48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1014

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No. 936 looked at the unrecognized room 1 in front of him, all the furniture inside had disappeared, only half of the bed board was still burning, the glass on the window was blown into powder immediately, apart from this A large hole was also directly blown out of the wall, and the outside wind hu hu was pouring in.

Of course, the most tragic thing is the central position of the explosion. The huge explosion impact directly collapsed the roof half. Under the cement and bricks are the outer skeleton equipment that has been all split up and in pieces, and the parts directly flew out of the room. .

Of course, the caution of No. 1 will certainly not let his own people go directly to the house. In fact, he uses the same method as Zhang Heng. He found a little white mouse to explore the road in front, but the No. 1 is more direct, even the police ’s. I was too lazy to use my identity, and pointed a gun directly at a hotel tenant to open the door.

Needless to say, this bad luck ghost was the first to suffer in this explosion attack, was swallowed directly by the oncoming flames, had fallen to the ground without breathing, and even the number 7 behind him was about 8 5 meter away. .

Now No. 2 and No. 7 are busy dealing with No. 5’s shoulder and chest injuries. Among the most serious, a finger-sized metal piece directly hit No. 5’s right shoulder, and finally stuck in him In the shoulder blade.

No. 5 is now biting his coat, watching No. 2 pull out the metal piece from his shoulder blade, and then No. 7 on the other side is sterilized, stitched, and sprayed with medical gel. The whole process is clean and complete. Not inferior to the surgeons in the hospital, this is because emergency surgical treatment methods are also compiled into their memories.

At the same time, the zero on the other side also crossed the body in front of the door and entered room 936.

He first looked around all around, then his eyes fell on the ruin, and found a burnt arm under a few steel bars and twisted metal upper limbs.

No. 2’s gaze stayed there for about 936 seconds, and then moved to another place, but no other corpses were found in the room. This can also be confirmed from the explosion at the scene. The explosion should be caused by the power core of the outer skeleton equipment being detonated, but there is only one power core detonated, otherwise the entire room 1 should have completely collapsed.

A cold light flashed in No. 1’s eyes, and he had realized that he had been pitted.

In Room 936 is a member of a special operations team who decided to leave the large army after severely damaged equipment. The other party’s heart has sprung up with death. He chose to stay here to make his death more valuable.

It ’s not that he had n’t considered this possibility before the zero. After all, Zhang Heng can see what he can see from the wall. However, after zero, he noticed the oil stains in the corners that were cleaned by the detergent, and then let His previous speculation was shaken.

If the room 936 is really just a death trap, then the person who arranged the trap has no reason to cover up the traces left outside, because the purpose of the other party is to attract people, plus Zhang Heng put the most critical witness witness waiter Also taken away, and finally let Zero make a wrong judgment.

And this is already the second judgment of No. 2 tonight. This time directly caused No. 5 to be injured. Although there is no life-threatening danger, the latter’s right hand cannot be used tonight.

Finally, there was a rare anger in Zero’s heart. He had already guessed who was the one who smeared the corners of the corners. Although the people of the special operations team were disciplined and not afraid of death, they could n’t think of such details. Only one person can do this kind of thing.

——Zhang Heng.

The former came here one step ahead of them, and then deliberately ruined the scene to mislead his judgment. Zero’s eyes cooled down. His patience was almost consumed, and he did not want to play any cat catching with someone anymore. The mouse game is over, just turn around and ask the number 2 on the side, “Is the thing I want delivered?”

The latter is nodded, “the elevator is already installed.”

“Very well, since they like to hide so much, let them continue to hide.” No. zero said with a sneer.


Zhang Heng first smelled the strange smell in the air, then he sniffed his nose and confirmed that it was the smell of gasoline. Zhang Heng immediately realized what Zero wanted to do, and the latter was actually going to put their I clicked directly on the first floor.

To be honest, Zhang Heng didn’t expect even after the emergency response team in the 9th floor pit, he let No. 1 directly abandon the step-by-step search plan. Of course, the reason why No. 1 made such a decision is not in anger. Level, almost no longer let emotions affect their own reason.

The real reason why No. 1 did this was because both the Special Operations Team and Zhang Heng had already arrived first, and they must have been prepared, so that the emergency response team that arrived last was the most passive.

The fire of No. 1 is equal to direct anti-guests. The special operations team and Zhang Heng who have to hide are forced to move, and he and his emergency response team can take the initiative again.

However, he does not have a price for doing this, because in addition to the special operations team and Zhang Heng, there are some other residents in the 12 layers. Although the number is not large, once the fire is lit, it will definitely be bring disaster to innocent people, but this kind of problem let the federal police downstairs worry about it.

No. 1 blocked the elevator and another safe passage, and then lit the gasoline on the ground with a lighter, but just before they retreated into another safe passage, the mutation burst.

I saw a silhouette dressed in an outer skeleton suddenly came out of the room on the right hand side of No. 4, armed with a rifle, and fired at the 4 people of the emergency response team, and then immediately out of the room on the left side of No. 1. A guy dressed in outer skeleton equipment, together with his companion, fired at the four people in the emergency response team.

Zero responded immediately, rolling sideways into the safe passage, avoiding the first wave bombardment, and then the 2 and 5 behind him also shot back, and the two sides launched a fierce battle in the corridor. At the same time, the fire that was ignited before began to spread continuously, and eventually triggered the smoke alarm of the hotel, and then the 12 layers alarm bell was made.

The people in the emergency response team were significantly better than the marksmanship of the two outside soldiers, but the latter’s equipment was to let ordinary bullets hit the top except for a spark, and nothing was left until the end of the 2th. The sniper rifle in his hand aimed at the control center of one of the outside skeleton soldiers.

But just before he pulled the trigger, the other party retracted his body back into the room.

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