48 Hours a Day

Chapter 157

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The bearded man’s name is Hank. He is a small and famous intelligence vendor on the island. He knows many captains who travel to and from Nassau. As a result, he has accumulated a lot of intelligence sources. Many pirates have bought clues before him.

When Billy was still on the Sea Lion, he also followed Orff to find the latter. He also knew Hank at that time. The 2 people also had a few drinks together. The relationship should be considered good. Yes, so Billy would only ask him to buy intelligence before going to sea this time.

Although Hank may seem a little unremarkable, he is naturally unique in being able to do business on the island for such a long time.

He will score a clue through three aspects: the value of the prey, the level of detail of the intelligence, and the credibility of the intelligence source, and finally estimate the value of the clue.

Like the news of the perfume ship, the scores of the prey value and the credibility of the intelligence source are very high. Only the level of detail of the intelligence is slightly worse, but it can be regarded as a very high-quality clue.

Therefore, Hank ’s opening price is also very high, and two Spanish Gold Coins are required to open, and Billy finally spends ten Spanish Gold Coins to choose to buy out transactions for insurance purposes. This transaction model means that this clue is in addition to Jackdaw. No. Hank can no longer be sold to other pirates.

Afterwards, Hank also reciprocated, and gave away the news of the tobacco ship Duffy on the same route, which made Billy completely relieved and full of confidence in the first flight of the Jackdaw.

But what happened afterwards was completely beyond his expectation. If it wasn’t for the businesswoman Karina to board the ship halfway, she provided that important news about the Spice Ship. Waiting for the Jackdaw would be the cruel reality of empty hand.

Although Billy does not have Orly ’s wily old fox, he is not a fool. He started to have doubts when the perfume ship disappeared, but this kind of thing did happen with great probability. If the first thread fails, the second thread will be rejected immediately, so it does n’t make any sense to buy a backup thread.

But then the direction of the development of the incident was confirmed by chance. His two consecutive clues failed at the same time. Billy also realized that he was pitted, but what he did not understand was that he and Hank got along well in these years. Yes, the Jackdaw does not have any conflict of interest with the latter. Why did the intelligence dealer suddenly put him this way.

Today the 3 people came to the Mermaid House together to clarify this matter.

Hank actually recognized who was outside the door immediately. Recently, Zhang Heng was probably the most famous person on the whole island. When the Jackdaw first appeared outside the harbour of Nassau, Hank also went to the pier to see After the excitement, he was doing the job of an intelligence dealer. Naturally, widening the interpersonal network is also a very important part of it, so he is no stranger to the Jackdaw and its new captain.

The intelligence dealer struggled to get up from the ground, did not care to wipe off the stains on his clothes, and gave a wry smile to the man in black clothed in front of him, “I said very clearly when selling the clues, and I cannot guarantee every All the clues are absolutely valid, even the most credible clues will have various accidents, such as the target suddenly changed the route halfway, accidentally hit other pirates, weather factors, etc. If you do n’t believe you can ask your helmsman, I emphasized the risks with him … “

Hank took a breath and continued, “Of course, I also deeply regret your experience, but fortunately, you will not have any losses in the end, it is better to do so, we take a step back, I will refund the money I received before, What if this thing is over? “

The opposite Zhang Heng indifferent expression, and at this time Anne and Billy also walked out of the back door of the tavern, the three people enclosed Hank at the corner of the wall.

saw that the situation was far from good, the intelligence dealer hurriedly added again, “Well, there are, before you go to sea next time, I can send you a few more valuable clues for free, this time I can guarantee that I will never There was an accident. “

Hank ’s back was leaning against the cold stone wall, trying to keep calm. In the past, some people would come back to him for clues because of inaccurate clues, but he was wisely dealt with by the past. The intelligence dealers on the island It ’s not too much, it usually competes with each other at ordinary times, but it ’s still very important in the key moments. Before the peer was killed, no one was sold to the pirate ship after finding out who the murderer was, and finally forced the pirate ship. Had to change the captain.

The intelligence dealer looked at Billy, who was the old man on the island. It is impossible that he had never heard of it. As a competent helmsman, he should now remind his captain of the bad consequences of doing so.

But Billy didn’t respond, just stared at him coldly.

Then Hank saw the red-haired female pirate on the other side pulled out a dagger in his waist and laughed at him.

next moment The intelligence dealer only felt a cold on his chest and bowed his head. He was shocked to find that his linen was cut open, and the tip of the dagger had penetrated his skin, less than 2 cm from his heart, as long as The red-haired girl on the opposite side gave a little pressure, and he will be here tonight.

Hank was really panicked this time. Didn’t expect this group of people did not play cards according to the rules at all. The voice of the intelligence dealer was already crying, trembling, “You … how much compensation do you want?” , At least give me a count. “

“We don’t need any compensation,” Zhang Heng finally said, “but you need to answer us a few questions truthfully.”

“What do you want to know?” Hank hearing this expression was a little puzzled.


A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Heng came out of the alley. Anne reinserted the dagger back into her waist, frowns saying, “Malcolm, do any of you know this guy, why did he come to trouble us?”

“Malcolm is the No. 2 character of the Black Merchant League. This guy’s family has a lot of power in the New World,” Billy Road, who is most familiar with the situation on the island, explained to the red-haired girl, “10000000 don’t because The family behind him ignored the personal ability of this person. Malcolm came to Nassau about 4 years ago. When he first arrived on the island, he had nothing but a transport boat. His family was far from New York , Can provide him with convenience at the port customs, but he ca n’t help much in Nassau, he almost started from scratch, so he now maintains a good cooperative relationship with more than a dozen pirate ships, and last year, Black Prince Sam also started Cooperate with him, so he is definitely one of the most worthy characters in the Black Business Alliance. “

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