48 Hours a Day

Chapter 227

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Less than a day had elapsed since the last battle, the Jackdaw was once again engaged in intense pre-war preparations, but the crew did not complain.

The main reason is that the pirate side of the previous battle was too stupefied. The vast majority of people were in a confused state. They did n’t know what was happening. They were caught by the navy that appeared in front of them. It’s not weaker than the other, but it has no strength to fight back.

This way of defeat is unacceptable to everyone.

So when I heard that Zhang Heng said he would avenge the other party and grab enough fresh water and food to return to Nassau, everyone immediately broke free from the low mood and rekindled their fighting spirit, plus Zhang Heng had already pulled several times before Strongly against a crazy tide The trust and worship of Tang Zhong ’s crew has reached its zenith, and no one will question his order now.

The sailors were all mobilized, and the artillery on the ship was dismantled at the fastest speed. Only one stern gun was retained. In addition, the food in the cabin and the remaining fresh water and all other things that could be removed All were moved to the island, and finally Zhang Heng only left 20 sailors, which is almost the smallest man who can maintain the normal navigation of the Jackdaw.

The empty cabin of the new Jackdaw has nothing left but half a day of food and fresh water, but in exchange for a sharp drop in the waterline.


The target came faster than expected, the Jackdaw left the island less than 2 hours, and the watchman saw the shadow of the ship in the distance.

Zhang Heng ’s previous speculation was correct. At this time, the Navy clearly wanted to catch everything in one net, but killing 5 pirate ships did not satisfy Walden. There was still a pirate ship in the case of a huge advantage. Being able to escape from under his eyelids was something he could not accept anyway.

So after the storm, he immediately dispatched personnel to hunt down the Jackdaw.

But Zhang Heng this time encountered Coral Island near Old Acquaintance, the first time to hunt down one of his two armed ships Miranda, the latter also insisted to the last armed ship, but after all, because the wind and waves are too big Had to choose to return home.

Although Walden didn’t say anything, but as the captain, Ford has always been cherished. This is the first time in these years that he became a pirate hunter. Prey has been delivered to his mouth and slipped away.

Therefore, he and his Miranda also resolutely joined the pursuit team. Ford is eager to win the Jackdaw for his name to prove that he is still one of the best pirate hunters in this Sea Territory.

However, because of the scattered search and search, each ship chose a direction. Ford did not actually report much hope, but he did n’t expect that the lucky Goddess really paid attention to him again.

After discovering the Jackdaw, Ford immediately ordered the personnel on board to enter the state of combat readiness. This time he vowed that he would not let the prey run away.

At the same time, Zhang Heng also saw the menacing Miranda. After a while, he put down Telescope in his hand and said to the sailor on the ship, “Go ahead as planned.”

Miranda chased for some distance, Ford noticed that Jackdaw began to lower the top sail to speed up, it seemed to want to escape, but the effect was limited, the latter had obvious holes in the main sail, it should be left in the last battle The next, but somehow there is no patching.

However, this explains why they met the Jackdaw ahead of time. According to Ford’s calculations, they would have to catch up with the Jackdaw as soon as possible after a day.

Now the two met in advance, but it gave Ford a surprise. The latter did not intend to waste brain cells to think about what happened on the Jackdaw. Anyway, as long as this opportunity was used to sink the Jackdaw, everything would be solved. .

Since Ford dared to do the job of pirate hunter, his Miranda is naturally a first-class Clipper, which is not far from the Jackdaw itself, and now the speed of the Jackdaw cannot be improved, that is, Miranda played It’s time.

The two sides have launched a new round of competition in the sea, and the people at the helm of the ship on the opposite side are also very good. This has been noticed by Ford when they played in the harbour before. There is a natural gap in speed, so the distance between the 2 ships is also getting closer at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Ford was standing on the bow of the ship, and even without Telescope, he could clearly see the busy silhouette on the Jackdaw deck. He could feel the blood in his heart boiling.

Like most pirate hunters, Ford was born in the Navy. Later, he was hired as the captain of a merchant ship for a period of time, and also made a lot of money, but unlike his peers who became pirate hunters because they were robbed, Ford was a merchant. ship captain was not at all robbed by pirates.

He will become a pirate hunter purely because of the adventurous blood flowing in the bones. In addition to bounty and honor, what he is doing now can remind him of his beautiful experience of hunting with father in the woods in childhood, the kind of constant and prey Fighting with wisdom and courage, and then enjoying the harvest, was completely impossible to experience as a merchant ship captain.

But at this moment, the first officer beside him reminded, “Captain Ford, an island was found in front.”


“From the nautical chart, it should be an unmanned island called Coral Island,” the first officer hesitated. “Did you say that they deliberately fled here?”

“For what?” Ford raised an eyebrow.

The first officer was dumb. After all, the pirates had just ambushed the Spanish treasure ship on Parrot Island. He was instinctively alert when he saw the island, but then he thought that the current Jackdaw simply has no ambush capital. Of the 6 pirate ships, 5 have been destroyed by them. Only one ship, the Jackdaw, escaped by chance. Even if he wanted to ambush, there was no companion.

But the first officer thought of another problem. “This area is marked as dangerous on the chart. There are many reefs nearby. Will they want to lure us to run aground.”

Ford frowned, “This possibility … They don’t have time to explore here, unless they have people who are very familiar with this area on their ship, or they rush into the reef area, and they are taking more risks than we are, but we have not It is necessary to fight luck with them, tell the helmsman to follow them, and only walk where they pass, so that if they want to hit the reef, they will also hit the reef first. “

Ford paused, then coldly snorted, “Then they used to get rid of us with a storm before, this time I still want to scare us off with the reef, really think our courage is only so small, if this time if they run away again, then we You do n’t have to do this business anymore. “

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