48 Hours a Day

Chapter 152

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Many people were awakened by the cry of the lookout. The pirates were rushing out of the sailor cabin. Some people didn’t even have time to put on their clothes and ran up with only two legs.

Anne and Zhang Heng had already stood on the deck. The latter was holding a copper Telescope and looking at the dark shadow in the distance.

“How is it?” Billy’s tone was a little nervous.

“The visibility is too low at this time, the details are not clear, and it is not yet clear whether it is the ship.” Zhang Heng said, while handing the Telescope in his hand to the helmsman aside.

The weather is not good tonight, and there is almost no starlight above the head. In this case, the watchman can find that the other party is already a miracle of neither too big nor too small, but it is unlikely to get more information.

It ’s almost 4 hours before dawn. Zhang Heng does n’t plan to take risks. Firstly, because of this vision, firing is basically luck. Even one of the best gunners in ten guns may not be able to hit it. Bai wasted shells. After all, it was all money that was shot. In addition, at this time, the war 10000 really accidentally sunk the opposite side, and the black lights were blind, but it was impossible to transport the goods to the ship in time. The fun was even greater, so opened the mouth and said, “Follow it first, be careful not to enter the opponent’s range.”

Billy and the others have no objection to this. If there is no problem with the news of the businesswoman, there are only a dozen 6-pound and 9-pound guns on the spice ship, which is far inferior to the Jackdaw in firepower, and there is no need to be in the middle of the night. The offensive, or wait until the day is more stable, after all, has been chased for so long, not in a hurry at this time.

Zhang Heng added a watchman, a group of two, rotating once an hour, staring at the ship not far away, and the rest let them go back to rest to prepare for the war after dawn.

However, most of the pirates have lost their sleepiness at this time. The pessimistic atmosphere on the ship has become more and more intense for a month. Many people have been prepared to return empty-handed, but didn’t expect When I gave up, I saw hope again, but I couldn’t help but get up and down. After returning to the hammock, many pirates turned over and over and couldn’t fall asleep. They just took out their weapons for maintenance.

After about a quarter of an hour later, the watchman on the opposite side should have also found the Jackdaw behind him. The ship suddenly started to accelerate. Billy and the others were not surprised and surprised. No black flag was raised, and the sight was so bad, not only did they not see the situation on the ship in front, the other party should also be unable to figure out where they came from.

It was under such a situation that the opposite side decided to make the decision to run the road, only illustrating one problem-that the absolutely valuable thing on the ship, even if it is not a spice, it will be other things.

People who were still on the deck were shocked when they saw it.

After fleeing for a while, the ship found it helpless to find that the distance between him and the uninvited guests was not only not widened, but was still shrinking.

By this time, they might also be able to see that they were chasing after them with a battleship, and they were only armed merchant ships, and they were loaded with cargo. The maximum speed was only 4 to 5 knots, and it was impossible to escape, so they simply After gritting his teeth, the speed of the ship was lowered, and at the same time, the left full rudder was turned sideways to expose the side guns, ready for the final stroke.

If you fight normally, this armed merchant ship is definitely not the opponent of the battleship in the back, but now the night has become their best cover. No one can see who is clear at this time. The fight is luck. If a shell falls directly into it The gunpowder store on the opposite side can immediately reverse the fighting situation.

The people on the ship knew that this was their last chance. Once the sun rose, there would be no suspense in the outcome. However, when they didn’t expect the battleship to see them slow down after they slowed down, it was very Cunning’s in the vicinity was cruising, like a shark smelling blood, and unhurried to attack.

Seeing the passage of time, the merchant ship’s situation is becoming more and more passive. If you can’t fight, you can’t escape. The mood of everyone on the ship has become more and more desperate.

At the same time, the Jackdaw is also making final preparations for the upcoming war. The sailor in charge of the helm strictly executes the command of the captain, maneuvering the Jackdaw firmly to the prey in front, 1 nautical mile from the other side. The place lingered, and the merchant ship on the opposite side tentatively fired a few artillery shots, but unfortunately he could n’t find where the shells landed.

The two sides were stalemate until the sky became white. Zhang Heng finally confirmed through Telescope that this was the spice boat they were looking for.

From the size of the other party ’s ship, to the national flag hung, and the number of artillery on the ship, it was almost the same as the information provided by the businesswoman. After receiving this news, the pirates on the ship could n’t help but cheered. Anxious and dazed.

After so many days of torment and waiting, the fruit of the harvest was finally exchanged, and the morale on the Jackdaw continued to rise at a rate visible to naked eyes.

Zhang Heng stood on the bow and Billy and Annie and the others checked the battle plan after the last check.

“… We first carried out two rounds of artillery fire, the target was their mast and deck, the purpose was to make their ships lose power and kill the people on the ship as much as possible, pay attention not to damage their hull structure as much as possible, if the The spice can’t be sold at a good price when soaked in water. When the other party can’t carry the artillery fire and surrender, we will let the Jackdaw approach and organize the crew to board the ship … “

After talking about Zhang Heng and looking towards Karina on the side, the businesswoman ’s wine was also awake at this time, but it probably recalled what happened in the captain ’s room before and left her head a little ignorant. She vaguely remembered herself last night It seems that there are a lot of messy things in the mess, and I can’t help but feel uneasy, I don’t know if this will cause any bad effects in the other party’s heart.

However, the latter heard the latter saying to her, “Your identity is more sensitive. You should go to the captain’s room first. Remember to close the window and avoid being seen by the other side.”

Zhang Heng also needs a business woman to help him sell the spoils of war to the colonial ports. The latter has taken the Jackdaw to appear in front of the pirates has been very risky, and this move is enough to prove her sincerity in cooperation, but if you will later The trader who saw him had no need to see it. The other party directly punished her encounter with the customs. At that time, she had no choice but to become a pirate.

Karina clearly understood this too, so not at all insisted on something, said thank you, and walked off the deck.

Wait until everything is ready, Zhang Heng nodded to Billy, “Let the gunner in place, let’s get started.”

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