48 Hours a Day

Chapter 219

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Upon seeing the shadow, Di Freina immediately became nervous. “What should I do, do you want to prepare to meet the enemy?”

“We still have a few sober gunners now?” Zhang Heng and Annie may be the only 2 people who can still calm down. The latter looked at the menacing fleet in the distance without fear.

“4.” Mr. Quartermaster said with a bitter smile, “But I also worked as a gunner for a while in earlier years, if needed …”

“This manpower and firepower have no meaning at all.” Zhang Heng shook his head and said decisively, “Put down the top sail, and while they haven’t adjusted their formation, we rushed over.”

Diverina was shocked, “There are 7 ships opposite, how could we withstand the firepower.”

“There is no way, I can only fight this time.” Zhang Heng said, “We stayed and just waited for death. Once we lined up and blocked the port completely, we had no chance at all, as long as we rushed fast enough among them, They cared about their companions, and at most only 2 or 3 ships could attack us, and with the ruggedness of the Jackdaw, it might be able to sustain it. “

Zhang Heng glanced back at the direction of the beach, and the people there also found a warship suddenly appearing outside the port, and panic and confusion erupted.

They are all the best pirates in Nassau. Now they have gathered together for the same purpose and achieved the achievements that all the pirates have not done before. If they are not drunk tonight, they are all standing on their ships, even if they face The Navy ’s fleet may not be without a hit, but now it seems that it can do nothing but shout and run like a headless fly on the beach.

The only thing that has not been given up is the black Prince Sam, who is still directing manpower to adjust the artillery on the shore, but his silhouette at the moment looks a bit lonely at night.

Jarvis was sitting on the boat, and was originally swiping to the shore, but after seeing the navy ship appearing in the distance, he changed his attention and turned to the leading warship while waving his hand.

But at this time, Zhang Heng had no time to care about other people’s movements again. He withdrew his gaze, swept the faces of everyone on the deck, saw uneasiness on each face, saw despair, and everyone wrote at the moment Full of helplessness and imitation.

That low, powerful voice sounded again in the darkness.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you home.”


The naval fleet came too fast, which was beyond everyone’s expectation. Even the Swordfish, who was determined to leave, had not yet summoned all the crew. At this time, it was obviously not urgent to get on the ship again.

Brooke’s face was pale, and perhaps the only thing that made him feel a little comforted was the Jackdaw not far away. Although he boarded the boat earlier than them, it seemed that he couldn’t go this time.

However, no one thought that after clearly seeing the fleet appearing outside the port, instead of retreating, the Jackdaw rushed towards the other party without the slightest hesitation.

This almost suicidal move left many people stunned. The leading naval ship, Walden, the naval officer in charge of the operation, stood on the deck, watching the expression of the Jackdaw coming alone. And asked the adjutant around him, “Is this the battleship we lost before?”

“There is a change in appearance, it should have been remodeled, but yes, sir, this is the Battleship Glory that we lost in Charleston.” A large and careful observation followed.

“Where is there any glory, the glory of the Imperial Family in this Sea Territory has been lost to the stupid Elmer, and now I want to clean up the mess he left behind.” Walden shook his head, “open fire Come on, don’t let any one go. “


“What’s wrong, any questions?”

“Captain Jarvis’s boat is very close to them now, if we fire at this time …”

“Are you a rookie who just graduated from the Naval Academy? Did n’t you hear my order just now? I said do n’t let go of it, including Jarvis and his savage bloodied hands. Do n’t let anyone go. “

“But … aren’t we allies? Captain Jarvis has been sending us intelligence in this operation. Isn’t there an agreement between him and Lambert Earl? After doing this, Lambert Earl will give the Warriors The crew of the USS forgive them and make them the queen again … “

The adjutant was interrupted before he finished speaking.

“Open your eyes and take a look, Chris, now, right in front of us, the one on the beach over there is not our kind at all, but a group of wild beasts, you know they are in Bellston against Belomont Earl and What did Governor Watt do, by the way, and Elmer ’s idiot, they robbed the Scarborough, and then killed everyone on it, it was a whole, fucking 700, sea army soldier! Not to mention the other civilians in the city. “Walden paused.

“Do you know why Lambert Earl asked the Admiralty to send me here to solve this Sea Territory security threat, child?”

“Because of your great achievements against pirates?”

“No, because I never compromise and cooperate with those wild beasts. I know there are some voices in the upper class recently, saying that we should use some more kind and gentle means, but I can guarantee that I am not that kind of person, you really think I will let these thugs with blood on their hands simply wash away their sins, return to a civilized society and live a happy life, and then we pretend that nothing has happened?

“There is no such good thing, it won’t work here with me, so do me a favor and get rid of all the things that are moving in front of you now. No one but us will know what happened tonight, we can complete our task, Lambert Earl can also preserve his reputation … Now, are my orders clear enough. “

“Yes, sir.” Chris swallowed.

“Good, then let’s get started.”

The betrayal of Jarvis on the beach has been settled, and the crew of the Warrior and other pirates have also launched an attack. Because of the early preparations, the crew of the Warrior did not drink much tonight, and kept their minds clear, and their weapons At hand, at first has the upper hand, but this can’t erase the gap between the two sides.

Over time, Black Prince Sam and several other captains have stabilized the front and started to switch to the offensive. Looking back at the Warriors, everyone became a little bit unconscious after the attack was frustrated because of Jarvis ’absence. The measures, together with the original reason, fell into the disadvantages in momentum.

However, Jarvis apparently didn’t want to take the risk to return to the beach to organize resistance. He was still struggling to row to the warship not far away.

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