48 Hours a Day

Chapter 220

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The farther away from the beach Jarvis can feel safe, now at this distance, Black Prince Sam and the others have no way to take him.

And his boat and naval fleet are getting closer and closer. As long as he can successfully board the ship, he can completely get rid of the danger and bid farewell to the past and welcome a new life.

But when Jarvis’s heart was about to be put back on his chest, he saw the warships in the distance open the gun window.

Jarvis expression changed and immediately turned back to find the Jackdaw that was approaching the port at an accelerated speed. He didn’t expect Zhang Heng and the others to be so bold that he was still preparing to break in with the presence of the naval fleet.

Jarvis scolded in the heart, he didn’t care whether Zhang Heng and his people were fighting or fleeing, but the other party’s current behavior was causing him to suffer.

If the Jackdaw rushed towards the naval fleet in this way, it would be impossible not to fire the gun across, and his current position was embarrassing, so Jarvis had to give up his plan to board the ship immediately and began to desperately move to the other side. Go and try to distance yourself from the Jackdaw first.

Soon, the ship adjusted its position and took the lead in firing the artillery, which shouted at the Jackdaw.

Walden did not require all ships to fire together, which is also unrealistic, because the navy ’s warships in this operation were only 2 and the remaining 5 were armed ships of pirate hunters. They were certainly not as disciplined as the regular ones. Fortunately, the navy, this battle is also very easy. Those pirates have just experienced a battle, and they are drunk and squeezed on the beach like a lamb staying, as long as they sink their pirate ship first, then they There is no strong resistance at all.

The only accident was the Jackdaw, but they arrived in a timely manner. The latter had not yet had time to leave Hong Kong, and Walden would naturally not let the other party leave.

Soon, the second ship also fired. Zhang Heng’s spirit was unprecedentedly concentrated. He did not choose to travel in a straight line. Although the distance was the shortest, he was hit harder.

There is no gunner on the Jackdaw, and there is no ability to fight back at all. Whether he can leave smoothly is whether he can break through the blockade of the other party before being sunk.

In addition to testing the strength of the Jackdaw itself, it is also important to minimize the number of hits. Zhang Heng knows that it is impossible to completely avoid the attack of the shells, but it is indeed possible to choose selectively through the operation. Take part of the attack and avoid attacks that will cause more serious damage to the hull, but this is very demanding for those at the helm.

The best thing that Zhang Heng met was the Hutchinson that was encountered when the Spear of Goddess was looted last time. Brooke of the Swordfish was probably only second to him.

As for Zhang Heng himself, his sailing skills of lv2 can only be regarded as the upper middle level among the captains of Nassau, but now he has no other choice. Among all the sober people on the ship, he has the best helm skills. And at this time, only he can withstand this psychological pressure.

Without Zhang Heng speaking, everyone was ready to be attacked by artillery, only Anne chose to stand beside him, Zhang Heng let the latter avoid, but the red-haired girl just grinned at him laughed.

Soon a shell fell on the deck, and the huge impulse plowed the deck out of one after another gully, and the cracked wooden board was shot at 4 places. In addition, the hull below the deck was also attacked, and this is just a At first, as more and more ships joined the battle, the pressure the Jackdaw faced was increasing.

Although the Navy ’s fleet does not have the fierce firepower of the Spanish Treasure Ship, it is better in number. In addition, the swordfish helped attract firepower before. It can even be said that the main firepower was carried by the swordfish. Now Only the lone ship of the Jackdaw remained, but the firepower it faced did not decrease but increased. The situation was several times more dangerous than at that time.

However, in the most critical moment, Zhang Heng was more unprecedentedly calm. Concentrate attention completely searched the vitality in the fierce artillery fire, and even the system hint sound from his ear was ignored by him.

Zhang Heng ’s choice of breakthrough is not casual, but as far as possible in the position of the downwind. This was originally a taboo thing in the naval battle. In general, the two ships exchange fire, they will try to seize the upper hand position, which is conducive to Launch an attack.

However, the Jackdaw does not have any offensive abilities at all. Even if it has the upper hand, it does not make much sense. On the contrary, it can use the smoke from the naval vessel on the opposite side to cover its tracks.

The Jackdaw is now at an absolute disadvantage, and Zhang Heng must use all available environmental conditions.

The artillery pieces arranged by Black Prince Sam on the beach also started firing at this time.

Actually speaking strictly, the timing of firing is not good. The navy ’s fleet has just arrived outside the port and there is a considerable distance from the beach. The artillery ’s lethality is limited, and the ammunition stored on the beach is also limited. Black Prince Sam So I chose to shoot more at this time to help the Jackdaw.

The news of Jarvis ’s betrayal was told by Zhang Heng to the captains of the pirate ships. Although it was too late to get the news, and at first many people doubted the authenticity of the news, but Zhang Heng always reminded Passing them, but also let them avoid the danger of being stabbed by Jarvis behind.

So the black Prince Sam is now throwing money on the peach to attract some attention for the latter when the Jackdaw breaks into the naval blockade.

The heart of Black Prince Sam actually understands that these shells will not change any results even if those warships enter the port. The people who are still on the beach are actually bode ill rather than well.

But it ’s never his style to wait for death. After finishing the remaining ammunition, the black Prince Sam pulled out the scimitar in his waist and shouted, “My brothers, you are willing to die like a warrior On the sea, after they surrendered, were they hanged on the colony’s pier like animals, and let your bones be exposed to the sun, bitten by mosquitoes, and spurned by the world ?!

After a brief silence he roared not far from a pirate, “Fuck the Navy! Fuck Jarvis!”

But next moment his head was hit by a bullet. Although his eyes were still angry, his body had softened.

But then more people roared, and even the drunken people who struggled to get up from the ground, grabbed the weapons around them, staggered and gathered around the black Prince Sam, they already knew What is the outcome waiting for them, but everyone is unwilling to die like this.

“Kill the traitors first, grab our ships, and then let this group of navy bastards taste our strength!” As the voice of the black Prince Sam dropped, the pirates also went to the area where the crew of the Warriors were. Charged.

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