48 Hours a Day

Chapter 156

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The Jackdaw was moored in the port for 3 days. During this period, many people petitioned the captain Zhang Heng and were dismissed. If they encountered this kind of thing before, the sailors would probably join together to put pressure on the captain, but when After DiFener, the quartermaster and bookkeeper on the ship, calculated the income of everyone on this trip, the crowd became quiet again.

In particular, the newcomers who just joined were thankful for their good luck and boarded the Jackdaw. They did n’t want to lose their qualification to stay on board because of such a small thing.

However, this situation only barely lasted for 3 days. Even after 3 days, even if someone pointed his gun at his head, the pirates who had no energy to vent would no longer want to stay on the boat honestly, regardless of the captain Zhang Heng or Billy. No one listened to the helmsman’s words anymore. Seeing that the boat was under control, some people even planned to jump directly into the water and swim to the shore. Anyway, it was not far from the pier.

Zhang Heng, forget about it, at this time the Breeze should be almost safe, and no more people stopped. So the pirates rushed to the ferry boat and rowed towards the pier with the fastest speed. The onlookers on the shore were also shocked. Everyone is wondering how the jackdaw ’s harvest on the sea these days, etc. After so long, finally there will be results.

But then I saw that the pirates on the shore did not stay at all. All swarms rushed to the residence of the merchant Casspi on the island. Fortunately, the latter was already prepared. Seeing the movement at the dock, the guards moved out The table was placed in front of the door, and a sack was also brought out.

Dufferina handed over the note signed by Karina and Zhang Heng. Cassie took a careful inspection and then put it in her pocket three times. Then she entered the pirates and looked forward to it. The money link.

This time each pirate can earn at least 40 Spanish Gold Coins, which is equivalent to 320 silver rupees, far exceeding the most optimistic expectations before, and like those who have positions, such as gunner cooks and the like The extra score was 160 silver rupees.

Zhang Heng himself got a huge amount of 120 Spanish Gold Coins. In addition to the double spoils of war as the captain, there is also a share from the veteran. This is only available to the 7 people who originally grabbed the Jackdaw. Of additional income.

It stands to reason that this battleship is the first spoils of war of the pirate group, but because it cannot be directly discounted, it can only be subsidized to everyone in this form in the end. According to the regulations, the veteran share will last for 3 years, and will not change with the change of the captain. Once disembarked or died, it will be automatically cancelled.

As the sailor captain and the most heroic person in this battle, Annie also got 80 Gold Coins. The red-haired girl got rid of poverty overnight. From the previous state of extreme poverty, she became a little wealthy little rich lady on the island.

But then she generously handed over 40 Gold Coins to someone, “According to our previous agreement, I will split you half of the first spoils of war.”

This was the promise that Annie made when the two first met, but because Zhang Heng had forgotten for a long time, he did n’t forget, did n’t expect the red-haired girl to remember.

But to say that Anne has n’t spent much money on his accommodation during this time, the rent of the house has already been paid by Zhang Heng, so in fact, it ’s just a matter of adding an extra set of tableware. Around Gold Coin, in Zhang Heng’s view, it is completely a relief.

But he looked towards the female child ’s eyes and knew that Annie ’s attitude towards this matter was more serious than he thought,

Zhang Heng could not refuse the money, so he could only accept the half bag of Gold Coin again.


Soon, the entire Nassau knew about the news that the Jackdaw returned home with full load this time. This result also surprised many people.

Just less than 2 months ago, the vast majority of people were still watching this newly established pirate group, thinking that its captain was too young and inexperienced, even if there were many people who were interested in joining, they were watching. I want to wait until the first flight of the Jackdaw is over, but now these people, without exception, are all in regret.

Especially when a sailor on the Jackdaw lost 20 Gold Coins in a casino on the island overnight, a wave of pirate formations was launched in Nassau.

However, as long as these people have no battleship, 2 no reliable manpower, the captain was selected hurriedly, and he went to the sea to chase fortune as soon as his head was hot. The end of the game was very miserable. After they came back, they had to face the price reduction of the Black Merchants Union. They only realized that it was not easy to make money.

On the other side, Zhang Heng took a month’s leave for the crew of the Jackdaw.

This also belongs to the repercussions of the victory. The first flight of the Jackdaw can be described as perfect. Each crew member received a large sum of money, and his pockets were filled, but then they went to the sea again to plunder. Desire has also been reduced to a minimum, and almost everyone is thinking about how to spend the money.

Now the courts, casinos and taverns in Nassau City are like being chartered by the crew of the Jackdaw, and there is a festive carnival atmosphere everywhere.

It is obviously unrealistic to expect these guys to immediately raise their fighting spirit, but Zhang Heng can handle some things while taking advantage of this time.

Zhang Heng, Anne and Billy together came to a pub called the Mermaid House at sunset, and at the door by chance they met a group of Jackdaw crew members who came out of it, most of them were drunk There were also a few good-looking chicks next to me. When I saw the three guys, the guys couldn’t help but brighten their eyes. They shouted must and went back to have a drink, but in the end he was persuaded by Billy.

After the episode, three people were divided into two routes according to the original plan. Anne and Billy walked into the mermaid ’s house, and Zhang Heng went around the alley in the back door of the tavern. Zhang Heng took out the Wrist Watch that he just bought yesterday morning. After watching the time, two minutes later, there was a disturbance in the tavern. A thin, bearded man rudely pushed away the bartender and waitress in front of him, and ran all the way to the back door of the tavern.

not even think just pushed away, he looked nervously behind him while he was running, didn’t expect next moment but he was stumbled on his leg, he couldn’t control his center of gravity anymore, his body leaned forward, Pour directly into a piece of vomit beside the wall.

When he turned his head around, he saw a black hole.

But it did n’t take long for an angry man to rush out of the tavern. When he was drinking, he was overturned by a mustache man and the wine glass in his hand was chased out to try to teach the latter, but did n’t expect the mustache man When he saw a look of excitement on his face, it was like seeing a loved one.

However, his excitement not at all lasted too long, because Zhang Heng had pulled out the second short musket and pointed at the big man who rushed out afterwards, “Sorry, come first and come later.”

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