48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1006

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Humans have a long-standing love for external skeleton technology.

Although mechanical prostheses can also give individuals the speed and power to exceed physical limits, except for some disabled people or fanatics who transform the human body, most normal people cannot accept to remove a part of their body and replace it with a mechanical version, even Your mechanical ear can automatically play Symphony No. 5 in C minor, and wake you up on time every morning.

Therefore, wearable outer skeleton equipment has become the first choice for creating super warriors. In fact, on the World Line where Zhang Heng is located, the military of various countries has already studied outer skeleton technology, and in this copy, it has already been used by the military. Mass production of foreign skeleton equipment was started.

For example, the guy who had met Zhang Heng before in Mr. G ’s private garden was wearing a set of outer skeleton equipment, but it was an earlier generation of outer skeleton.

Tonight, the special operations team that raided the 2-Layer Central Station was wearing the latest generation of skeleton equipment, and the latest generation of skeleton equipment that was just launched this year.

After the discovery of this point, the expression of No. 2 was solemn. Military military equipment has always belonged to the first-class tube products of the Federation, and the civilians cannot buy it at all. Even if Mr. G is in the first layer, it is at most To a 2 sets of outer skeleton equipment of one generation or two generations.

And now the team attacking them has a total of ten or four people, and everyone has a set of 4th generation outer skeleton equipment, which is obviously not normal, but this time it is not thinking about where these outer skeleton equipment come from time.

Moreover, Zero did not care much about things outside the battle, especially in politics. What he cared about was that the short-term cooperation between him and Zhang Heng had achieved results, and the scene in which the two parties played together finally came to the most exciting time , Mr. G’s hidden card in the 2-Layer space has been lifted. Although the opponent’s firepower exceeded his expectations, the emergency response team is also equipped with many heavy weapons at the station.

Although it was a bit embarrassing in the face of the First Wave attack, it survived after paying the life of several federal police officers. After that, the zero number finally began to show his commanding ability, cooperate with 4 teammates and the rest The federal police soon established the line of defense again.

Anti-equipment weapons are combined with high-explosive bullets. This combination cannot be fully defended even with outer skeleton equipment. Soon, the sniper on the high platform exploded the power system of an outer skeleton equipment, resulting from the explosion of the next moment The spark engulfed the wearer of the outer skeleton.

But the remaining foreign soldiers saw not at all retreat, they seemed to have not seen the companion ’s encounter, and they still maintained the previous attack formation, although their combat literacy was far from the emergency response team ’s everyone. However, in terms of discipline, it is indeed impeccable. No. 1 also has to admit that by contrast, the performance on the opposite side is more like a clone without fear of life and death.

No. 1 felt some kind of strong belief from them, which even envied him as a clone.

But this not at all changed the idea that No. 1 killed these guys in front of them and took the goods from their bodies, because this is the purpose of the emergency response team.


Just as Morgan Tang ’s emergency response team was fighting with Mr. G ’s special operations team, there were still a pair of eyes watching the situation here.

——Feng Zi.

Entrusted by Zhang Heng, she rushed from the residence to avoid pedestrians along the way, plus the disguise Zhang Heng made for her, she finally successfully mixed into a hotel.

Feng Zi not at all booked any rooms at the front desk, but tried to climb the roof of the hotel, and then took out a pair of high-power Telescope from the bag to start her tracking task. Feng Zi keeps Zhang Heng’s advice in mind, and the selected observation point is a considerable distance away from the station, so that both parties to the war will not notice her.

Afterwards, Feng Zi completed his task very well. He sent an email to Zhang Heng as soon as the special operations team appeared, and then incarnation field reporters, continued to pay attention to the situation on the opposite side, and sent first-hand messages to Zhang Heng. However, after the battle in the castle also started, Feng Zi no longer received a reply from Zhang Heng.

Feng Zi has always had inexplicable confidence in Zhang Heng’s strength, but after witnessing the battle at the station, he couldn’t help but worry about Zhang Heng, because the trouble caused by the latter at this time was indeed not small, and the two warring parties picked out On the one hand, they all have strong armed forces, let alone add up. Zhang Heng’s desire to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth between them is probably not an easy task.

In addition, after watching it for a while, Fengzi also found that the situation of the guys wearing outer skeletons seemed a bit bad. In ten minutes, they reduced 2 people, leaving only 2 people. They are several times more, but the manpower is still abundant, especially the 1 snipers ambushing in the high-rise buildings, and the battle strength is so strong that the opponents below can not stand up.

Feng Zi became more and more careful when he saw it, hiding his body in the shadow behind the air conditioner, but after a while, when the Scales of Victory became more and more inclined to the emergency response team, the zero side However, it seemed that there was a command error, and the people of the emergency response team almost attacked the waiting hall.

Feng Zi suddenly hung up. She still remembered Zhang Heng ’s instructions. Once the man on Mr. G ’s side rushed into the station, he needed to be contacted immediately, but soon, the out-of-skeleton soldiers of the special operations team were taken from the station again. Li was forced out, and this time they suffered heavy losses and directly lost 4 companions, so the rest were no longer in love, and 6 outside skeleton soldiers guarded one of them, and began to retreat orderly back.

At this time, Zero also finally revealed its teeth. The previous command error was originally a trap he deliberately dug. It was aimed at the group of disciples who were strong in discipline but lacked the weaknesses of good decision makers. In the end, this seemed to be a bit risky The tactics were also successful, and he solved four enemies in one fell swoop.

After that, he did not give the remaining 7 people any breathing opportunities. With the 2 snipers on the top of the building, he launched a more violent attack. The bullet continued to beat on the metal skeleton, as if it were a piece of iron and fire. Into a symphony movement.

Soon, three members of the special operations team fell into the bullet rain, two of them died on the spot, and one person was paralyzed outside of the skeleton equipment. His companion wanted to drag him away, but he was refused by him. Only four members of the Special Operations Squad entered the mall opposite the station.

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