48 Hours a Day

Chapter 153

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When the first morning light fell, the roar of the artillery shattered the calm of the sea.

The first to fire was the spice ship Happiness in the distance. After seeing the black flag rising from the opposite Jackdaw, the last hope in their hearts was shattered.

In order to ensure the safety of the goods as much as possible, Happiness chose a relatively unpopular route. It also did a good job in keeping the route secret. It has been safe for more than a month after leaving Hong Kong. Frequent dangerous areas, didn’t expect ultimately lost ground.

After dawn, they could finally see what the opposite Jackdaw looked like. Although they had some psychological preparations, after confirming that the ship they spent a night with was indeed a battleship, everyone’s face was still involuntarily. The appearance of despair.

The tragedy that occurred in Charleston 2 months ago has already spread among the colonies. The two governors also reported that there is a person. The senior naval general died tragically on the same night. At the same time, the city of Charleston was also violently shelled. This is probably the most recent. The empire has suffered the worst losses in the New World in recent years. Apart from this, there are rumors that the navy also lost a frigate that night, but compared with what happened before, there are not many people concerned.

Now when I saw the Jackdaw in front of me, everyone on Happiness couldn’t help thinking of this rumor.

The worse thing than meeting a group of pirates is meeting a group of pirates in battleship.

However, none of the men who can beg for food in this Sea Territory are cowards, knowing that their own firepower is definitely at a disadvantage, but everyone is unwilling to bow down and admit defeat.

Even more how the value of the cargo on the ship was enough for them to fight for it once, so the twelve artillery on the Happiness without the slightest hesitation launched an attack on the Jackdaw.

As a result, most of the shells of the First Round attack were missed, and only one shot flew across the ship’s side. A new gunner next to him suddenly became nervous, and asked the black clothed silhouette not far away, “Captain, are we going to fight back?”

“Wait again.” Zhang Heng shook his head looking at the happiness in the distance.

Now the Jackdaw has just entered the opponent’s range. Although it can indeed be fired back in theory, the hit rate will certainly not be too high, and the formidable power of the shells that are too far away will also be insufficient. Due to the firepower of the Jackdaw, As long as the distance is close enough, you can completely defeat the target in a round and avoid becoming a long tug of war.

However, in this way, you need to withstand a few waves of attack from the other party, but the firmness of the Jackdaw is not too much trouble.

Soon, the second wave attack of Happiness arrived. With the previous test firing, the landing point of the shells in this time was clearly accurate. It can be seen that the gunners on the opposite side should also be very experienced. Three of the shells hit the ship ’s side. One hit the sail, and it didn’t matter at all, so a group of pirates sighed in relief.

But the third wave attack is not so easy. At this time, the Jackdaw is not far away from the Happiness. Even the silhouette on the opposite side can be seen. The shells dropping from the sky hit several holes on the deck. A by chance fell on a place where the ship was not protected by iron. The seawater immediately poured back into the lowest cabin, and the carpenter on the ship immediately picked up the tool immediately and washed down to repair it.

At this time there were more voices on the ship asking for guns, and even Billy couldn’t help looking towards Zhang Heng, but the latter remained silent.

Although Zhang Heng has participated in many battles on the Sea Lion, this is the first time he has personally led a naval battle. It was not the same as his previous feelings. At that time, he basically only needed to protect himself, wait for the opportunity to solve the nearby threats, and if he had the power, then rescue some companions in distress even if he completed the task in excess.

Except for the need to pay attention to the situation on the field when snatching the Scarborough, most of his eyes are mostly limited to nearby places, which is similar to his mode of action in the Sufen war, but now he The command is an entire ship, and what needs to be considered becomes how to win a battle with the least cost.

The firepower on the Jackdaw is undoubtedly far superior to the opposite Happiness, but the level of the gunner is contrary to chance. This will be more obvious when shooting from a long distance, and the two sides are in accuracy as the distance is closer. The gap will also narrow, after all, as long as it is close enough, even a novice is difficult to miss.

Therefore, Zhang Heng chose to brave the gunfire and rushed to the front of Happiness. However, when the fourth wave of attacks fell on the deck, some people began to be injured. Zhang Heng himself also scratched his arm with a flying piece of wood, but his face There was still no expression on the board. He continued to hold the Telescope and watched the movement on the Happiness, until he saw the gunner on the opposite side quickly fill the cannonball into the barrel to prepare for the next round of salvo. Zhang Heng finally issued a new order.

“The descending sail slows down and the rudder is full on the right.”

The pirates waited too long for this sentence, hearing this immediately put away the sails on the boat at the fastest speed, the Jackdaw evaded a new round of attack by suddenly slowing down, and at the same time the hull oscillated, Eventually it became a state parallel to Happiness.

Although some of the sailing ships of this era can also load the bow and stern guns, they are mostly used in emergency. The main output of the firepower is the side guns. Therefore, before launching the attack, you need to side the hull to the target. This is why Zhang Heng must allow Jackdaw to drive close enough to fight back.

Because once you enter the state of engagement, it is very difficult to adjust the distance again.

The pirates had been bombarded unilaterally by the artillery fire on the Happiness, and they had already saved their breath. When Zhang Heng ordered the gunners to give the most violent counterattack immediately, the artillery on the ship fired together, although nearly half of the shells fell Into the water, but the rest caused a lot of harm to the happiness.

One of the 24-pound shells was lucky enough to hit the sub-mast of Happiness. The latter broke off in silence and directly crushed 2 sailors on the deck. The sails above also covered 3 artillery.

After seeing the formidable power of the cannon on the Jackdaw, the sailors on the Happiness had fallen into a panic at this time. Although some people were still struggling to fight back, they were quickly overwhelmed by shells hiding the sky and covering the earth. If it wasn’t for Zhang Heng’s intention to instruct the gunner on board to raise the angle, I’m afraid that after the second round salvo, Happiness will be hit hard.

The battle was almost the same as expected. After two rounds of artillery fire, the opposite side clearly realized that it was only an increase in casualties. Although it was still unwilling, it could only be chosen to surrender immediately.

Zhang Heng not at all is as excited as everyone else on the ship, because he knows that the next most dangerous moment is. According to Karina ’s information, there are 30 sailors on Happiness, and even more troublesome is a group of riders The number of naval students is about 20. They are all strong youngsters.

These people together have surpassed the pirates on the Jackdaw in number.

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