In the early morning, the sun shines on the wooden houses in the mountains.


Inside the wooden house, Yan Ruyu shouted outside the wooden house: "Sister, breakfast is ready." "

She sat by the fire, her face was a little pale, her head was even more dizzy today, and her cold and fever were more serious.


Yan Qingyu pushed open the wooden door and walked in, frowning and whispering, "Why did you get up?" "

She got up very early today, first using a steel pot to melt the snow into water, then cutting the meat and cooking breakfast, taking advantage of the gap between cooking to rummage through the snow outside, looking for some herb rhizomes.

"If you don't get up, the pot should be paste." Yan Ruyu pursed her lips and said softly.

The corners of Yan Qingyu's mouth trembled slightly, as if he had been out for a long time, and the meat in the steel pot had been boiled thin.

She took a wooden bowl and chopsticks from the wooden shelf, put a bowl of broth in a wooden spoon and handed it to her sister, and said softly: "Then eat quickly, lie down obediently after eating." "

"No appetite." Yan Ruyu held the wooden bowl and looked at the meat foam inside without appetite, not to mention that this was a bowl of broth without any seasonings.

"Eat more or less, otherwise your body won't be able to hold it." Yan Qingyu said softly.

"Well, good." Yan Ruyu lowered her head and blew the hot air, sipped the broth, and endured the faint smell of meat and ate it.

"Without seasonings, it's a bit unpalatable." The corner of Yan Qingyu's mouth twitched, but he still endured the nausea and finished the broth.

After waiting for her sister to finish eating, she took the pots and bowls out of the wooden house, washed the pots and bowls with snow and charcoal outside, cleaned them up and returned to the wooden house.

Yan Ruyu sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her sister, and asked softly: "Sister, are you going out?" "

"Well, I'll dig up some herbal roots, and you'll lie down in bed." Yan Qingyu took the bow and arrow from the wooden frame, and at the same time pinned the wood knife to his waist.

"Then you pay attention, you have to come back before dark." Yan Ruyu instructed softly.

"Don't worry, I'll be back before dark." Yan Qingyu came over and reached out to straighten her sister's collar.

Then she touched her sister's head melon and gently instructed: "Don't go out of the wooden house if you are fine, if you are hungry at noon, cook something to eat." "

"Good." Yan Ruyu replied softly.

"I'm leaving, stay warm." Yan Qingyu instructed again, then pushed open the wooden door and walked out of the wooden house, walking towards the foot of the mountain.

Yan Ruyu looked at the closed wooden door, sat on the wooden bed, reached out and touched the burned face, and her face darkened.

She sat on the wooden bed in a daze, and after more than ten minutes, she slowly lay down, tilting her head sideways to look at the fire.


On the mountainside, the cold wind is blowing, and it is much colder here than at the foot of the mountain.

Yan Qingyu scanned the surroundings with both eyes, stopped in the snow next to a large tree, and then used the firewood knife he brought to planed the snow, which may have the herb rhizome he needed.

She dug for more than ten minutes to clear the surrounding snow and expose the frozen soil.

Yan Qingyu just glanced at it, then stood up helplessly and said with a bitter smile: "Another ten minutes in vain." "

The clearings were empty, proving that there were no plants before the snow, and that digging up them was just a waste of time.

Yan Qingyu packed up her belongings, patted the snow on her knees, and continued to walk towards the mountain, stopping at every snow where herbs could grow, digging through the snow again and again.

Time passed slowly, and the sun appeared directly above, meaning it was noon.

"Huhu~~" Yan Qingyu gasped and sat down next to a big tree with a basket.

Inside the basket were two herb whiskers, which she had spent the morning digging, from halfway up the mountain to the other side of the mountain, which was already very close to the top.

"I don't know if I can find the white flower snake tongue grass." Yan Qingyu whispered to herself.

When she lived with her father in the mountains, as long as she had a cold and fever, her father would go to find this herb, fry it with water, and drink it the next day to feel much better.

This herb is found in many places, but now it is much more difficult to find due to snow everywhere due to snowy days.

Yan Qingyu pursed her dry lips, and her throat couldn't help but roll.

She didn't come out with a steel pot this time, so she couldn't make a fire and boil water.

Yan Qingyu grabbed a handful of white snow, hesitated or threw the snow away, stood up with a wooden basket, and continued to rummage through the snow to find herbs.

Time passed again, the sun was setting to the west, and she had climbed to the top of the mountain and looked into the distance.

"It's the sea, so a lot of competitors are over there." Yan Qingyu looked to the east and could vaguely see the blue water.

The seaside is a good place to live, but she is more familiar with the mountains, so after landing here, she chose to stay.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Yan Qingyu could still see that the surroundings were white, and only a few places had green.

"Those are supposed to be pine trees." She muttered softly.

Looking to the east, you can vaguely see a few greens, and in snowy areas, you can think of evergreen plants, which are pines.

Yan Qingyu sighed secretly, turned around and probed around, using a firewood knife to continue to clean up the snow, looking for the last herb: white flower snake tongue grass.

"Finally found it." Her eyes lit up, and she found dried up white-flowered snake tongue grass in the clearing.

She carefully gouged the soil with a firewood knife and dug out the white flower snaketongue grass together with the root whiskers.

Yan Qingyu put the white flower snake tongue grass into the basket, got up and patted the snow on her knee, and said softly: "It's time to go back, I don't know what Ruyu is doing." "

She had been out for most of the day, and now she was able to return to the cabin before dark.

Yan Qingyu looked in the direction and walked down the mountain with the basket along the footprints when she came, and more than two or three hours later, the wooden house appeared in her line of sight.

At this time, the sky also gradually darkened, the door of the wooden house was pushed open, and Yan Ruyu walked out wearing a hood in a storm jacket, holding a torch and scanning the surroundings with her eyes.

"Ruyu, go in quickly, it's cold outside." Yan Qingyu hurriedly shouted.

"Sister, you're back." The worry on Yan Ruyu's face faded, and she originally planned to go to her sister.

"Well, it worries you." Yan Qingyu said softly, the appearance of the dust servant looked a little embarrassed.

Yan Ruyu looked at her sister's chapped and white lips, and felt guilty in her heart, and quickly urged: "I have boiling hot water, come in and drink some." "


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