48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1013

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng abducted the waitress at the Ninth Layer. In addition to the fact that the zero number could not be guessed in 936 miles, it also equaled the addition of a guide.

Especially in some areas where he is not sure whether it is safe or not, you can let the waitress go to find the way first. For the latter, there are dangers. However, in general, no one on the other side is likely to embarrass a hotel waiter .

That being said, it still ca n’t hide the bad fact that someone is still using the waitress as a little white mouse. It ’s just that the latter did n’t realize it. The waitress watched Zhang Heng stop and go. It would be curious to squat in front of a wall or lie on the ground suddenly.

After a while, she couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said, “Mr. Police, that … will you investigate alone?”

“Huh.” Zhang Heng said, “Why? Why ask this question.”

“It’s nothing, but in general, aren’t you at least 2 people to be the police.”

“We are 2 people, but my partner by chance is busy with other things.” Zhang Heng said.

“Oh.” The waitress was nodded, and it didn’t take long before she asked again, “That Mr. Policeman can tell me what we are looking for now?”

“Yes, you saw the guy wearing the outer skeleton gear before. I was looking for his associate. There should be 3 more people.”

“There are three more such guys?” Miss waiter stared wide-eyed, “Can you deal with them, Mr. Police?”

“There shouldn’t be any problems with one, and it’s not easy to talk about two, and it’s more difficult to talk about three together.” Zhang Heng said truthfully.

“Then what do we do with them?” Miss waiter dumbfounded.

As a result, Zhang Heng had n’t answered yet. There was a burst of explosion sound in the ears of the two people. The sound came from their feet, but because it was too violent, it could be heard even in the 2 layers where they were, and when it exploded The whole hotel shook when it happened.

The waitress almost didn’t stand up, and wanted to grab Zhang Heng on the side, but the latter still evaded quietly. The waitress shyly retracted her hand and then asked, “What’s wrong?”

“The guy in Room 936 should have dealt with someone.” Zhang Heng said.

“Who is it, aren’t you policemen?” Miss waiter puzzled.

“We are not a section.”


“Well, is the relationship between your section and your colleagues so cold?” The waitress barely squeezed a smile on her face.

“No, it’s just that I’m not very familiar with them.” Zhang Heng indifferently said, as he said, he had squatted down again, studying the flowerpot that was knocked over in the corridor.

Zhang Heng had previously seen that the people in Room 936 had shown an attitude of perish together with his opponents, so he pitted an emergency response team, but Zhang Heng did not think that Zero and the emergency response team led by him really would Planted here.

After all, the special operations team was not able to win the station when all the people were there. Now there is only one person in Room 936, who is at a dead end and the outer skeleton equipment on his body is seriously damaged, and it is impossible to be an opponent of the emergency response team of 4 people. However, Zhang Heng didn’t expect the latter to eventually detonate the power core in the foreign skeleton equipment.

The explosion sound just happened after the power core was detonated. Zhang Heng estimated that even if it was the zero, it was a bit stunned by this one. Even if there is no downsizing, it is unlikely to retreat from the whole body, and this also gives Zhang Heng to fight for More time is out.

Zhang Heng has been following along the trail left by the 3 people of the special operations team. The broken flower pots in the corridor show that 3 people have passed here before, but Zhang Heng has also found it on the tenth floor corridor. Similar traces, but finally found 3 people just changed another safe passage and continued to climb up.

But this time Zhang Heng did not find such a trace at the entrance of another safe passage. In other words, the 3 people of the special operations team are likely to be hiding on this floor.

But to be honest, this result made Zhang Heng a little surprised. Zhang Heng originally thought that 3 people are more likely to go to the rooftop. First, because the terrain of the rooftop is more defensive and deeper than the guest room, 2 is because Zhang Heng Mr. G knew that it was not accidental that the remaining members of the special operations team fled into this hotel. If there are any aircraft hidden on the rooftop that would allow three people to escape, Zhang Heng would not be too surprised.

However, it seems that the posture of the remaining 3 members of the special operations team is really like putting up a desperate struggle here. Although courage is commendable, it is actually equivalent to declaring that the mission has failed. The memory encoder brings back one layer.

“What are we going to do next?” Said the waitress on the side. The explosion just downstairs apparently scared her, and not long ago Zhang Heng said that there were 3 people wearing outer skeletons, which made her aware of the situation. The danger of approaching, by the way, finally realized his little white mouse identity.

“There is no more business for you here, you can go.” Zhang Heng seemed to think for a moment, then looked up.

Hearing this sentence, the waitress was stunned. It seemed that didn’t expect herself to leave so easily.

But then she listened to Zhang Heng again, “There will be a fight here later. If you stay here, it will be very dangerous, but you better not go downstairs now, because neither the elevator nor the safe passage, It ’s dangerous to go down, and it ’s very likely to be injured accidentally. ”

“Where should I go?” Asked the waitress.

“Go up,” Zhang Heng said. “It’s safer to go up. You can go to the 14th-layer and wait until the battle is over. I’ll take you away.”

“Oh, thank you Mr. Police Officer.” After thanking you, the waitress hurried upstairs according to what Zhang Heng said, and Zhang Heng finally acted again after seeing her silhouette leaving.

Holding the key left by the waitress, he opened an empty room in the Middle Section of the hallway and put down his backpack.

Zhang Heng has found the remaining 3 people of the special operations team before the zero. The next step is how to get the memory encoder. Zhang Heng’s original plan was to try to cooperate with the 3 people of the special operations team first. Working together to deal with the emergency response team, because the latter is the most powerful of the three parties, Zhang Heng still has a lot of confidence to persuade the special operations team. When the special operations team is eliminated, the two sides can resolve their conflicts.

However, for some reason, Zhang Heng knows that this plan has been aborted, so I am afraid it will evolve into a dogfight here, and Zhang Heng’s goals have also changed.

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