January 1, a brand new year, a brand new day.

Since the beginning of the new year, the sergeants have been frightened. After returning from the detention center, they entered a state of tension. They wished to take turns standing guard and guarding the chief’s bedroom just in case.

In the past few days, Chu Yu got up at half past six, eats regularly, and works on time. Except for the lack of words, there is no abnormality on the surface.

All the Huaihua project was handed over to the public security organs and the prosecutor's office. The work of the Superman Department was a lot easier in an instant. Now the main task is to be responsible for the investigation team, explaining and reflecting on the mistakes in the Huaihua project.

Chu Yu didn't want to speak, so he wrote a report and a review book, explaining the previous plan in detail-she made a mistake in her judgment. She believed that Mu Shangqing, who had an accident five years ago, was still alive and was implicated in Xiaohuaihua, so she pretended to let it go. Walking the little Sophora japonica flowers leads to Mu Shangqing. However, there were mistakes in the analysis of Xiaohuaihua's psychology and the case, which had an irreparable impact on Fushan Hospital and the stability of the society as a whole, and I hope that the higher authorities will punish them.

In the afternoon, Chu Yu went to the provincial government. Now the central investigation team has opened an office in the building, which is responsible for directing and supervising the investigation and trial of the Huaihua project, as well as investigating suspicious parts of the project.

The investigation work was mainly directed at the Superman Department. After all, before the Fukuyama Hospital incident, the entire investigation work was under the command of the Superman Department. As a result, a villa "honeymoon period" came, and a mental hospital came and went crazy again. There was a trial in the court.

Chu Yu submitted the report to the investigation team, and the person in charge checked it. Supervisor Liu took advantage of this effort and asked Chu Yu: "Although the suspect has never spoken, do you know something about her past?"

Chu Yu guessed that he would ask. Although she hadn't made it clear when she was in the detention center a few days ago, she had already revealed what she said to Xia Yihan.

And this part was not involved in the file transferred to the Public Security Bureau.

At Chenxing, Chu Yu learned of the existence of a criminal organization, but did not immediately report it to the public security organ, because she knew in her heart that to find the original crew of the orphanage and complete the conviction, Xia Yihan's help was needed. Moreover, she is deeply worried about the Liangshui police's ability to handle cases. If she is not sure enough, let Liangshui conduct investigations, and she may even start the investigation.

But now that this situation dragged on, it would be unreported. Chu Yu no longer concealed it. He reported to the investigation team that there was a suspected large-scale criminal organization in Liangshui City, and the illegal activities involved included but not limited to child trafficking and personal injury. , Forced begging, and fighting.

These are things learned from Morningstar, but Morningstar lives at the bottom of the organization, and has limited information and did not see the full picture. Therefore, Chu Yu has reason to believe that the organized criminal activities far exceed what he has seen and heard. .

The investigative team asked Chu Yu to explain the source of the information. Chu Yu did not tell Chenxing because before Chen Xing spoke, he made it clear that he only mentioned the matter to her. If another policeman took over, he would be like Xia Yihan and would not keep his mouth shut. talk.

Chu Yu took out a recording pen: "This is an dictation from an insider. It has been approved by him and can be used. However, he has certain psychological problems and does not trust the police. If the police formally question him, the situation On the contrary, it will be worse. If there are other questions, you can let me convey them."

When the investigating team learned of it, they were shocked. They did not expect that the originally complicated Sophora japonica case was also mixed with another major case. They immediately responded to the Ministry of Public Security and adjusted their current work.

This is the first major task of the Superman Department. The second thing is to transfer all of Xia Yihan’s examination results to the prosecutor’s office, including various examinations of the body, nervous system and mental state, as well as psychological tests, electroencephalograms, and CT scan and other special examinations.

Before the handover, Fang Datuo hesitated a little, and looked at Chu Yu's face, "Hand over it all?"

Chu Yu lowered his eyes, knowing that he was referring to the appraisal certificate of anti-social personality disorder, the judicial organs would definitely conduct an inspection, but would refer to the opinions given by Superman.

It stands to reason that Xia Yihan has a psychological disorder. Submitting relevant identification certificates can allow her to reduce her sentence or obtain treatment. However, anti-social personality disorder is an exception. Compared with ordinary criminals, anti-social criminals stay in prisons and hospitals for longer because of its Correction is difficult, and the prison environment will worsen the condition. Taking into account social security, even after the end of the sentence, the release of anti-social criminals is still an issue that needs to be considered.

Therefore, after the materials are submitted, it is not just as simple as "revenging for the father". The court will also consider Xia Yihan's criminal tendency, that is, whether there is instinct and pathological criminal motives, which may extend Xia Yihan's sentence or even post it. On the label of "criminal personality".

Chu Yu sorted out all the inspection reports, put them in a file bag, and said, "Hand in, hand in all."

Fang Datuo stood there, watching Chu Yu walk out with a dozen portfolios.

He couldn't help sighing that all the things that Chu Yu did in the past few days went against the goal of "striving for commutation."

These are all obligations that must be fulfilled in accordance with the procedures, and Chu Yu did so in compliance with the rules, but Fang Datuo found it unbelievable how Chu Yu dealt with such arduous "business affairs" calmly.

The clerks knew Chu Yu’s temperament. Even if they knew that the Superman Department would go bankrupt the next day, she would still work as if nothing had happened on the last day. Muyu said that Chu Yu can concentrate on her work because she is a workaholic with no emotions. Demon, I feed my emotions to the dog while working.

But nowadays, the situation is special, involving emotional problems. Every word on the document, every detail reported, and every bit of it is related to Xia Yihan. They were worried that Chu Yu would be overwhelmed, so they were injured in the detention center, and they had to remember repeatedly when they came back. Pain, isn't this poking a knife straight into your heart?

But Chu Yu once again showed the perversion that workaholics should have. When dealing with affairs, he was meticulous, as if he suddenly lost his memory. He didn't know that these things were related to the Sophora japonica project.

These days, apart from talking less and often going out to work, the clerk hasn’t noticed anything unusual about the director, and is even more serious than before.

But a week later, Muyu finally realized why Chu Yu could maintain his normal state and continue to work normally.

Because she is still running to the detention center every day.

Muyu followed her and found that she went to the supermarket, pushed a shopping cart, and piled things into it. She bought bread, fruits, nuts, potato chips, canned food, and also bought thermal underwear, quilts, pillows, shampoo, Shampoo, facial cleanser, and finally a few packs of sanitary napkins were stuffed. After checking out, I filled three big pockets. I drove a car and pulled them to the detention center. All were handed over to the guard for Xia Yihan.

Muyu asked the director of the detention center, and the director said that they are all used to it. After that day, Chu Yu still came every day, carrying large and small bags, but Xia Yihan couldn’t use most of the things, such as food and toiletries. It was arranged by the detention center in a unified way, but after talking to Chu Yu, she didn't listen, and the photos were bought correctly.

Generally, daily necessities can be purchased in the detention center, and family members can flush some money in the detainee card for internal use. Generally, two to three hundred are enough. As a result, Chu Yu charged three thousand at a time, the director told Muyu, these may not be used up before Xia Yihan is transferred to prison.

In addition to shopping, Chu Yu also visited the detention center. Behind the prison area, there is a small yard where the detainees release the air. It is a concrete floor with walls on all sides and iron railings on top. The scenery is dull. Even the guards didn't want to take another look.

But Chu Yu insisted on visiting the yard, and planned to apply for a monthly pass, which would be valid for a long time.

The director did not agree, so she "bribered" him, and the director was helpless. Others bribed to clear the relationship. She bribed to visit the broken courtyard.

When Muyu went there, he found that Chu Yu was standing in the center of the courtyard, alone, facing the prison area, with his hands folded in front of him, his two thumbs scratching back and forth, as if expecting something.

Muyu was at the entrance, looking at her through the iron gate, and asked the guard next to him, "How long has she been here?"

"It's been more than an hour, sometimes standing still, sometimes pacing in the field."

From Muyu's perspective, Chu Yu looked in a certain direction from time to time. Later, Muyu checked the list of prisons and learned that it was Xia Yihan's prison.

That night, Muyu left without saying a word and returned to Superman. Song Qingyang and Fang Datuo asked her, but she didn't say a word, they both looked confused, thinking that they were infected by Chu Yu.

The next day, Chu Yu got up early again and was about to go out, but found that the door could not be opened. She re-entered the password several times, but it didn't work.

She wanted to ask if Muyumen was broken, and when she turned around, she stood behind her when she saw Muyu, looking a bit more serious than usual.

"Where are you going?" As if asking.

Chu Yu closed his shoulder bag, "I'll go shopping."

"What to buy?"

"Buy something to eat and use."

"Where did you buy it?"

Chu Yu heard what she meant, so he didn't say anything, and motioned to her: "Open the door, I still have a lot of things today."

Seeing her change the subject, Muyu helped her answer, "You bought everything and sent it to the detention center, but can Xiaohuahua use it and can she eat it? Will she be rare?"

Muyu raised the volume unconsciously, Song Qingyang heard the sound, probed his head out, waited for a while, and called Fang Datuo down from the fifth floor. The two stood silently, not daring to speak.

Muyu and Chu Yu faced each other in silence for a while. Chu Yu's face turned pale. She hadn't rested for a few days, and she was a little haggard, but her eyes turned flexibly, she was still sensitive and calm, and she couldn't see anything abnormal.

She ignored Muyu's questioning like a beanie, and just said, "Open the door, and I have to go to the government today."

Muyu: "Why do you stand in the yard of the detention center every day?"

Chu Yu listened, looked at her seriously, and said solemnly: "I have a good view of the position, the yard is facing her window, if she wants to see me, I am there, then she can see when she looks out the window. Me!"

A crack appeared on Muyu’s unchanged face for thousands of years, and she suddenly cried, “You know that she doesn’t care about you at all, and you don’t want to see you. You still guard her every day. It takes only a few hours to stand, it's weird, do you know it!"

Chu Yu saw that her tears were falling so badly, he was taken aback, and comforted her: "No, she doesn't want to see me now, but what if she wants to see me in the future? She is slow to respond and may want to see me in the future... "

With that, Chu Yu wanted to go up and pat Muyu's back. Muyu took a step back, wiped his tears, breathed steadily, and his voice increased a bit: "Listen to me, listen to me why she doesn't want to see you. —As you said before, she has a strong conviction in crime. She insisted on this belief for five years, but was overthrown overnight, and the person who overthrew it was you, and you were the one who personally destroyed all her spiritual pillars. people.

"Also, in her criminal beliefs, Superman and Da Chu are the culprits and murderers. She hates Da Chu and this institution. This hatred has lasted for five years and has been deeply rooted, and now, You are the daughter of the person she hates the most, the head of the organization she hates the most. What do you do to meet her?

"And you also know that she is an anti-social personality and is born with emotional defects. Let alone the quality of her innate qualities, for the past three years, she has been immersed in a criminal environment, initially being oppressed and exploited. But later she was a senior in the organization, but during her leadership role, the organization continued to operate as usual. The hand should be severed or the hand should be begged. The assimilation effect of the environment is amazing, if not for revenge for her dad. , She will stay in the criminal organization forever, will become the biggest criminal leader, the biggest dangerous element, the most heinous villain! Do you think you will save her for a while? She rejects you so much, and your efforts are in her In my eyes, there is no value at all!"

Fang Datuo knew that she was right, but the words were too straight, and a little too much, so he hurried to hold her and let her calm down.

Chu Yu's eyes stopped moving, and he stared in one direction, but he didn't lose his senses. Instead, he was full of expression: "I know, I know it won't work for a while, so I made long-term preparations."

Muyu broke free of Fang Datuo. She grabbed Chu Yu's shoulders, begging in her tone: "Chu, shall we let go? Hand the case to the procuratorate and the court, and hand the Xiaohuahua to the prison and the hospital, they It will be handled properly."

Chu Yu laughed suddenly, but his brows were lowered, and his smile was a bit bitter: "I'm sorry..."

As she said, she raised her head and glanced over Song Qingyang and Fang Da's support, "I'm sorry, I...I don't want to give up on her now, I think I can fight for it again."

She thought: If even I gave up, no one in this world would fight for her.

Muyu shook his body, and the cracks on his face became deeper and deeper.

Chu Yu looked at the wound on her face, which was the one that was smashed by Xia Yihan's own hands a month ago.

"Why would I meet a leader like you?" Muyu pointed at Chu Yu and counted her ten sins. "Stubborn, workaholic, exploiting employees, not being affectionate, and not even knowing how to do housework. We are responsible for all the small hygiene and housework. The cooking is the same as rat medicine, which is poisonous to the individual. The **** thing is a nympho. He ran to the detention center to squat and embezzle public funds to buy it. For food and for use, leave us to eat steamed buns and drink northwest wind!"

Fang Datuo heard her roar and noticed something was wrong, and then he felt that he had resigned face-to-face.

He stepped forward to cover her mouth, winked at Qing Yang, and motioned to take Aunt Muyu back to calm down.

But Muyu flung them away with nowhere, she covered her eyes, wiped it back and forth a few times, and her voice choked.

"But I'm really afraid that you will get hurt. After all, if you die and come to a new leader, I won't be used to it."

Chu Yu patted her on the back: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I am more afraid of her ignoring me than hurting me."

Muyu sighed. There was a kind of helplessness that her daughter could not keep shut. She stepped forward, pressed the password, opened the wall door, and waved to the outside: "Go, go."

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