back to the shelter.

The girl and Liu Yimeng were busy in front of the fireplace.

"What about Qingyue and Yiqiu?" Chu Feng asked casually, sat down next to the support column, and casually picked up the coconut meat on the wooden table and chewed it.

"Go feed the rabbits and fawns." Yun Xin's head did not reply, grabbed a handful of cleaned wild vegetables and put them in the steel pot, and she made stir-fry dishes for dinner.

"Uh oh." Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, and then looked sideways at the bamboo cage hanging on the support column, and the dog egg lay listlessly inside.

He pursed his lips and chuckled a little apologetically: "I forgot that you existed." "

Chu Feng took two pecans, smashed them and put them in the bamboo cage.


The dog's shrugged head stood upright, flicked its furry tail and pounced, and Meizhi held the pecan and nibbled on it.

Chu Feng chuckled and reached out to tease the dog.

Qi Weiting sat on the side, her long eyelashes blinking, staring intently at the dog.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, reaching into the bamboo cage, and the dog hesitated and climbed onto the palm of his hand holding the pecan.

He stretched out his hand, sent the dog egg to Qi Weiting, and said softly: "You can touch it." "

Qi Weiting hesitated, stretched out her slender fingers, and gently touched the dog's head.

The dog resisted symbolically, and then continued to nibble on the pecans.

Qi Weiting's eyes lit up, and she held the dog's egg and stroked it.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, and the dog egg captured the heart of a girl again.


The wooden door of the shelter was pushed open.

"It's good that the rabbits and fawns didn't starve."

Wu Qingyue and Liu Yiqiu bent in, and then closed the wooden door to block the cold wind.

"It's time for dinner." Yun Xin said with a smile, using chopsticks to clamp a wild vegetable into his mouth and chewing it, the saltiness was just right.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu took out all the bowls and chopsticks in the bamboo basket, rinsed them with clean water, and placed them on the wooden table.

Liu Yimeng carried the clay pot to the earthen kang, and then brought two clay plates, which contained freshly fried wild vegetables and venison.

"So fragrant." Wu Qingyue couldn't wait to sit on the earthen kang, leaning over slightly to smell the fragrance emitted by the food.

"Eat." Yun Xin sat on the earthen kang with a smile, picked up the chopsticks and held the meat, and his stomach was already very hungry.

After a day's journey, my stomach was already hungry, and the dinner time was naturally early.

Everyone stretched their chopsticks, and the broth in the clay pot and the stir-fry in the clay plate were all falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

More than 20 minutes later, the six people were sitting on the earthen kang drinking hot tea and eating.

"Hiccup~~" Wu Qingyue couldn't help but burp and muttered: "It's easy to get sleepy when you're full." "

She grinned, reached out to rub her eyes, and then put her hands on the tabletop.

"Hee, Sister Qingyue, your image can be seen by the national audience." Yun Xin quipped with a grin.

"When I see it, I can see that I no longer have the image baggage of a singing diva." Wu Qingyue waved her hand and said softly, in the nine days in the wilderness, she has worn away too much of her nature, how to be comfortable now.

"Sister Qingyue, I want to hear you sing." Yun Xin learned her posture and said softly.

"What do you want to hear?" Wu Qingyue sat up straight and reached out to ruffle the golden hair that fell on her forehead.

"Bubbles." Yun Xin replied without thinking.

The 'bubble' was heard by chance by the girl once, and it has been remembered until now.

"Yes." Wu Qingyue smiled, cleared her throat, and began to sing:

"Foam in the sun, is colorful..."

Wu Qingyue's voice was very clean, and the song was infectious, so that everyone couldn't help but start humming along.

The audience in the live broadcast room all brushed the barrage, and Wu Qingyue's loyal fans brushed up their gifts.

"The goddess of Qing is so good, she sings well."

Goddess Qing's little follower: "Reward fish ball× 8888, you can sing so well without accompaniment, it really deserves to be my goddess." "

"Ah~~ I'm dead, I sing so well."

"Hey, Mom, my ears are pregnant, what should I do?"


Four minutes passed quickly, Wu Qingyue closed her mouth and finished singing a bubble song.

"Listen well, Sister Qingyue is so powerful." Yun Xin took the lead in applauding.

"It's a veritable good to hear that the ears are pregnant." Liu Yimeng praised.

"How can it be so exaggerated." Wu Qingyue was a little embarrassed.

Everyone sat around the wooden table and played, Liu Yiqiu and Qi Weiting carried pots and bowls to clean, and the rest played chess to pass the time.

Time passed quickly, the sky outside was already dark, and under Chu Feng's soft urging, the women had already taken a bath and lay on the bed.

"Chu Feng, aren't you sleeping yet?" Yun Xin asked softly with his head sideways.

"You sleep first, I'll go add some wood to the cultivation room." Chu Feng responded softly.

"Well, then don't be too late." Yun Xin pursed her lips and shrunk her head into her sleeping bag.

"Aha~~" Chu Feng yawned, and then he had to stay up until the early hours of the morning, waiting for the sign-in to receive the moon gift package.


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