48 Hours a Day

Chapter 213

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Very good, the first time I went to sea to participate in the battle, I just stayed with a bunch of potatoes in the cabin. After hearing a few gunshots, it was all over. Now everyone is eating over there to celebrate the victory. And we are waiting for them here. “Harry grumbled as he turned a roasted whole sheep on the campfire.

“Don’t you already eat 2 roasted fish mats in advance?” Chef Ramsey opened the mouth and said while brushing the roasted whole lamb with seasoning.

“It’s different. It’s completely different to eat and celebrate with everyone. Damn, I want to be over there.” Harry looked at the lively pirates on the other side, his eyes full of envy.

When he turned around, he heard Ramsay’s reminder, “Turn it over again.”

Harry sighed and turned the roast sheep on the shelf half a turn.

Ramsey continued to brush the sauce slowly, and Harry’s eyes rolled, “Mr. Ramsey, have you heard that the gold is now bubbling under the sea, as if not far from us.”

“How is that?”

“Don’t you want to go and see?” Harry asked. “I haven’t seen that many gold, if I can get 2 gold bars from it …”

“Don’t even think about this kind of thing. There are people patrolling in that place. The captain’s door has reached an agreement. Each ship has one person and supervises each other. They change shifts every 2 hours to prevent someone from stealing gold bars. “Ramsey paused,” And haven’t you always wanted to stay on the ship and become a formal crew? There are rules on the ship that prohibit theft, hiding spoils of war, etc. Well, grab this leg and let me paint Order honey. “

“Forget it, the woman just wanted to get me off the boat. Does she think I can’t see it? She deliberately arranged to wash the toilet for me, and work in the kitchen that I don’t like, that is, let me get off the boat after I go back. “Harry pouted at the place where Anne was, somewhat discouraged.” I still recognize her as the boss, and she shouted for her when she was fighting. “

“I think she’s doing it for you, well, then change legs.”

“Yeah, everyone said so.” Harry absently said, and then his eyes rolled again, suddenly covering his stomach and shouting, “Ah, no, I seem to be eating a bad stomach a little bit. No, I have to go quickly to make it easier. “

After Harry finished speaking, he let go of the roasted leg of lamb, and quickly ran away without waiting for Ramsey to agree.

A look of helplessness appeared on Mr. Chef’s face, but he also knew that Harry was in a bad mood tonight, probably stimulated by the happy laughter and cheerful voices in the distance, so he was blatantly lazy about him. turn a blind eye.

Harry didn’t go in the direction of the sinking of the Spanish treasure ship. He said that to get gold was just anger, even if there was no patrol person, he couldn’t get gold at all. His water is so ordinary that he can’t dive so deep. Place, and there was nothing on the beach that blocked his sight, he knew everything at a glance.

Harry had no goals, and went blind in the depths of the island, just wanting to stay away from the crowd.

After walking for a while, he didn’t know where he was. The trees on Parrot Island were very lush, and all parts looked similar. Then Harry began to worry about whether he would get lost, so he chose a direction and went on. After an hour, I finally saw the sea again.

Harry took a deep breath of the sea breeze and relaxed his nervousness a little, but then he found that he seemed to have walked to the other side of Parrot Island and could not help but scream bad luck.

If he returns to the previous place along the coastline, it is estimated that he has to walk for another 2 hours, and he has to wait until the middle of the night. Then, this time he is lazy, he is completely stealing the chicken and not eating the rice.

Harry felt more and more angry. The guy on the beach was still happily eating roast lamb and drinking rum. No one noticed that he was gone. The feeling of being ignored by the whole world made him Very uncomfortable, he kicked a small stone depressively, his eyes followed the direction in which the latter flew, but the next moment was dumbfounded.

He actually saw a small boat.

Harry rubbed his eyes and confirmed that he was not mistaken. It was indeed a small boat. There were about 7 people on the boat, rowing fast into the distance at night.

Harry felt a little strange, now all the pirates were celebrating the success of the operation on the beach except the boat responsible for the patrol.

And here is not a shipwreck, and the number of people on the ship is not as good as Ramsay said. This is obviously not the patrol boat, where did the group of people emerge from, and are there other people on the island? Are they going in such a hurry?

The more Harry thought, the more weird he realized that he should tell Zhang Heng and Annie about it.

Then he took another two steps forward and wanted to watch it a little more carefully, but next moment he was pushed behind his back and Harry screamed and fell off the cliff.


On the other side, Annie drank another guy who came to challenge her, but then she looked around but couldn’t help frowning. Put down the glass in his hand and walked to the front of Ramsey. The latter was busy at this moment. He had roasted 2 sheep and a dozen hares, sweating with sweat.

“Why are you alone, Harry, are you being lazy again?”

“He said he had eaten his stomach and it was convenient to go,” Ramsey said honestly, but then he hesitated and added, “He has been away for a while. To be honest, I was a little worried about him.”

“There is nothing to worry about. That guy must be lazy. I asked the people on the other ships. There is no wild beast on this island. Now we are the only ones. What a danger.”

“That’s what I said, but now it’s night after all. I’m mainly worried about what he will do if he can’t clearly get lost on the island at 10000.”

“Oh, it’s really possible with that guy’s IQ.” Annie nodded and said.

Zhang Heng also came over at this time, “What’s wrong?”

“Harry is gone. I’m going to find him in the woods.” The red-haired girl said as she moved her wrist and squeezed her fist. “He’d better pray not to be found by me.”

“Let’s go together,” Zhang Heng said. “He is always on our boat anyway.”

“That’s why I don’t want to take him out to sea. This guy can always get moths.”

The two then went to find Billy, and the latter picked out a dozen crew members who did not drink too much tonight and searched together on the island.

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