4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 186: Knight in the air

war? No, the slaughter is still going on. The bodies of countless emerald dragons are pierced by spears. The blood from them has already caused the surrounding air to have a strong smell. Hundreds of emerald dragons are dying. And Li’s casualties haven’t even reached 100...

The situation of the battle has become obvious. A large number of emerald dragons frantically squeezed into the entrance of the pyramid. The place that was originally surrounded by them became their place of survival. Indeed, it is possible to survive in it, but the pyramid is not big. It is impossible to accommodate all the jade dragons on this grass, so most of them will be killed.

Lin’s spies did not follow them, but climbed to the top of the pyramid to look around. Some of the shackles had already been killed near the pyramid. This was a natural result, surrounded by a pyramid... and then around the pyramid. Sleeping, not being surrounded is strange.

These jade dragons, perhaps at the beginning, are destined to be abandoned. They are mostly the lower-level thieves, useless, and only harm the city of Jade Dragon. Now, their only role has come to an end... ...?

Maybe, other jade dragons will think so, but Lin knows that Susumi will not.


Suddenly, a low voice concealed the screams that echoed on this land. I saw that there were countless huge shadows under the sunshine of the sky...

That is... Susumi’s Yalong troops.

‘Hey! In the sky, there was a rush of sharp objects, and countless spears and sharp arrows sprinkled from the air like rain. These specially-built new weapons pierced the clamshell. at this moment. The screams of Li Wei have overshadowed the sound of the Jade Dragon!

"Assault! Fight for the king!"

Accompanied by the screams of the Yalong Knights in the air. The Yalongs made a huge roar, and all the giant shadows swooped down from the air. They crashed into the army with their huge bodies, and the body covered with armor instantly crushed a lot of verticals. The cracking sound of the carapace is mixed with the screams of Li, and the situation on the battlefield has changed again.

"It's the king's army! It didn't abandon us!" The Jade Dragons, who were surrounded by the pyramids, watched the submerged Yalong group cheering up! They became very excited one by one, and each of them whipped up the courage to pick up the weapons on the ground and start to fight.

Lie did not pay attention to this group of emerald dragons, but turned to besiege those Yalong who fell to the ground. There was a group of scorpions who used the spears to attack the Yalong and restricted their actions. After seeing Yalong being surrounded, a dynasty rushed toward the front of Yalong, and it jumped up suddenly, and the spear in his hand went straight. Yalong’s eyes are stabbed!

But at the moment when the eye of the Lieutenant’s spear stabbed Zhong Yalong’s eyes, it immediately made a '啪' sound, as if it had been hit by a hard rock, Yalong suddenly looked up and used that. The mouth full of fangs bite this shackle...

‘咔...’ It feels like the sound of the eggshell being crushed. This stand-up belt was bitten into pieces.

'Roar! Yalong spit out the pieces in his mouth, and it slammed his wings. Suddenly he flew around and stood up with a spear, and at the same time, its long tail slammed into the back of Yalong and was suddenly blown out by powerful forces.

The jade dragon riding on the back of Yalong basically does nothing to do, but Yalong easily solves a group of squats around him.

Lin looked at the battle on the pyramid, and Lin found that she did not understand Yalong.

Yalong is almost an insurmountable target for Li Wei. They can easily bite or crush the scorpion, and Yalong is covered with armor, and even the eyeball has a transparent hard shell covering. Some of the reptile-specific features, and the number of them are quite numerous. Just dozens of them have just been washed down from the air, and many are hovering in the air, ready to throw spears or archery underneath them. Under the assault, Li Zi, who had almost triumphantly, could only retreat and escape.

Lie began to retreat, they fled into the jungle, Yalongs can not chase the jungle, so they kill as many places as possible here.

Lin found that black pepper is also among the group of Yalong knights. It seems that it did not escape before, but went to the reinforcements.

‘Hey! At this time, there was also a scream of Lie in the jungle. It seems that the regular ground troops of the Jade Dragon have reached the jungle.

The battle is over soon. The ground is full of emerald dragons and corpses. It is difficult to count which side is more, but in this case, Jade Dragon has won a full victory.

In the jungle, the emerald dragon’s ground forces also killed a lot of crickets, but there should still be some escapes.

Susumumi did not want to abandon this temporary force. Lin did not see Susumumi here, and did not know where to go.

This temporary unit has suffered heavy losses. It is estimated that the remaining ones have not yet reached 20% of the number of departures. However, they do not seem to have any so-called. Every emerald dragon is constantly cheering for the arrival of Yalong troops. Lin believes After this time, they will be more thorough about Susummi's worship...

It seems that Susumi had this idea at the beginning, strengthening the worship of the Yalongs in the lower and ordinary layers. No matter how many of them survived, they will definitely continue to publicize after they return, so that more Jade Dragons will know.

Under the cheers of the emerald dragons, the Yalong Knights jumped from the back of Yalong one by one. They were still commanded by the black pepper. It began to tell the Cuilong to clean up the battlefield. The Jade Dragons buried all the bodies of their companions. Get up, and the corpses are piled up together.

What are you doing together? Of course it is grilled and eaten! Black peppers ordered the green dragons to pile up firewood, and then they smashed the corpses of the scorpions one by one and put them on the fire, and some jade dragons were preparing to feed the yalong. The yalongs were basically not injured. In addition to their wing membranes.

Most of Yalong's wing membranes have been smashed, and some of them have several spears hanging on them. However, Yalong's wing membrane has a strong ability to regenerate and will soon be able to grow a new one, so there is nothing wrong with it.

In this way, the Jade Dragons started a barbecue feast, and the fragrance of our scent floated in the jungle. The starved jade dragons frantically ate these delicious foods. Although they are poisonous, they are very toxic. It doesn't matter if you don't eat poisonous glands.

Although the war seems to have been suspended, it is clear that Li Yi will not be so good, and there is still a problem... The Emerald Dragon that had rushed into the pyramid has not yet come out. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~iamyu1983~ white paper heart~ monthly ticket~

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