4 o'clock


It has been two weeks since that encounter with Edmond. As she walked towards the locker area, she saw a familiar person standing beside her locker. It was Val and she was waiting for her.

Val saw her. Amy hesitated to make another step as she was not ready to face her yet. They were never formally introduced and have never been connected before in any way.

The scene was awkward but Amy thought it will be more embarrassing if she tried to avoid her.

Upon reaching her locker, Val spoke in a very soft tone:

"Hi. I'm Val."

Amy looked at her and said: "I know."

Val said: "Do you have a minute? Can we talk?"

Amy became confused. She was not able to respond right away.

What could she possibly wanted to talk to her about? For sure, it's about Edmond but she reminded herself that she had nothing to do with him anymore and whatever they had, it was all over.

Nervously, she responded: "SSssure."


They sat at the bench where not much people walked by. They both agreed that it is safer if less people noticed them.

Val started the conversation: "We were not really introduced but it feels that I know you well."

Amy reacted: "Huh?"

Val continued: "Edmond talks about you a lot."

Amy was puzzled. In her mind: "He has been talking about me to her? But why?"

Val must have read her thoughts so she said:

"He cares for you... a lot ..... that sometimes, it makes me jealous. I know I shouldn't be but I cannot help it sometimes."

"You are his special friend. It may not be the romantic kind but there is something special between the two of you."

Amy kept quiet, trying to make sense of what Val was telling her.

Val continued:

"Edmond left for good with his mom and his sister for Australia. His mom was recruited to work at the Australian branch of her office. The offer was too good to turn down but they had to make sacrifices as his father refused to leave the start-up company that he ventured in. His father did not want them to move. That's why the family is very torn right now and it had a great impact on Edmond and his sister."

"He is very confused and torn."

Amy started to become dizzy about the load of information. All the while, she had been judging him wrongly. He might have hurt her feelings about making her expect more than friendship but she didn't realize that he was hurting more than her. Guilt crept through her.

"We decided that it was best to break up as long distance relationship do not work."

"Edmond will have to focus on resolving family issues."

Val started to sob. She needed to tell it to someone to release the pain.

Amy was heartbroken for her. She reached for Val's hand to comfort her but Val, upon feeling her touch, hugged her instead.

Val's embrace was so tight. She wanted to cling onto someone and release all that pain.

Amy felt her pain. She hugged her back then patted her back. They remained like that for a while until Val was all cried out.

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