48 Hours a Day

Chapter 226

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

After the people on the ship were sober, the Jackdaw no longer had the problem of understaffing, and the artillery on the ship finally had its place. However, according to the current condition of the Jackdaw, although the cracks and holes in the ship are basically blocked, it will no longer affect the navigation, but it will take a lot of time to be completely repaired. The main thing is the lack of sufficient materials. The repair work can only be carried out after returning to Nassau.

Therefore, it is very dangerous to fight in the current state of the Jackdaw.

In this pre-war meeting, Di Freina, Billy, Anne and Harry are all present, especially the latter. When dealing with Treasure Ships before, he could only hear a sound in the kitchen with chef Ramsey, which also Became his most frustrating thing, didn’t expect how to participate in this kind of pre-war meeting that only high-level can participate in, can’t help but look excited, although Zhang Heng was ordered not to speak, but could not stop The excitement almost overflowed when he held his face.

In contrast, Billy’s expression seemed very guilty. He drank too much alcohol last night, but at the most critical time, he did not make use of it. He failed his duty. When he woke up, he wanted to blame and resign as the helmsman. , But was retained by Zhang Heng and the others.

No one on this boat is more suitable for Billy to be a helmsman. DeFreina still prefers to be a quartermaster. Prior to this, Billy has been devoted to his work. He cannot veto all his previous credit for one thing, of course. There are also punishments. After three trips to Billy ’s spoils of war will be halved, but he also has an additional bonus, which is about the same as that of ordinary sailors.

Now he has reinvested in the helmsman’s job, opened the mouth and said, “Are you sure they will come after us again?”

“It must be.” Zhang Heng was very affirmed. “Before they divided two ships to chase us, they obviously wanted to catch everything in one net, but we escaped because of the sudden storm. But yesterday After the night, they must have sunk all the pirate ships on the island. In this case, you only need to leave one or two ships to stare at the people on the island. The remaining ships can continue to hunt us. After all, we have been seriously damaged and the distance Less than half a day has passed since Parrot Island. If they start now, it is entirely possible that they will catch us halfway. “

“But if they choose several ships to act together, aren’t we just walking right into a trap?” Dufferna asked.

“This possibility is very small. Judging from the previous battles, the other party’s commander is a guy who is very difficult to deal with. He should be able to realize that even if we want to return to Nassau, he may choose to bypass the chaser behind him, so they The best option is to scatter and search.

“Our ship’s hull was badly damaged, and if we were to fight directly, we would stick to it shortly, and they would be able to deal with us even if they were separated. In this case, I believe their commander is willing to take a little risk to kill us.”

Zhang Heng paused, and then said, “Coral Island is 200 nautical miles east of Parrot Island, by chance and Nassau in the same direction, but it is more norther than Nassau. We will wait here for a day, if I speculate Wrong, the navy people acted together, they should be chased directly in the direction of Nassau, so that we passed by, we would not encounter any danger, on the contrary, if my inference is no problem, they expanded In the search range, a ship will meet us here, and when we get it, we can solve the problem of fresh water and food in one fell swoop. “

“How to do it? My hull is indeed seriously damaged. I doubt if we can still experience a high-intensity battle.” Billy Worriedly said.

“This is why we need an island.” Zhang Heng said, “In fact, this is similar to our previous strategy for dealing with the Spanish treasure ship. We first removed the artillery from the ship, moved it to the island, and then used cold The Raven led the ship into the artillery’s attack range, and then launched the attack directly from the island, so that the damage to the hull caused by the battle could be avoided. “

Zhang Heng’s all such grasp is because of the system hint from his ear before, his sailing skills have been upgraded from lv2 to lv3, but at that time he was too concentrated attention completely, and directly ignored this news. After waiting for the storm, he noticed the skill change from the character panel.

Before driving the Jackdaw into the naval blockade at the port, huge pressure also forced his potential. His helm technology produced a qualitative leap. After successfully upgrading to lv3, he now manipulates the Jackdaw to have a It feels like a command by the arm, and it is sure to lure the target to Coral Island without being attacked.

However, the key to the success of this plan is that in addition to the Jackdaw being able to lure the target into the range of artillery attack, the gunner who manipulates the artillery is also the key to successfully killing the other party before the target is aware of it and escapes, after all, once the other party runs out of the artillery Outside the range of the attack, it is impossible to leave time for the Jackdaw to return to the island and mount the artillery before chasing.

“Let’s take a look at the terrain there, there should be a way to solve this problem.” Zhang Heng said.

The accuracy of the nautical charts in the early 18th century is not a little bit lower than that of later generations. There is no satellite positioning. The shape of the island is also rough. In fact, except for a name and approximate distance, it is basically not useful. information.

But fortunately, the Jackdaw was very close there, and after half a day, everyone came to the island.

Zhang Heng took Anne and the others to row a small boat around the island first. The red-haired girl opened the mouth and said, “I finally know why this place is called Coral Island.”

“Speaking of which there are indeed more corals than other places.” Billy also said that along the way, everyone has seen a lot of corals, all kinds of colors, but what attracts Zhang Heng is hidden in Those coral reefs underwater.

“Perhaps we have a way to keep that ship within the range of artillery attack.” Zhang Heng opened the mouth and said.

“Do you want to use the reef here to ground the ship? This is a solution, but we will also face such dangers. We should not have time to explore all the reefs now.”

“It depends on the waterline of both of us. Our ships are about the same size, but after removing the artillery, our ships will become lighter, and those gunners, they will further reduce our weight when they disembark. Everything on the ship, including food and fresh water, which brings weight, is moved to the island, so that we can safely pass through the reef area. “

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