48 Hours a Day

Chapter 212

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Black Prince Sam sent a dozen of the best sailors to dive into the area where the Spanish treasure ship dived, and quickly found out where the gold was.

But then they encountered another problem

——How to get the gold out of the sea.

Those boxes containing gold dropped half a mile from the coastline. The depth of the water is more than 20 meters. This is almost the limit of the ordinary person’s dive. In addition to being restricted by oxygen, every time a person dives ten meters in the water, they will Withstand an additional atmospheric pressure, then the water pressure will cause obvious symptoms such as nitrogen anesthesia and oxygen poisoning.

Zhang Heng vaguely remembered that the largest dive record for humans appeared to be more than 40 meters without the help of any equipment. I don’t know how to do it.

Like the group sent by Black Prince Sam, they grew up by the sea. Many of them are children of fishermen ’s families. They are excellent in water, but they just dived to the place where they could see the box and immediately came up. There was only one The man really dived to the bottom and brought a gold bar scattered around.

“It looks like we will be on this island for a while.” Black Prince Sam said with a bitter smile.

But no matter what, this joint hunt was a success.

Even if 5000 pounds of gold is divided into 6 ships, everyone can get a large sum of money. Apart from this ship also shipped a batch of tobacco, but after flooding, it has been rescued and cannot be recovered.

Even Brook, who suffered the most losses, was in a good mood at this time. Even if the extra half of spoils of war deducted the cost of repairing the ship and supporting the wounded, there would still be a lot left.

Of course, Zhang Heng and his Jackdaw were even more enviable, and he and Brook served as bait, but in the end, the three Spanish sailing ships chose the weaker swordfish as the main target.

In addition to the previous 2 rounds of shelling, the Jackdaw was n’t attacked much later. His entry point was also very good when he encircled. After the 4 pirate ships in the bay attacked, the Jackdaw joined the battle. At this time, the three Spanish sailing ships can no longer care about him.

When doing bait before, Zhang Heng’s every choice and grasp of the timing were also excellent. Not only did he successfully confuse his opponent, but also won the opportunity for the sword fish to retreat. Without his 2 entanglements, Brook and he Of the crew are now feeding fish on the seabed.

So the captain of the swordfish was very grateful to Zhang Heng, and came to thank him personally after going ashore. Zhang Heng had little contact with Brooke before, but he was not unfamiliar with the name, except that the latter was famous in Nassau. , Also because of his name on his joint recommendation letter.

But contrary to Zhang Heng’s expectation, he contacted Brooke and found that the latter was not as cold as the surface. In fact, he was quite talkative. He had always cherish words like gold when discussing the battle plan several times before. There are no ten sentences, Zhang Heng thought his character is like this, but now it seems that this is not the case.

“Sorry, I’m not aiming at other people, just contradicting gunpowder Jarvis.” Brooke said

Gunpowder Jarvis, the captain of another pirate ship, the Warrior, was also one of the names on the joint recommendation letter.

Zhang Heng remembered that Black Prince Sam said that he had adjusted the contradiction between two friends through this matter, so it seems that Brook and Jarvis should be said, didn’t expect this action he actually put 2 people Call again.

“Javis and I have been friends for more than a decade, and my friendship with him is still longer. About 2 months ago, I got a valuable clue that a slave ship departed from Africa. I plan to go to Boston. The quality of the goods is very good. They are all young people aged between 6 and 18 years old. They are in good health and their teeth are neat. I took someone to the ship ’s route in advance. A group of guys of unknown origin, I sent someone to negotiate with them, but they did not speak at all, killed the boatman I sent, and then said nothing to me directly, but their ship was not me Quickly, in the end, I escaped.

“When I think about it afterwards, I always feel that the guy seemed to be rushing at me, so this thing is not a coincidence, but a personal grudge.” Brooke paused, “but I only told this thing before I went to sea. Jarvis, so when I came back, I went to his residence and questioned him face-to-face. He denied it and said he was very angry, saying that I should not suspect him. And found that he secretly left Nassau the night before I went to sea, but he was not on his own boat. “

“Your conflicts because of this matter?”

Brook nodded, “I just don’t understand why he would start with me based on the relationship between the two of us, forget it … I’m too lazy to think about this kind of thing, I promised Sam not to shoot him, but that’s all. from now on There is no relationship between the two of us. “

Brooke and Zhang Heng talked a few more times, when the black helmsman Eric on the Vida came over.

“Ah, you are here, our luck is good, Bauer’s people found some wild goats on the island, and rabbits and so on, we took oral tonight, by chance, there was still a lot of rum on board, Sam proposed a bonfire party to celebrate the success of this operation, and we became the first group of pirates in this Sea Territory to successfully rob the Spanish treasure ship. “

“Celebrate, now, but isn’t the gold still under the sea?” Zhang Heng asked.

“Yeah, but they won’t run long legs there anyway, don’t worry, we will find a way to fish them up.” Eric pats Zhang Heng’s shoulder, “What can you eat there?” Can you contribute something? “

“I can provide 30 barrels of rum, plus a batch of fresh lemons.”

“Excellent, I will organize fishing by hand, your lemon by chance can be used to get rid of fish.”

Brook on the other side spread out his hands, “As you can see, there is nothing on my boat now.”

“It doesn’t matter. Captain Sam is already solving this matter. Maybe you can thank Jarvis. I heard that he is willing to give you a third supply.”

Brooke eyebrows raised, “Is he willing, or did Captain Sam tell him to do this.”

“Is there any difference between the two?” The black helmsman blinked. “Come on, Brook, that thing has passed so long, do you have to struggle with it again? When we get the gold on the seabed Did n’t you make up for your previous losses? “

Brooke coldly snorted, but said nothing more.

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