4 o'clock


Kevin was getting a movie ticket for him and his friends at the ticket counter when he noticed someone from the far end of the counter. It was Edmond with a pretty girl. He did not recognize Val instantly, but slowly, he did. He secretly observed them from a distance and immediately realized that it was more than a friendly date. They were a couple.

Inside the movie theater, Kevin was distracted. He cannot concentrate on watching the movie. He can't help but feel sorry for Amy. She had already fallen for Edmond and if she found out about what he saw today, it will really break her heart.

Flashes of memories of a girl started coming to Kevin's mind. It was in a way haunting him. He tried to brush it off and said to himself that he must never let it happen again.


Amy laid down on the grass while getting some shots of the sky. She glanced at her phone to check the time, it was 4 o'clock. She wondered what Edmond might be doing at this hour. He had not sent her any text since she left for vacation and has not heard anything from him either. She always created a text message but her ego gets in the way of getting it sent. With a big sigh, she had given up hope on the possibility that he ever missed her and had forgotten her already. Sadness creeps through her at the thought of that. She justified the situation on her mind and assumed that he might just be busy with other things that made him forget about her.

Another thought crossed her mind: "What if he found somebody else to stalk with and had completely forgotten about her."

She always knew that his behavior towards her was temporary and it was just a product of his boredom and curiosity. Once it has been satisfied then it's game over. She stayed there looking sadly at the sky.

His father was watching her from a distance. He can sense her sadness and knew the reason for her being like that. He would blame Amy's mom and Janice for encouraging a premature relationship between the two but then he remembered that he was also at fault as he instantly believed that Edmond had real intensions of having a serious relationship with his daughter when he asked permission to date her.

At the dinner table, Amy was still hopeful and kept checking her phone from time to time. Her grandmother noticed her actions and said out loud without looking at her: "You are here with us and yet you are not."

Amy immediately came out from her spell and understood that her grandmother's remark was meant for her. She put away her phone and focused on their dinner.

Amy volunteered to wash the dishes. Her grandmother stood beside her and helped with the chore. She then advised Amy: "In love, the first does not always mean the last. Enjoy the moment but do not expect too much. Leave room for you to grow and prepare yourself for the right one."

Amy pondered on her grandmother's advice. She said to herself: "She was right!"

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