48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1005

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

No. 8 has begun to realize that fighting with Zhang Heng in the castle is probably not a wise decision.

Only ten minutes after they entered here, they had lost almost half of their people. Although they still had the advantage in terms of numbers, losing No. 2 and No. 3 in succession gave No. 8 a bad feeling.

Although this operation was supported by 2 federal police squads, it was clear to No. 8 that he could really rely on 2 companions around him. The emergency response squad members at the beginning of No. 2 were all proficient in the whole system. The fighting genius on its own is far from what the ordinary federal police can match. Even though the two teams tonight are the elite of the federal police, the role they can play in this level of engagement is very limited. It is the three people in the emergency response squad who can play assists and really decide the fighting trend.

These all are judgments before the 8th, but now he is also a little shaken, Zhang Heng cleanly solved his 2 companions, and no movement came out, as if it were a ghost hidden in the smoke, 8 What I do n’t understand is that even if Zhang Heng is also equipped with a thermal detector, how can he grasp the movements of so many people so accurately, and at the same time seem to be free from the influence of smoke at all.

And he also realized at this time that it was not an accident that only 3 of the emergency response team survived to the end. Compared to No. 2 and No. 3, he was hit twice by a sniper rifle before, and he had to fight both skill and mobility. Discount, so Zhang Heng will keep him at the end, but the question is how does the other party clearly identify everyone in the smoke?

Coupled with the number 6 and 9 that had failed before, the number 8 even had doubts about the entire operation tonight, and now he has to accept the result of the failure.

The retreat sprang up in No. 8’s heart, but before he could speak, the next moment gunshots had sounded again.

This time, the gunshots are obviously no longer recorded. The people who can hear the shooting on the 8th are near them, and they are still moving at high speed, so the 8th immediately started shooting back at the place where the gunshots came, at first he also felt a little strange, as can be seen from Zhang Heng’s previous attacks, the latter’s goal has been very clear, the main and secondary are clear.

It stands to reason that after the absence of No. 2 and No. 3, the most valuable target should be him, but Zhang Heng’s just shot was not directed at him, but soon he thought of something on the 8th, and his nerves tightened again. stand up.

He already knew what Zhang Heng’s target was for this attack!

——Thermal detector!

Before entering the castle, they were equipped with a total of 3 thermal detectors. In a smoke-filled environment, this thing is equivalent to their eyes. The one on No. 2 body needlessly been taken by Zhang Heng. There are only 2 left at the moment, no, it should be said that there is only one left, because Zhang Heng shot just now and I must have killed a police officer with a thermal detector.

No. 8 crashed immediately, and no one needed to pick up that heat detector again, directing the rest to retreat toward the castle while keeping shooting.

Zhang Heng this time also did not play any tricks again, relying on the excellent field of vision provided by [Filter Lens], he quickly walked through the rain, every time he raised his hand, pulling the trigger would take a life, like a sickle waving a sickle. God.

In contrast, his opponents could only fight back indiscriminately by feelings and hearing. The only threat to Zhang Heng was No. 8, but Zhang Heng did not force it too tightly because he had to be careful about stray bullets.

Even so, when No. 8 left the castle and counted the people around him, he found that the first 30 people entered, and now there are only 6 people left.

No. 8 no longer expected to rely on this person to solve Zhang Heng. After that, he ordered the remaining 6 people to scatter to find the bunker, while staring at the entrance of the castle. Do n’t let Zhang Heng come out, but he excuses himself to seek Support while others are not paying attention to run quietly towards the path outside the castle.

Now the goal of No. 8 has changed from solving Zhang Heng to saving his life, and soon after he left, he heard the sound of gunshots from behind him again. No. 8 didn’t stop. The federal police originally thought in his eyes It was the cannon fodder and consumables of this operation that failed to encircle Zhang Heng before, so it is not bad to delay his escape now.

But the gunfire lasted for less than two minutes.

There are some regrets on the 8th, but he also knows that the strength gap between the two sides is too great. Such a result is not unexpected. At the same time, it also sounded the alarm for the 8th and let him accelerate again at the original speed. He even Forgetting his broken ribs, the whole person became a cheetah.

On the other hand, after solving the last federal policeman, Zhang Heng realized that No. 8 had escaped but was not at all anxious. He threw away his pistol and turned back to the second floor, opening the window on the south side. Put Bartley on it, aiming at the silhouette in the distance that will almost turn into a small black spot.

Zhang Heng didn’t rush to shoot, but adjusted his breath first, felt the wind speed and direction again, and then held the sniper rifle in his hand again.

At this time, the distance between the two had reached 2 meters, which was beyond the range of Batley. The number 2300 was also slightly sighed in relief, slowing down some movement speed, and preparing to run towards the gate.

But at the moment when he turned around and looked behind him, Zhang Heng, who was 2300 meters away, finally pulled the trigger in his hand.

In the next moment, the body of No. 8 flew back again, but this time he was not lucky for the first two times. Although the body armor was still not penetrated, the huge impact made his fiercely stabbing rib The lungs.

No. 8 not at all died immediately. He was lying in front of the hamburger door and wanted to get up and run again. The powerful sniper technique demonstrated by Zhang Heng had completely destroyed his courage, and made him feel fear, not regenerate. Thinking of competing with each other, he just wanted to run faster, then faster … but then he found that he could no longer stand up from the ground, and at the same time breathing became more and more difficult.

Panting on the 8th, he stretched his hands to his waist and wanted to take out the emergency medical injection, but his vision became increasingly blurred. If someone was around him, he could see his entire face It has risen to red, and the green tendons are raised, which is a sign of hypoxia.

Eventually, the emergency medical injection in No. 8’s hand fell to the ground, and his body stopped moving after a few spasms.

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