4 o'clock


Edmond's phone rang, unknown number on the screen. Edmond did not mind it at first as he was driving. Then it rang again. Still unknown number. He put his earpiece on and answered the call.

"Hello, is this Edmond?" said the other line.

It was a female voice that Edmond did not recognize.

"Yes. Who is this?" he replied.

"Hi Edmond. This is Val. I'm the girl you helped in the bus, do you remember?"

Edmond had a sudden urge to pull up the car so he can talk to her properly. Excitedly, he replied:

"Why yes, of course. How are you. Are you ok? Did that guy bother you again?

Val answered: "I'm alright. A little shaken about what happened but now I'm fine."

"That's good to hear". Edmond responded.

"I got your number from Michael". (common friend of Edmond and Val)

There was a short silence then Val asked shyly:

"Hey, are you free anytime soon?"

"I wanted to invite you for coffee to personally thank you".

"I know you're busy and all"..... and before Val could finish her sentence, Edmond interrupted: "Yes! Yes!".... I mean, I would love to."

Val said: "I am actually on my way to the coffee shop by the mall. Do you have time now? Can I meet you there?"

Edmond replied: "Sure! I'll see you there."

Excitedly, he hung up and drove to towards the mall.


As soon as he was seated, Val broke the ice by saying:

"Order anything you want, my treat".

Edmond smiled and said: "Okay."

As soon as the order came, they started chatting. First it was about the incident on the bus, then about other stuff. They both have so many things in common and both were popular and treated like celebrities during their high school years.

Val appears to be fragile but actually, she is strong and bold. She speaks out her mind and Edmond found it appealing. They got to know each other pretty much on the first date. Edmond said to himself: "This will not be the last."

He brought her home and like a good date that ended well, they planned for the next time.

On his way home, Edmond was smiling to himself and felt like a schoolboy having a crush, he cannot help to remember the sweet times with Val. He got excited on the thought of seeing her again. As he reached home, he texted Val to let her know that he got home, thanked her for the company today and can't wait to see her again.

While Edmond was having his day dream about Val, on the other side of the world, Amy was anxious and checked her phone all the time. Edmond had not sent her any message since they left. She kept creating and deleting her messages. She did not want to appear clingy so she just waited in agony. Edmond did not remember.

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