48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1070

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The cooperation conditions offered by Mr. G can be said to be very sincere, and even the black side can’t help but be moved.

He had also felt a little unacceptable about Mr. G ’s deception, but after hearing the broader prospects portrayed by the latter, he looked back at these things happening in New Shanghai 0297, which did not seem so important.

New Shanghai 0297 was originally a city built on lies, and Mr. G just added another lie to it. If the things he saw on the screen were true, then even if they proceeded according to the original plan, Still just living in another lie.

But now Mr. G really provides a way to escape from this city of lies, and after leaving here is not as numb as the majority of ordinary people on the screen to live, but can control his own destiny, even 1000 With the fate of over 10000 people, such power is exciting just to think about.

This may also be why Mr. G did n’t worry much about Zhang Heng ’s killing, because he was confident enough to persuade the latter to join his career.

But what made black didn’t expect was that Zhang Heng shook his head afterwards, “Sorry, I’m not interested.”

“Why?” Mr. G was also stunned. “You have also been to the secret base of Morgan in Tang Dynasty. You should know the situation here. Are you willing to live in lies for a lifetime?”

“It doesn’t matter, I won’t stay here too long anyway.” Zhang Heng shrugged, “And speaking of which I would also like to thank you. After your tireless efforts, I was given 50 shellac records in the shortest time, My goal here is considered complete, so what happened next is purely my personal preference. “


The biggest mistake Mr. G made was to treat Zhang Heng as a normal person from beginning to end, at first he regarded Zhang Heng as a 1000 to 10000 resident who played his role in this city, and then Put Zhang Heng in the same position as himself, so he really can’t think of any reason why Zhang Heng refused him.

However, Zhang Heng is different from anyone he has seen. If the new Shanghai 0297 is just a fictional lie in the eyes of Mr. G and Shengtang Morgan, then in the eyes of Zhang Heng, from Shengtang Morgan to the so-called outside The World is just a copy, so there is no essential difference between Zhang Heng and the World outside.

The 50 shellac records from Mr. G plus the 6 or 660 previously obtained from Geng old man, this round of copies he has already scored 50 points, which is enough for him to advance to the next round of the game And, without incident, I can smoothly enter the top 1 and receive the little gift that the bartender said.

Zhang Heng naturally does not need to take risks to open up new maps. Even more how, although Mr. G said it is easy, but it may not be so easy to actually operate. In the era of memory coding, the board will not have any similar crisis. As a countermeasure, Mr. G’s move will work in New Shanghai 0297, but it may not continue to take effect in the face of a higher presence.

Even if he succeeded after 10000 steps back, Zhang Heng would be useless to divide into 8 new cities. Anyway, when the game time comes, he will still leave.

Mr. G obviously could n’t understand Zhang Heng ’s dedication to shellac records, just like he could n’t understand that a person had no idea about power, but he still did n’t give up to persuade Zhang Heng, but before he could speak again, Zhang Heng had waved. Stopped him from continuing.

“It’s not too early, after finishing this matter, I still plan to take a good tour of the city.”

Zhang Heng held the [hidden sheath] in his hand while talking, and laughed at Mr. G, “Next, please try not to be cut by me.”


Miss F did not know how long she had been unconscious. When she opened her eyes again, she found that the signal tower not far away had become a sea of ​​fire. The people below were busy fighting the fire, but the elevator destroyed the elevator for a while because of the fire. After a while, I can’t find any other way to go up, and most people can only worry.

“You woke up?” Hei on the side saw Miss F open eyes, said with great happiness.

As a result, Miss F’s first sentence after waking up was, “What about him?”

“Mr. G is still on, he hasn’t been able to escape.” Hei thought that Miss F asked her fiance, and his eyes dimmed.

“I’m not talking about him,” Miss F said paused here. “Wait, you said Mr. G is still on, is he dead?”

“Although I also hope that there will be a miracle, the possibility that he survived from the fire is indeed infinitely close to zero.” In order to avoid the excessive sadness of Miss F, Black tried to be more polite.

“Are you there at the time, what happened above?” Miss F asked.

“Everything is developing according to the original plan. Mr. G is about to complete the memory coding of the management, but at this time Zhang Heng broke in and there was a big battle between the two of them. Mr. G asked me to take The people in the management team go first, he is blocking Zhang Heng, but when I take the people to a safe place and then come back, here … here has become a fire. “

Although Black ’s words are reasonable, Miss F always thinks something is wrong, but she looked into the latter ’s eyes while He talked, not at all found any signs of lying, in other words, what he said was true, at least He thinks what he said is true.

“Where is Zhang Heng now?” Miss F asked again.

“I don’t know. I didn’t see him again when I came back. He should have left.” Black’s expression was a little dazed. “You finally woke up, what should we do now?”

He did not know whether the uprising was successful or unsuccessful. He said that it was unsuccessful. They had kidnapped the management according to the original plan and completed the memory coding for the latter. But if it succeeded, their leader Mr. G They died in the fire, and now they have no clue about the following things.

Black said to Miss F, “Everyone is waiting for you to make an idea.”

“Wait for me to make up my mind?” Miss F frowned. “Why, Director Zheng?”

“Director Zheng’s body was just found in the sewer on the opposite street. We suffered heavy losses this time. The rest of us have discussed it. I hope that you can lead us, not only because you have the highest prestige, but you are still Mr. G ’s fiancee and until now are guiding us, and eventually gave his life for our cause, no one can replace him in our in mind position, so his legacy is no one but you Can inherit. “

Black paused, probably worried that Miss F had just awakened from a coma, and hadn’t completely came back to his senses, and reminded, “Now the urgent matter is how to get the police to rescue the management personnel to a reasonable and reasonable rescue. Mr. G’s revenge, please also issue an indefinite Kill Order to Zhang Heng, the bounty Early-Stage will be set to 50010000 first, and then 1,000,000 credit points will be added every month, although we are not his opponents, but New Shanghai 0297 is so big, crouching tigers, hidden dragons, as long as the bounty is high enough, naturally someone can deal with him. “

Miss F hearing this silently, she always felt that there was something wrong with it, but she couldn’t pick it out. After a long silence, she could only nodded and said, “So do it.”

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