4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 187: Tower shaped

Now, it is the middle of the day, the ground is carrying a large group of jade dragons who have been resting after eating. They should have been eaten for a long time, so most of them have to eat and have to rest.

The regular troops are different from them. Every regular soldier is not paying attention to the surrounding situation all the time. Although they also eat, they don’t eat much. At the same time, there are many Yalongs in the sky, and now they should not It was the case that it was surrounded by sleeping...

The black pepper is now fully spiritually riding on Yalong. It is paying attention to the direction of the jungle. Suddenly, an emerald dragon came out of the jungle. It went to the black pepper and said: "Commander, the investigation report has come out. Up..."

Black pepper said: "Very good, what is the reason?"

Lynn’s spy also ran to the black pepper riding the Yalong and listened to them. They were investigating the fact that most of the jade dragons in the jungle were killed in a short time.

At that time, there were thousands of jade dragons in the jungle. It was impossible to be killed. Even if they were attacked, most of them should be able to escape.

"They mainly eat this." The investigation of the Jade Dragon took out a red fruit and placed it on the ground: "Maybe the group of cockroaches put these fruits in the surrounding jungle, they pick up before going to bed." have eaten."

"Is this the reason?" Black pepper said: "There should be a little more food for them. If you forget, bury all the bodies and report to the king!"

"Yes!" Emerald Dragon left immediately.

Lin knows that the fruit is a poisonous thing that can cause drowsiness when eaten. Even if you are killed, it is hard to wake up. The emerald dragons of the regular troops often come out to hunt. I know this fruit, and the emerald dragons of the temporary army don’t know it, and the food they bring out is almost finished, so do you feel hungry to eat?

But...how are you going to give them food? I definitely didn't put it there before, because I didn't see it when I came.

It should be before they go to sleep, Lie in some way to throw the fruit into the group of emerald dragons, let them eat it...

In short, it is the main reason why they are too hungry, regardless of this. Lin is now going to look at what is going on inside the pyramid.

Black pepper allowed a group of emerald dragons to hold the entrance to the pyramid, but still did not let anyone go in and explore, then Lin could just go in and see...

"Hey, what do you want?" As Lin approached the entrance to the pyramid, the jade dragon guarding the door immediately pointed at the spy with a spear: "It's dangerous! Go back to your team!"

Lin said directly: "The commander asked me to go in and see."

"Is it?" The Emerald Dragon, though dubious, still let it go: "Then go in quickly."

Lin walked into the pyramid. In the beginning, it was a long and narrow passage. It was filled with the smell of smoke. Even after so long, the smoke did not dissipate.

After a while. Lin saw that there were a lot of jade dragons on the ground, and Lin checked it. They are almost suffocating to death.

It’s normal to die, but why didn’t you see the body of Lijun...

Lin continued to go deep inside, and soon reached an open space, the place was very empty, and the ground was full of the body of the emerald dragon...

It seems that they are all the emerald dragons that were squeezed in. They all died here. It seems that it was a wrong decision to let them in.... No, no, these jade dragons are not suffocating.

Lin found that many of the jade dragons had long scars on them, as if they had been cut, and even some of them were cut open, and the internal organs were flowing...

The weapons used for the shackles are all spears. They should not be able to do this kind of wound, and where are the makers of the damage and the group?

There was some suspiciousness there... Lin saw that in the center of this empty room, there were a lot of emerald dragons piled up together, and Lin walked over and turned the pile of corpses up, under the pile of dead bodies that had begun to smell. Lynn saw that there was a purple thing.

what is this?

"Oh!" Suddenly, this purple thing moved. It leaped from the ground and stood in front of Lin.

Is this... standing?

Lynn sees this creature as the same as the stand, but it's a bit different, its legs are longer, and its forelimbs are not like the pliers of the coffin, but two scissor-like cutting limbs with serrated teeth.

In the middle of the ...... Is there such a variety? Could it be that...Lin suddenly thought of a possibility.

This weird sickle stands on Lynn's spy. Just as it is ready to move, Lynn suddenly says to him in a language: "What are you?"

“Hey?” The knife suddenly slammed, and then it said: “You, understand us, language?”

It didn't seem to speak smoothly, it felt like the sound capsule was damaged. Lin continued to ask: "You, isn't it?"

"I am, what? You, don't know, you, the ethnic group, will perish, will regret, attack, us!"

The voice just fell, and the sickle suddenly rushed up. Two sickle-shaped forelimbs were cut to Lin's spy at the same time, but before being cut, Lin jumped backwards and escaped the slashing. attack.

"Hey!" The sickle immediately rushed over again. It waved a sickle and slashed it down to the spy's abdomen or neck, but the spy continued to avoid it with a more flexible figure. After a few seconds, Lin felt The action of the sickle was a little slower, and the spy suddenly slammed on the abdomen of the squat and kicked it a distance.

Li Yan used the forelimbs to insert into the ground to stop the body that was going backwards, but it did not follow the attack this time, but stared at the spy.

It is estimated that it is the first time to encounter such a flexible 'Jade Dragon'. Here, Lin is also the first to see this kind of position.

This is very strange. In fact, Lin did not carefully observe the life of each pyramid. It was only for the beginning, and Lin took them out to settle down. Of course, there was no such thing. Oh...

Lin feels that this change is related to the remnants of the Atlantis. It may have some ability to change itself. For example, like this one, the forelimb is lengthened, the last section is bladed, and the sickle-like shape is formed. Like the division of labor, different bodies are used to deal with different situations.

It is still unclear under what circumstances this change will occur, and it may not be possible for some of them to change.

But what's interesting is that this stand is obviously like a personality creature. They don't form a collective consciousness, and they are not commanded by a high-intelligence brain. They still maintain a personal form of communication and become a kind of division of labor. A non-divisional creature.

This is a very strange form, and it is only possible to produce it. Lin has also thought about it. What would happen if a general divisional species lived like a personality creature? That will certainly lead to those fighters with strong fighting power to look down on the weaker workers, and then the workers will feel dissatisfied and start not working, the soldiers have nothing to eat, and then they will be extinct together...

It is quite fun to have this situation. Maybe it is possible to achieve it. If they can change the shape of the difference, the current slashing is not too different.

"Oh..." Lie has been staring at the spy. He seems to be looking for an opportunity to attack. Every predator is like this, trying to find the moment when the opponent is negligent.

Lin is looking around and seeing if there are other places to hide. There are no corpses here. Before that, they should be burrowing and hiding in other places...

But where is the cave? Moreover, Lin feels that there should be a place to store water, because Lishui's life is inseparable from water, they must keep the respiratory system moist.

"Hey!" The sickle suddenly rushed over again, and the two sickles slammed into the body of the spy. At very fast speed, the body of the spy was instantly cut from the middle.

Li Wei seems to be a little bit stunned. It didn't think it was so easy to succeed this time. However, the spy was cut from the section and there was no viscera. In fact, even a drop of blood did not exist. At the same time, the spy quickly hugged his hand. The head of the donkey.

"Call!" At the moment of clinging to Lie, the spy blew a lot of powder on his face. The powder was mixed into the respiratory organs of the Lie, and the sickle suddenly opened the spy, and it stood on the ground. Constantly shaking his head.

The powder has a hypnotic effect. In fact, Lin had eaten a red fruit before it broke into powder and then spit it out.

This thing has an effect on the cockroach. Li 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑 撑

At this time, the spy's lower body slowly moved and climbed over. The section and the upper body were connected together and re-synthesized a complete spy.

In fact, the original design of the spy is like this. There is no internal organs or bones in the abdomen. It is a pile of very tough muscles. If it is cut, it can stop bleeding quickly, and it will not cause any harm to itself. But the spy can't. Was cut to the place where the internal organs were placed.

Lin walked to the side of the sickle standing on the ground and made some simple tests on it. In addition to the growth of a pair of sickles, the other structures are the same as the general ones. It should be in some cases. This led to the emergence of this pair of sickles, and it also killed all the jade dragons here.

Lin thinks that it may not be done by oneself... So where else is it hiding?


Suddenly, Lynn heard a voice... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~metallicclaw~Lingge Wenhe~'s monthly ticket~

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