48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1068

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Hei witnessed the whole process of the battle between Miss F and Zhang Heng on the projection screen. Although it was not clear what the two people said on the way, he could see that Miss F did not at all.

However, the final result was still defeated by Zhang Heng, and it was still in the situation that the weapon was dominant in the whole process. Hei also saw Zhang Heng pull out the [hidden sheath] inserted on the ground again and walked to the hall.

The Hunter VI robot controlled by Feng Zi was in a bitter battle. Although the opponent ’s fifteen outer skeleton warriors singled out one of them, they were not opponents who killed Hunter VI robot, but their speed and strength were also among ordinary persons. On top, and the outer skeleton equipment on his body can also provide them with a good defense. With excellent cooperation, he finally successfully suppressed the hunter VI robot in front of him.

However, the terrifying self-healing ability of Hunting Type VI robots also gave them some headaches. It was not an easy task to completely solve the enemy in front of them without using explosives. ready.

——Alloy chain.

In the event that the Hunting Type VI robot cannot be destroyed, everyone in the Special Operations Squad retreats second and chooses to use chains to limit the actions of the target as much as possible. Of course, it is not easy to achieve this, especially considering Hunting Type VI The robot has 8 legs and moves very flexibly. However, after the unremitting efforts of the team members, all three legs are now chained.

A member of a special operations team sneaked around behind the Hunting Type VI robot and was planning to put a chain on the fourth leg, but didn’t expect himself to be stared at by others until there was something He cut him in the waist before he realized that he had been attacked.

But when he judged that the opponent’s weapon was only a blade, his spirit was relaxed again.

In his knowledge, although the defense equipped by the skeleton is not as good as the hunting type VI robot, it is not a cold weapon that can be destroyed, but if he watched the battle between Zhang Heng and the hunting type VI robot before I’m afraid I won’t think so.

And he soon paid the price for his care.

After he was attacked, he hesitated and decided to still use a chain to cover the leg of the Hunting Type VI robot, and when he finished all this and wanted to turn around to deal with the attacker behind him, he found that he had actually lost. Controlling the external skeleton equipment, the body could not move at all.

It was only then that he found out that his control center had been destroyed by someone.

Zhang Heng had no politeness, facing the opponent who was no longer able to move, he stabbed [Tibetan Sheath] into his stupefied eyes, pulled out the bloody blade, and decided to search for the next prey.


Hei upstairs watched the special operations team members each and everyone fall, and Zhang Heng shared the pressure. The hunted type VI robot that was in the suppressed state also regained its spirit at this time, and became a new one. The lively dragon and animated tiger got up, and there was more and more cold sweat on the black forehead. However, before he could figure out what to do, the projection screen in front of him went black.

This is because the camera he mounted below has been found and destroyed by Zhang Heng, and he has completely lost control of the battle situation. At this time, he didn’t care about Mr. G’s account, which allowed no one to disturb before leaving, and hurriedly ran to the elevator next to him. Because he was too nervous, he even pressed the up button down, and then he was busy again. Cancel the press again.

As early as 2 months ago, Mr. G has completed the transformation of this signal tower. The top layer is used by him to build a memory coding room. However, memory coding is a very complicated and need to focus on work, Mr. G formulated Due to strict regulations, no other personnel shall step into the memory coding room on the top floor without permission.

Therefore, Hei was also very anxious in the way to the center. He knew that his practice of strictly speaking had violated Mr. G ’s order, but in view of the current situation, he had to come again because he was worried that he would come a little later and stand now. Outside the door is Zhang Heng and his Hunting VI robot.

He almost trot out of the elevator and ran all the way to a metal gate at the end of the corridor. Then he panicked and pressed the doorbell outside the door. About half a minute later, Mr. G’s face appeared in the door. On the display, frowns saying, “Did I say you are in charge of the battle, don’t disturb me.”

“I’m afraid you must know this,” Hei anxiously said. “I arranged according to what you said, and Miss F finally agreed to shoot, but she and the special operations team could not stop Zhang Heng and the robot … The rest of the people ca n’t last long now, maybe the enemy will kill them in a few minutes. “

There was no expression on Mr. G’s face, and he asked, “Is that all you want to say?”

Hei is a little dumbfounded. I do n’t know what Mr. G means. Zhang Heng is about to kill him, and his primary goal is Mr. G. The latter actually got a little impatient after getting the news. He seemed to be so panicky. Running up just for such a trivial thing is really overkill.

“I’m understood,” Mr. G saw the black doubts, and didn’t fill it again. “You can continue to do your business.”

“Uh … but I don’t seem to have anything else to do now.”

Hei is now ashamed and fearful again, and all the people Mr. G gave him were killed by his command, and he could n’t stop Zhang Heng in the end. In addition, he does n’t know what he can do besides waiting for death. .

Mr. G behind the door seemed to think for half a second, then said, “Forget it, you come in.”

After he finished saying this, the metal door of the memory coding room also opened outwards, and Black stepped back 2 steps, giving way to the opening distance, and then walked in.

This is the first time he has entered this memory coding room, which is classified as the top secret by Mr. G.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he was shocked by the sight in front of him, and even temporarily forgot the fear that Zhang Heng would kill.

I saw a wide hall all around, surrounded by countless large and small screens, each screen was playing a video, and the protagonist of these videos was a middle-aged man in a suit, on the left hand side On one screen he was sitting at a dining table eating steaks, while on the other side he was having a meeting in a conference hall.

In addition, Hei also saw a strange-shaped base, located in a valley, which looked like a giant ship sailing in the wind. At the same time, there were countless sounds overlapping in the room, the car whistle, and the paper was turned The rustling sounds, chewing gum, and news broadcasts, these sounds gathered together, as if to drown him.

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