A mechanically synthesized voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind:

"Ding! The field medicine experience gift package is in transit..."

A large amount of knowledge poured into his mind, and the feeling of swelling and pain reappeared, but it was much better than before, and it only lasted for ten minutes before returning to normal.

Chu Feng grinned, digesting the newly acquired knowledge in his mind.

"It's a lot of knowledge and recipes." He carefully sorted out the knowledge in his mind.

The knowledge given by the Intermediate Medicinal Experience Gift Pack is still the use of herbs to treat diseases, but there are many more herbal formulas, which can treat more diseases.

"There is another guarantee of survival in the wild." Chu Feng sighed in his heart.

After digesting the knowledge in his mind, he continued to give the order: "Open the ore exploration experience package. "

"Ding! Ore Exploration Experience Gift Pack is in transit......."

Chu Feng was mentally prepared, and when the feeling of swelling and pain in his head hit the next moment, he still couldn't help but snort, lowered his head and leaned on the fireplace, holding back his body from trembling to avoid the camera.

Nearly twenty minutes passed, the swelling pain dissipated, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Huhu~~" Chu Feng took a deep breath, reached out to wipe the sweat off his forehead, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "No matter how strong the body is, it can't withstand this swelling pain." "

He quietly sorted out the knowledge in his mind, a kind of ore passed through his mind, and there was also knowledge about the mining and exploration of ore.

There are five or six kinds of ores mentioned in it, iron ore, salt ore...

"Give me the knowledge to survey ore, but there is no way to refine it..." Chu Feng tugged at the corners of his mouth, another gift bag that was not currently used.


"It's time to sleep."

He stood up and yawned, added a few pieces of wood to the fireplace, then turned and took off his shoes and climbed onto the earthen kang, carefully getting into his sleeping bag.

"Hmm~~" Yun Xin muttered softly, rolled over and hugged Chu Feng's waist, and then rubbed his head, subconsciously found a comfortable position, breathing was still very steady.

Chu Feng glanced sideways at the girl, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, sleepiness struck, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


In the early morning, the sun fell on Qianyue Island, and Yun Xin and the Liu family sisters got up one after another, busy in front of the fireplace.

On the earthen kang, Chu Feng, who was lying in the sleeping bag, slowly opened his eyes, and after lying quietly for a few minutes, he also got up, put on his shoes and got off the earthen kang.


Wu Qingyue rubbed her messy long blonde hair and sat up, greeting with big sleepy eyes: "Everyone is early!" "

"Early." Yun Xin responded with a smile.

"Hee-hee, Sister Qingyue, it's time for your hair to be taken care of." Liu Yimeng laughed.

"Let's do maintenance when you go back." Wu Qingyue's fingers pinched the ends of her golden hair, and her hair was already split ends.

"By the way, Sister Qingyue, how many days are left in your experience?" Liu Yimeng asked curiously.

"Today is the tenth day, not counting today, there are four days left." Wu Qingyue twisted her fingers and counted, it has been ten days since she came to the wilderness.

"Time flies so fast." Yun Xin sighed that the two big stars were going back to the city in four days.

"Heehee, Xiao Yunxin is not willing to let us go." Wu Qingyue asked with a grin.

"A little, just a little." Yun Xin spat out my tongue and responded with a smile.

"Be careful I don't leave."

Wu Qingyue threatened, "Staying will add difficulty and burden to you. "

Chu Feng came out of the toilet after brushing his teeth, and when he heard this, he chuckled and responded: "That's not it, it's not difficult to feed two more people." "

"It's better to stay, with big stars as company, others don't want it." Yun Xin said with a smile, said and turned around to pour a cup of pine needle tea for Chu Feng and handed it over.

"No, I still have to go back to the city, otherwise what will happen to my fans?" Wu Qingyue stuck out her tongue mischievously, and then got up and got off the earthen kang.

Chu Feng chuckled, what Wu Qingyue said was really possible, the news did not report this, because fans were too obsessed with stars, resulting in doing all kinds of extreme things.

The audience who squatted in the live broadcast room early in the morning brushed up the barrage, many of whom were loyal fans of Wu Qingyue.

"Ah~~, the goddess of Qing come back quickly, it's too hard in the wilderness."

"That's right, the goddess of Qing is coming back soon, I'm afraid that you will be eaten dry and wiped clean by Chu Feng."

"Tell me nonsense, how could Chu Feng do such a thing?"

"I think if Wu Qingyue continues to live, she will fall into Chu Feng's arms."

"With Chu Feng's charm, I think it's possible."


Half an hour later, Chu Feng and the others were sitting around the earthen kang eating breakfast.

Liu Yimeng chewed the food in her mouth and asked vaguely, "Chu Feng, what are you going to do today?" "

"Clear the snow." Chu Feng said softly.

Food is plentiful now, and it's snowing day, and it's too dangerous to go out hunting.

"Is this still wilderness survival?" Wu Qingyue quipped that the other contestants were trying their best to find food and keep warm, and Chu Feng had already started a leisure life here.

Qi Weiting pursed her lips, this is a different wilderness survival, it feels like coming for a vacation.

"You can practice martial arts and archery." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Well, that's it." Liu Yimeng pursed her lips, this martial arts and archery practice for a day, I am afraid that it will make the body fall apart, especially with Qi Weiting's supervision, it is impossible to be lazy.

"Hee-hee, I'll make you hats." Yun Xin said with a smile, the three wolf skins had been processed, and she planned to make a warm hat.

"Yun Xin, don't be mine, I'll leave in a few days, don't waste animal skins." Wu Qingyue said softly.

"Mine doesn't need either." Qi Weiting nodded in agreement.

"But it's a few days." Yun Xin said softly.

"Four days passed in the blink of an eye." Wu Qingyue insisted, after living here in Chu Feng for so long, how could he be embarrassed to waste two pieces of animal skin?

"Okay." Yun Xin pursed her lips and said helplessly.

After everyone finished breakfast, Liu Yiqiu and Qi Weiting cleaned up the pots and bowls, turned around and went to the toilet to wash.

Liu Yimeng and the girl each took a bow and arrow and went out of the courtyard of the shelter to practice archery.

Chu Feng stretched out and also stepped out of the shelter, and the snow on the roof of the shelter and the cultivation room had to be cleared.

He found a ladder, climbed onto the roof with a sapper shovel, and began to clear the snow.


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