4 o'clock


It was the engagement night and everyone was excited. The event was held in an open area elegantly designed for the occasion. Bouquet of flowers and its scent surrounded the area while live orchestra music played beautiful melodies in the background. There were lots of stars that enveloped the dark night sky. The air was cool and romantic feeling can be felt everywhere.

Amy scanned the place as she entered. With mouth half opened, she blinked her eyes and was blown away by the scenic beauty. On this special occasion for the most special person in her life, there can be no other way to describe the moment but .....magical!

Amy together with her parents was stationed at the entrance of the garden reception welcoming the guests. Although she welcomed everyone with enthusiasm, her mind was filled with excitement to welcome only one person. Anxiety ran over her body as she anticipated Edmond's arrival.

Looking up at the night sky, the darkness was filled with crystal like sparkles of the stars. It made Amy drift into a day dream. Starring at it long enough, the stars seemed to have formed into a smiling face. Thoughts of Edmond flocked her mind once again.

Lost in dreamland, she was awaken to reality by her mom's vigorous shaking of her arm. Edmond had arrived. Like the pages of the scene stolen from a fairy tale, Edmond appeared like prince charming entering the palace....elegant, graceful and debonair. He looked extraordinarily handsome in a suit. His hair was polished to perfection. Even his choice of shoes was well suited for his looks tonight. He was extremely dashing from head to toe.

As the distance between them gets shorter and shorter, Amy felt that everything was moving in slow motion. One thing she immediately noticed was the smile on Edmond's face slowly getting bigger and brighter....the sweetest smile of a prince charming. Hot blood rushed all over her body. She cannot even hear anything except for the strong beating of her heart. Thinking that it may explode, she grasped the front of her dress trying to calm her heart. She opened her mouth a bit as her breathing became shallow. She wanted to run away at that very moment to calm herself and regain her composure. She does not want anyone to notice her current state of emotion especially Edmond.

Edmond greeted her excited parents first. They complimented him with his handsome looks. Amy's mom felt like a flirtatious 18-years old once again and didn't let go of Edmond's hand. Her dad felt a need to control her mom's flirting momentum, pulled her mom away and said that more guests are coming. Edmond then turned to Amy. Without any word, Amy immediately ran away. Edmond was puzzled of her action.

Amy reached the bar counter. She was having shortness of breath because of the adrenaline rush. Fanning herself with her hand, she asked the bartender for water. As she gulped the water, she heard Edmond's voice from behind:

"Are you ok?"

Amy choked as she heard his voice. Without turning to face him, her eyes opened wide and all her blood rushed to her face. She taught of running away again but reconsidered that option. Having no choice, she turned and faced Edmond. Edmond seeing her flushed face paused for a moment then suddenly burst out laughing. She got confused over his amusement. The excitement she had earlier became irritation over his insulting laugh.

Edmond sensing her anger, felt the need to ease the tension. He stopped laughing and teasingly said: "I look good tonight, don't I?"

He further added: "More handsome than Kevin?" (saying the words with a smile).

Amy gave him a smirk and said: "Maybe."

Edmond looked at her outfit and said: "Why are you wearing that?"

Amy looked at her dress too. All the clothes she fitted for tonight's event did not satisfy her taste. It's either too girly, too bulky, too revealing or too out of this world. Unable to decide, she just went for a "safe" look. She wore a traditional dress same with her mom.

Amy unable to uncover the true reason just said in annoyance: "It's traditional!"

Edmond had a hunch on her real reason but did not press any further. He has no intention of annoying Amy on the special occasion of their family by mocking her outfit. He grabbed her hand instead and told her: "Come on, I want to greet your sister Janice and meet your soon to be brother-in-law."

As expected, her sister was as excited as her mom to see Edmond. Janice introduced Ronnie to Edmond and Edmond congratulated them both. Janice stared at Edmond and Amy long enough and got teary eyed. Her emotions are overflowing tonight not only for her special occasion but moreso for her sister's blossoming love life. Amy noticed her sister's reaction and had guessed what was running through her mind. She pulled Janice aside to confront her a little but as soon as they are clear of earshot, Janice hugged her so tight and poured her tears out. Amy trying to calm Janice said:

"There is no need to cry, I told you before he is just my stalker."

"And he is not the boy that I have been telling you about, It's Kevin."

Janice now confused replied: "What?"

Amy continued:

"Edmond is nothing more than a bored teenager and I am just the subject of his mischievous acts."

Upon hearing Amy's words, Janice's excitement was replaced with sadness. Somehow, she understood Amy's feelings. In an effort to lift her self-esteem, she asked Amy:

"Do you know why I fell in love with Ronnie?"

"Because he is my slippers."

Amy confused, said: "Slippers?"

Janice nodded her head to agree and told her a story.

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