4 o'clock


For most teenagers, Amy is exceptionally different. She finds contentment in being alone. Although she knew most of her classmates back in High School, she did not bother to make friends with them. Her preference is way too different making her unable to connect with them. It is definitely not about boys or the social media or her popularity. She is not even into the latest trend in pop culture. Her lifestyle maybe dull and laidback but there is one thing that she enjoys the most and that is nature and photography. A favorite particular subject of her is "the sky". It fascinates her so much to capture its different moods depending on the time of the day. She is very grateful to her dad for gifting her a cellphone with very good camera exposure on her last birthday. Instead of make-up, one thing she cannot live without is her phone.

With a sigh, she suddenly had the urge to pullout her phone and start documenting her first day at the university. Lost in her thoughts and busy filming, in some distance, a little commotion is unfolding.

Edmond (tall, good looking, cool, and the school heartthrob); together with his guy friends are also entering the university grounds. Behind them, a bunch of girls are following trying to get his attention.

The bell rang and classes are about to begin. Inside the classroom, students are settling down in to their seats as the Professor came in. Amy found a seat at the far left row almost at the end, while Edmond sat at the middle end row. The professor gave a welcoming speech and his expectations to his students then proceeded to start his lecture. Deep in his enthusiasm to teach, the professor was distracted as the class' attention shifted from him to the presence of a person at the door.

Tall with an angelic face, Kevin was late for his class. He was standing at the door checking for a vacant chair. He stood long enough to make a commotion that distracted the professor's concentration. Amy's attention was caught as well. She glanced by the door for a moment and then had to make a second one. She cannot believe what she saw. There was an angel standing by the door.

Her eyes grew bigger at the first sight of Kevin who seemed to appear like an angel with wings. All of a sudden, the atmosphere seemed to change, as if she was in heaven. Cherubs playing musical instruments appeared from where Kevin was. One of the cherubs came out with a bow and arrow of love and aimed at her. She slowly raised her hand and grabbed the front of her shirt trying to feel her heart. It seems to beat faster than normal. This is the first time she is feeling this and why she is feeling this....she wonders.

She stood up and looking sheepishly. Eyes locked at Kevin while he looked back with an angelic smile...then reality came back. She ended up just merely looking at the person mouth open and eyes wide. She kept holding her shirt feeling her beating heart.

As the entire class got a little excited over Kevin's arrival, the professor got annoyed over the distraction and decided to help Kevin find a chair. He said (with annoyance):

"It is nice of you to show up to my class Mr....hmmm.....good looking."

"Why don't you sit over there (pointing at the empty chair, same row as Amy's to the rightmost) so I can continue with my lecture."

Kevin apologized and followed the professor's command.

While Amy was lost in daydreams of Kevin, Edmond (seated at the middle end row) who was also distracted did not pay much attention on him. What captured his interest was his accidental witnessing of Amy's attraction reaction and immediately understood the entire situation with amusement.

After seeing her reaction, his emotions became mixed with amazement, jealousy and intrigue. Amazement - although he is sought after by lots of girls, he does not really pay attention on how girls feel upon seeing a crush.... up until now. Jealousy - knowing that he is also a school heartthrob, he did not get the same attraction reaction from her as the other guy, and intrigue – there seems to be something in her that makes him curious enough to know her better. His curiosity sparked an interest as the thought came to his mind. Earlier, he was not excited to go to the university as he was expecting the same scenario as his high school days...girls chasing him and him trying to run away from them, but after witnessing Amy's reaction, he started to have something to look forward to.

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