4 o'clock


Every university has a history of dark, scary places. In the case of Mac Allistun University, this would be the stairway leading to the walkway towards the main gate. The stairway is the main passage way that will lead you through the main building where most classes are held. Since it is the most accessible place for students, it serves as a rendezvous spot for most of them. They normally populate this place to hang around and gather with friends during free time and after school. Aside for being the most populated location, this is also the place where gossips are spread and students who pass here gets to be rated in terms of appeal and sexiness. Often times, the stairway serves as a runway for fashionistas and for those who want to show off. Amy often hears about this place from her sister who goes to the same university. For Amy, this is the darkest, scariest place. More like the stairway to hell.

Nearing the top of the steps, Amy hesitated for a moment contemplating whether to pass through the stairway or take the longer route via the back of the school. Glancing at her watch, it is nearing 4 o'clock. She needs to get to some place before that time. Thinking of a way to get less attention, she was lucky to chance upon a group of pretty looking girls that will also be descending the stairs. Taking the golden opportunity, she sneaked behind their backs and descends with them down the stairs. Midway through the descent, the girls suddenly stop and gathered by the corner leaving Amy halfway alone and the center of everyone's attention. She suddenly froze for a while thinking of whether to go back up or continue downwards. She is now in the middle of the path; if she goes back, it will be just too obvious and humiliating. At the point of no return, she swallowed a moment; lowered her head and was about to dash through the stairs when in a flash; Kevin came running down the stairs. She froze for a moment but her senses came back quickly. While all attention was stolen by Kevin, she made the opportunity to descend.

Luck is really on her side today. She made it through the end without causing attention. With a sigh of relief, she smiled to herself as a compliment. Unknowingly, towards the end of the stairway, Edmond together with bunch of his friends are hanging out and chatting. No one really paid much attention to her except for Edmond. He had been watching her with interest even before she descended the stairs. He knew all along what she had been trying to do. Following her with his glance, he gave a small laugh to himself while thinking. His continued witnessing of her unconventional moments grew deeper fascination that is starting to stir up interest to get to know her better.


Upon laying on her bed, Amy noticed that her sister is not home yet and started to get a little worried. She wondered where she can be at this time of night. She is also excited to tell her about Kevin. She tried to ring her sister's cell phone but then hesitated and guessed that she might be nearing home. Amy decided to just wait for her to arrive. Amy's thoughts went back to Kevin. Although she knew that this is a one-sided attraction, it lifted her spirits and made her look forward to her university life at Mac Allistun.

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