48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1069

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Is this all one’s memory?”

Hei asked only after froze for half a minute.

“All the memories? No, this is just a small part of it.” Mr. G said, “These things you see are at most less than a week’s memories. Wanting to find the memory we need to modify is not An easy thing needs to be constantly retrieved in the ocean of memories. Most ordinary person’s memories store not at all regularity, and sometimes we have to distinguish what is the conjecture of the goal and what is the reality. “

As Mr. G said, he pointed to a screen where Mr. G was kneeling at the feet of the middle-aged man, crying for the forgiveness of the latter, “I see, this is his speculation, he Probably dreaming is looking forward to this day, but unfortunately, now he is lying in my memory coding room. “

At this time, Hei also noticed that there were 7 people lying on the ground not far from the ground, 8 vertical and 5 vertical. At first, he thought they were all corpses, but when they walked in, they found that they were just sleeping.

apart from this there is a single bed on the bed in the middle of the room, and the middle-aged man on the screen is lying on his head. He now wears a ridiculously-looking helmet on his head. The entire face was covered, and a tube was inserted in the back. The tube was connected all the way to an oval machine with a diameter of about 6 meters.

In addition, all around the elliptical machine was sitting with four people wearing blue overalls at the moment, all of them also wearing the same funny helmets.

He had heard of memory coding before Hei, but this was the first time he saw the on-site process of memory coding. Needless to say, the four people wearing blue work clothes were the workers responsible for memory coding.

Just when Hei wanted to take a closer look at the machine, an electronic synthesis sounded.

“R9041 segment of memory, re-search … keyword board, artificial reproduction plan.”

As an important core staff around Mr. G, Hei also knows more about Mr. G ’s plan than others. Knowing that the new Shanghai 0297 uprising needs to be solved, the troubles from the headquarters of Shengtang Morgan need to be resolved. This is why G The reason why the husband needs such a great effort to kidnap the management here.

Through memory coding, the branch management from now on can stand on their side and find a rational excuse for the new Shanghai 0297 reform to meet the board of directors of the headquarters, but the latter artificial reproduction plan does not know what to do. Too.

He noticed that the all around screen suddenly went black, and it turned on again after about 5 seconds.

This time, the black picture has become a little difficult to understand. In a city where the population is exploding, under the extreme gap between the rich and the poor, everyone is looking for a job opportunity, asking where there is a new city to build, and he is willing to accept it to get a job Memory coding, and the Shengtang Morgan financial report where the middle age person is located has been growing year after year and has reached new highs.

The management celebrates the completion of the new project, which is the new Shanghai 0297, which was promoted by Shengtang Morgan as a paradise. Candidates can not only get job opportunities, but if they are lucky, they can enter 3 4-Layer directly. In the life of the elite, people are actively signing up to rack up their brains in order to enter the new Shanghai 0297, and the middle-aged man is also sent here to serve …

“Is this also his assumption?” Hei didn’t fully understand the content on those screens, but he still looked a little shuddering, like asking for a straw to save.

However, Mr. G’s next words seemed to be a hammer on his chest, “No, this is reality, what you desperately want to overthrow is what the outsiders are very envious of.”

“How is this possible.” Hei felt a little incomprehensible. “Wait, did you already know these things?”

“Yes,” Mr. G admitted very bluntly, “I know that New Shanghai 0297 is just a city made up of lies.”

“Then why do you lead us to resist those injustices?”

“I used to be a member of this city just like you, and played my role conscientiously in the cycle of day after day, until one of the people above was out of this long nightmare for some kind of mischief. Wake up, let me see the real way of operation of this World, but my not at all ability changed everything at that time, in order to let me live now, I had to reach an agreement with Shengtang Morgan to play Mr. G here The role of managing the order for them. But since I have seen the real World, of course I am not willing to stay in this false paradise for a lifetime. “

Mr. G said here to “shook the head”, “The pattern of things you are looking for is still too small. Of course, this is not to blame you, because you can only see the things in front of you when you are encoded, but I, I am more ambitious. Blueprint, New Shanghai 0297 is just my starting point. Since they can use memory coding to control ordinary person to work for them, I can also use memory coding to control them to work for me, not only the management of New Shanghai 0297, but also There is a board of directors, the entire Earth Federation … and in the process I will also need some like-minded partners. “

Hei was still trying to digest the explosion news he had just heard. Hearing the last sentence, “Are you inviting me to be your companion?”

“No, he was telling me.”

A voice rang from the door.

Black turned his head, I do n’t know when Zhang Heng was standing behind him, could n’t help turn pale with fright, before he was completely attracted by the pictures on the screen, even forgot the battle downstairs, although the result was already It was doomed, but Zhang Heng came here so quickly or let him startled.

Seemingly knowing what he was thinking, Zhang Heng explained again, “The battle below is not over yet, but the remaining type VI hunting robot should be able to solve it. I will come up first.”

Mr. G. nodded, “I am also very cautious in choosing partners. As the only person who broke into Shengtang Morgan ’s secret base since the establishment of New Shanghai 0297, you have proved that you have the ability to be my companion, and since you have already Knowing the truth of this city, we should also know what it means to do what we are doing. We do not need to struggle with the previous grudges, because the real new era is still waiting for us. “

“Your idea is quite bold.” Zhang Heng said, “Before I just knew that you had other plans, but indeed didn’t expect your goal is so big, and I want to take this opportunity to use the memory encoder to control the whole little The top management of Shengtang Morgan. “

“This riot must not be concealed. The senior management will send someone to investigate this matter. When the time comes, with the help of the branch management, we can also easily encode their memories so that they can take orders from us and wait for them to return. Later, you can trick more seniors to come here, “Mr. G said.” As long as we do enough concealment, our chances of winning are not small. As far as I know, in addition to the new Shanghai 0297, there are 5 new cities under Shengtang Morgan. Block, we can completely get each person gets half. “

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