48 Hours a Day

Chapter 214

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng and Annie have already taken people to search a small half of the island, but not at all found Harry’s whereabouts.

“Why haven’t I found that guy can run this way before?” Anne was a little surprised by the result. It stands to reason that the farther away from the beach the chance of finding someone is, because the average person will not run so far.

“It seems that he may have really lost his way.” Quartermaster Differna also actively joined the search team after hearing what happened, and now there is a distance of about 2 meters between them, and they walk While shouting Harry’s name, there was no gain.

Just then, a sailor on the left side of the team made a discovery.

Zhang Heng and the others walked over and saw a wooden barrel and two wine bottles.

“Is this left by the person at the observation point?”

Zhang Heng lifted the barrel lid with a saber and glanced, “In order to monitor the movement of the Spanish treasure ship, three observation points were set up on the island, but as far as I know, none is in this area.”

“That’s what Bauer left when he hunted in the afternoon.”

This time it was Dufferina who said, “Bauer is hunting on the west side of the island, and the wild goats are there, and they will not bring the bucket directly.” Seeing everyone’s eyes were concentrated, the quartermaster shrugged. “This is what I specifically asked them about at night. If possible, I want to roast a few sheep and take them to the boat when I leave.”

“Then it seems that these things were left by the people on the island before,” said Annie.

Although there are no people living on Parrot Island, it is an island recorded on a nautical chart after all, so it is not unreasonable to have traces of human activity on it.

Zhang Heng indifferent expression, dipped a little water with his little finger and put it in his mouth. “The fresh water here is very clean and still drinkable. It was not a long time ago.” After he finished, he crouched down again and checked the 2 Wine bottles.

“Do you mean that there are other people on the island besides us?”

“This is not possible,” Dufferina said flatly. “We did a comprehensive search after we went to the island. There really are no one but us here.”

“So how do you explain this bucket of fresh water?”

“Perhaps someone just left before we went to the island …” Dufreina was hesitant about halfway through, because if that was the case, you should be able to find these things during the full search before.

“It’s our people.” Zhang Heng said, he handed one of the wine bottles to the red-haired girl.

“The rum we drink is generally produced by a winery in North Carolina and shipped to Nassau for sale. Their bottles are very special. Although the wine from that winery is also sold to other parts of the colony, it is exactly here The probability of encounter is very small. “

“Wait, why are our people here?” The red-haired girl puzzled. “Is it Captain Sam’s arrangement?”

“It’s not very likely. The location here is not very good. The main thing is that it is not on the route of the Spanish treasure ship. Setting up an observation point here is completely wasteful, and the most important thing is that if he does not make sense, I don’t tell. other people.”

Zhang Heng paused, “Everyone’s better to be careful, something may have changed on the island.”

In his tone barely fell, there was a sound of footsteps in the distant trees, Zhang Heng pulled out a short musket in the waist immediately, and Annie also pulled out her saber.

After a while, a silhouette stumbled and ran out from behind the tree. At about the same time the red-haired girl also rushed over, but her saber drew an arc but forcibly stopped in midair.


“Boss Anne!” The latter looked extremely embarrassed, and his body was soaked, just like he had just been taken out of the water, and he also limped, covering the wound on his arm with one hand. But after seeing Zhang Heng and the others, he seemed very excited and shouted, “I have something important to tell you !!!”

“Important thing? Let’s talk about how to make yourself like this first.” Red-haired girl said.

“It’s really the most urgent thing!” Harry said anxiously. “We have actually been betrayed. Jarvis and his confidants accepted the amnesty. They were not pirates as long as a few months ago. He was in Nassau because he and Charleston ’s new governor reached an agreement to help the latter catch Nassau ’s famous pirates! “

“Jarvis, Gunpowder Jarvis?” Dufrenne frowns saying, “Are you sure you want to charge him, he is an old pirate on the island, earlier than Blackbeard on the island.”

Harry nodded, “This is what I heard with my own ears, I’m lazy … Oh no, I came here when I was diarrhea, there is a cliff not far away, the people of Jarvis secretly took advantage of everyone’s inattention A boat was hidden underneath. I saw the boat leaving there with my own eyes. I wanted to try to see if the person above could be seen clearly, but then someone pushed me behind me and I fell from above. Go on. “

Harry said there was still some shock in it, “All the rocks under the cliff are reefs, but my luck was good. I fell into the gap between two reefs and didn’t hurt much, but then I dared not go ashore and swim to a piece Hidden behind the reef.

“The people who pushed me down after a while also came down. They searched the place and didn’t find me. They probably thought I was dead and relaxed their vigilance, and they happened to be where I was hiding. Near the reef, I heard their conversation.

“One of them said that he thought he would stay in Nassau for a while, but this time is a hassle. Now that the most famous pirates of Nassau are almost all on this island, just put us to catch everything in one net The task can be completed in advance. I heard them say that the new Governor of Charleston will not only pardon all their previous crimes, but also pay them a severance payment of £ 20 each. They have been planning for a long time before they leave the port. Our information was leaked this time. “

Harry was very anxious and spoke faster and faster. “Behind us there is now a fleet of navy and pirate hunters who have been quietly following us. The boat was just to get in touch with them. This dinner was actually Jia. Weiss’s idea was to create a hands-on opportunity for the fleet. “

Zhang Heng moved his heart and thought of the thing that Manchu Luke and he had mentioned before. During a looting, he was stared at by a group of unknown people. Brook thought that the other party was a pirate from other places, but now watch The gang is probably a pirate hunter who cooperated with Jarvis.

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