Qianyue Island is close to the large mountain in the center, halfway up the mountain.

"Ahem~~" Yan Ruyu covered her mouth and coughed gently.

"Ruyu, get up and drink some mint water, it will feel better." Yan Qingyu sat on the edge of the bed with a wooden bowl and said softly.

"Good." Yan Ruyu got up, took the wooden bowl and sipped mint water, and her dry and stinging throat was relieved.

Yesterday morning, the Yan sisters went out as they were promised, walking in the mountains, and by the way to see if they could find new food, but they didn't expect to encounter a snowstorm in the afternoon.

The two braved heavy snow and cold wind to return to the shelter, and it didn't take long for Yan Ruyu to catch a cold, accompanied by a little low-grade fever, lying down for a day and not getting better.

"How?" Yan Qingyu asked with concern, reaching out and gently patting her sister's back.

"Much better, don't worry." Yan Ruyu squeezed a smile on her face, handed over the wooden bowl and lay down.

"Contains I mint leaves, which is helpful for the cure of cold and fever." Yan Qingyu pinched a sun-dried mint leaf with her fingers and handed it to her sister's mouth.

"Good." Yan Ruyu obediently opened her mouth and held the mint leaf.

"If you wake up tomorrow and you're not well, you'll have to find some herbs." Yan Qingyu said softly.

"Sister, it's all snow outside, where are the herbs." Yan Ruyu said in a low voice.

Yan Qingyu helped her sister tuck up her sleeping bag and said softly: "There are no leaves of herbs, but there are still rhizomes under the snow, but it is difficult to find a little." "

I used to live in the mountains, and I knew exactly what the effects of the herbs in the mountains were.

"Then I'll go with you tomorrow." Yan Ruyu quickly asked.


Yan Qingyu shook her head lightly, refused her sister's request, and said softly: "Your cold and fever are not good yet, and going out to the snow again will aggravate the condition, and it will get better more slowly." "

"Okay..." Yan Ruyu bit her lower lip, lowered her head slightly, and muttered, "Sister, am I dragging my feet." "

"Fool, how could it be." Yan Qingyu was stunned, and then reached out and poked his sister's cheek to soothe.

"Really?" Yan Ruyu had tears rolling in her eyes.

"Of course, okay, you go to sleep quickly, stay up late and get better more slowly." The corners of Yan Qingyu's mouth rose and said softly.

"What about my sister, isn't she sleeping yet?" Yan Ruyu asked sideways.

"I'll sleep in a little more time when I see the fire." Yan Qingyu turned around and sat down next to the fire, and then threw a few pieces of wood into the fire.

She had to keep vigil for the night, and the fire could not be extinguished as early as usual, after all, her sister was still cold and needed to keep warm.

"Then it's not too late." Yan Ruyu said softly and looked sideways at her sister, and then unconsciously closed her eyes, and her breathing gradually stabilized.

Yan Qingyu got up and carefully leveled her sister's body, lying flat to sleep so that she would not press her arms, and she would sleep more peacefully.

"Hopefully it will get better tomorrow."

She whispered to herself, and the snow went to rummage through the roots of herbs, which is easier said than done!



Chu Feng sat by the fireplace, holding a saber and wood in his hand, and sat against the wall of the hearth with a wood carving.

"Click, click..."

The saber in his hand swung flexibly, the wood chips fell to the ground, and the wood carving in his hand gradually took shape, it was a Q version of a girl.

"There are still four days to go, and my birthday is coming." Chu Feng muttered softly, and the saber carefully carved the girl's soft face on the wood carving.

He made a girl's birthday present, and he made the gift before it arrived in the early morning.

"Hmm~~Chu Feng~~" Yun Xin, who was lying on the earthen kang, turned over and muttered something softly.

Chu Feng quickly hid the wooden carving behind him, looked sideways at the earthen kang, and after a while, he was sure that it was the girl's dream words before relaxing.

He blew the wood chips on the carving, and with satisfaction, hid the carving on the top of the wooden shelf and placed it behind the clay pot to ensure that the girl could not see it.

"Aha~~" Chu Feng couldn't help but yawn, stood up and stretched.

"The time should be almost up."

He muttered softly, and then ordered in his head: "Sign in!" "

The next moment, a virtual screen popped up in front of you, showing that the date of the 1st lit up, proving that the system has begun a new January.

Then a mechanically synthesized voice sounded: "Ding! Sign in for 30 days and get a monthly package. "

"Another thirty days, it's really not easy." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth smiled.

He commanded in his heart: "Open the moon gift package." "

"Ding! One body strengthening elixir formula. (Intermediate)"

"Ding! A gift pack of field medicinal experience. (Intermediate)"

"Ding! A gift package of ore exploration experience. (Elementary)"

Hearing the last, Chu Feng's sleepiness had already been dispelled, and the whole person was in a state of excitement.

He quietly sat down again against the fireplace, with his back to the camera, reaching out to add wood to the fireplace, while giving the command in his mind: "Open the body strengthening potion formula." "

"Ding! Body Strengthening Elixir Formula Transmission..."

The next moment, Chu Feng's head seemed to be hit by a mallet, and a large amount of knowledge and pictures flooded into his mind, causing a headache.

He leaned his teeth against the fireplace and silently accepted the transmission of the system.

After five or six minutes, the headache gradually subsided, but the forehead was also covered with sweat.


Chu Feng took a deep breath, reached out to wipe the sweat off his forehead, then stood up, picked up a clay cup on the wooden table and poured a cup of water to relieve the sore feeling in his head.

He then sat by the fireplace and digested the newly acquired knowledge in his mind.

"I actually gave the formula of a mid-grade body strengthening potion..." Chu Feng secretly smacked his tongue, the gift package given by the system this time was very powerful.

Intermediate Body Strengthening Elixir Formula, What Does It Mean?

If he can concoct a medium-level body strengthening potion, it means that Yun Xin and the others can also have the same terrifying strength as Chu Feng, which is of great help to wilderness survival.

“...... I knew it wasn't possible. The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched

After he absorbed and digested the knowledge in his mind, when he saw the materials in the formula, he felt that the whole person was not good.

"A hundred years of Ganoderma lucidum, a hundred years of wild ginseng..." Chu Feng calmed down, many of the medicinal materials in the formula could not be found on String Moon Island, and there were even a few that he had never even heard of.

He smiled bitterly, swept away the thoughts in his mind, and then considered concocting an intermediate body strengthening potion when he had the opportunity to do so later.

Chu Feng continued to give orders in his mind: "Open the field medicine experience package. "


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