4 o'clock


With pouting lips and zippering up her pants, Amy cannot help but be disappointed while looking at herself in the mirror. No matter how she hides it, her baby fat seem to manage a way on how to show itself everywhere. Her weight problem is just icing on the cake. Beauty is a major issue as she has none. Small eyes, button nose and with crooked teeth, she belongs to the majority of teenagers that are plain looking and unattractive. Boys never really notice nor give her second glances but this does not bother Amy. She never even made an effort to look nice in front of them. Her teenage days are mostly spent alone in her own world and invisible to others.

Although Amy may not be physically appealing, she radiates innocence and cuteness distinct only to her. She never outgrew her childlike manner that makes her look young and fresh. Her simplicity and naïve nature is her charm factor.


Descending from the stairs, her sister Janice who is seated at the breakfast table kept staring at her in disbelief. Disappointed with her looks, she commented:

"Is it Halloween? Is the school having a Halloween party today?"

Amy responded: "Huh?" "No"

Janice commented again: "Then what's with the hairstyle? You look like an anime character for a Halloween party!"

She further added: "Where is your space ship?"

Amy's hair was tied in 2 pigtails then rolled up in a bun. She was wearing the hairstyle of Princess Leia in the 1980's movie Star Wars.

Amy responded: "Ahh, this (touching her hair). Cute huh!"

Janice: "You are not in High School anymore; your looks should go along as you mature."

"How can people at the university take you seriously if you keep on looking like a 10 year old?"

"You need at least to make a good impression in order to be noticed, fix your hair and let it flow down!"

Amy responded in between gulps of food: "Sis, I managed to survive high school as an invisible person. I intend to do the same in my university years."

"I don't think I need to make an impression to anyone."

"Besides, letting my hair loose is like losing my thinking cap and will lower my thinking ability." "Now we don't want that to happen, right?".

With a sigh, Janice looked to both their mother and father who are also seated at the breakfast table, as if asking to side with her. She replied:

"Girls are similar to cake you know."

"A cake is never a cake without icing on top."

"A girl is not complete without a beautiful hair as her crowning glory."

Their mom gave an approval to her sister's remark and mentioned:

"Amy, your sister is right. You should always look your best at all times."

"Your Prince Charming is just around the corner."

"You will need to win his heart but before he takes your heart, you will need to have his attention and be attracted to you."

Amy replied looking at her mother:

"Mom, this is the electronic age."

"Prince Charming appears only in webtoons."

"He died centuries ago."

"The real Prince Charming is seated at this table." (Pointing to her dad seated with them).

Amy's family relationship is closely knit that she did not bother making friends outside. She considers her sister to be her best friend and the only person who can read her like a book. Janice who is 3 years older than Amy is considered to be the beauty of the family who took after their mother's beauty, while Amy got her looks from her Dad's side. With Janice's stylish clothing and s-line figure, she is popular with the boys while Amy is the opposite. People who know them cannot believe that they are siblings. Janice is considered to be a swan while Amy is the ugly duckling.

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