4 o'clock


Standing in front of her locker, Amy kept staring at the invitation letter. Edmond's name was written boldly on the envelope. It was an invitation for Edmond to attend Janice's engagement party. Her sister repeatedly mentioned to hand it to Edmond and make sure he comes.

As she continuously stared at his name, memories of them together flashed through her mind. Before the silliness started, there was nothing between them except for being classmates. Now, as they spend more time together, what was supposed to be just an unconventional friendship had ignited a different level of affection on the part of Amy. She had hoped that he will say yes to the invitation but, he may also have other plans on the weekend. She should not expect so much from his silly acts.

As she was deep in thought, Edmond stood behind her observing what she was doing. He was puzzled at the envelope containing his name and what seems to be the reason why Amy kept on looking at it. He stood long enough unnoticed so he decided to surprise her of his presence. He slowly bends his face near her ear as if resting his chin on her shoulder. As he did that, he spoke without looking at her:

"Is that for me?"

Amy was caught of guard of his nearness. Not knowing what to do, she shoved the envelope to Edmond and moved a bit to make some distance. She told him:

"Aaah, yes."

Edmond opened the envelope and read the invitation. Amy said shyly:

"So..will you come?"

"My sister is expecting you."

Edmond replied: "This Saturday.....hmmm...sure! I'll come!"

"But you will be my date, ok!"

Amy was very happy at what she heard. He agreed to come but she must not let him know of her happiness so she disguised her answer as frustration:

"Don't you do anything on weekends?"

Edmond replied: "Not this weekend."

"Besides, I want to be with you." He said to her with a teasing smile.

Amy turned and walked away and as she did that, a big smile came to her face then she remembered and turned back again to Edmond and said:

"It's a formal occasion ok!" Then walked away again smiling.

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