48 Hours a Day

Chapter 238

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“For the time being, let’s put aside your father’s imprisonment. The funding of political opponents should bring some contradictions between Raymond and Malcolm. In addition, we can focus on investigating things related to Normand.”

“Normand, who is that?” Karina asked.

“You know that the current black merchant alliance is actually the second generation.”

The business woman was nodded, “I heard from father that there was a black business alliance on the island three years ago, but the final outcome was not good. It only existed for a short period of time and soon fell apart.”

Zhang Heng nodded, “At that time, the chairman of the alliance was Normand. We all know that Raymond is the oldest and most wealthy black market businessman on the island. But when Normand was still there, he It is the most respected black market businessman on the island, so when the first generation of black business alliance was established, he was chosen as the chairman without suspense. Raymond was Vice-President, but later because the black business alliance operated Well, Normand ’s reputation has also been consumed, and more and more people are dissatisfied with him. So after the disintegration of the Black Business Alliance, he also left Nassau sadly and died at home soon. “

“This matter has something to do with Malcolm? It was only a year before he was on the island.”

“He was already in Nassau at that time, but compared with today’s incompetence, he participated in the formation of the black merchant league, but he has always been very low-key, but now it seems that he is not as honest as it seems.” Heng handed Leah’s notes to the businesswoman.

“Malcolm had secretly provoked black market businessmen against Normand, why is he not a staunch supporter of the Black Business Alliance?” Karina wondered,

“He is a staunch supporter of the Black Merchant Union, but only if he is the one who controls the Black Merchant Alliance. Normand established the Black Merchant Alliance too early for Malcolm. For a year, his position in the Black Merchants Alliance was limited. If the Black Merchants Alliance could really gain a foothold on the island at the time, it would not be a good thing for him, which would hinder his development, but he did very well Concealed, is the other person contacted by another guy named Eugene. “

“Eugene? Is the intelligence dealer on the island?”

Zhang Heng nodded, “He was also a black market businessman before, but after the disintegration of the Black Merchants Union, he did not know why he switched to become an intelligence dealer. We have to talk to him. At that time, Normand’s reputation among black market merchants was unmatched. Than, although he was later opposed by many people because of the Black Business Alliance, many people still respect him. Raymond and he have also been close friends for many years. His funeral was helped by Raymond if Eugene Being able to stand up and testify against Malcolm, plus the correspondence between the two people, should have a greater impact on Malcolm than your father ’s imprisonment, especially considering the adverse situation facing the Black Merchant Union now. If things break out and hit Malcolm, it will be fatal. “

Zhang Heng tone barely fell. Suddenly someone rushed into the cellar. Boss Cauchy from the slaughterhouse rushed to the black gladiator. “Not good, something happened over the manor! You better go to the central square. “

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Heng, Karina, and Laeli, who had their faces covered, came to the central square, and many people have gathered here.

In the middle of the square, a naked black man was tied to a wooden post.

His body was covered with whip marks, torn skin and gaping flesh that had been drawn, dying, while Steward, who had been seen at Terence Manor by Zhang Heng and the others before, Wallace stood aside, leisurely said.

“I will give you one last chance. Who is the person who is in contact with you outside? He asked you to pass the message to them and tell me their name. Not only can I give you a way of life, but also give you freedom, how? Is n’t that what you have always dreamed of? Become a free man. “

The black hearing this closed his mouth tightly.

So steward waved his hand, and the supervisor next to him immediately waved his whip again. Fiercely whipped at the black man. The latter screamed, and a large chunk of flesh on his back was directly rolled down by the whip. Unable to bear this severe pain, passed out.

Then the supervisor raised a bucket of sea water and poured it on the black man. The latter was immediately awakened by the pain and the whole face was twisted together.

steward squatted down in front of him, sighed, “You always pray for us to be kinder, then kinder, now, I have shown you my kindness, you have my commitment, so many people can testify as long as they are present You give me your name, I will let you go immediately, not only can I call you a doctor to treat your injuries, I can even buy a suit for you, let you decently leave, you ca n’t help I have found a more cost-effective deal, and I want only 2 names, so give me those two damn names, and let us end this farce. “

The black man was hearing this, panting, but he didn’t say a word after a while.

Steward’s eyes were filled with disappointment, “This is why I always don’t like you, you guys will never think about others, and always make the scene so ugly.”

When he finished, he stood up and took two steps back. The supervisor behind him stepped up again, and the black man’s breathing became more rapid, and there was a flash of fear in his eyes.

The black gladiators in the crowd on the other side also raised their fists, expressing anger and seemingly wanting to rush over immediately.

But in the next moment he was held by one hand, Zhang Heng opened the mouth and said, “Calm down, the reason they chose the location here is to show you, if you charge charge now you are right in the middle Chase … the person on the pillar is the one who contacted you? “

La Eli nodded, trying to restrain the anger in his chest, “He is called Nadia, is a kitchen helper, in the morning, he will rush to the carriage and cook to come to the market to buy food, I usually let it at this time. He brought the news to Leah. “

“So how did the news leak?”

“Every time I met Nadia, I was carrying the cook, so it must be another helper. He is not a member of my tribe, but Nadia said that he has already done it. Although I try to pick Nadia alone, I met him when I was there, but many times the other helper was not too far away. The people who were released by Steward Wallace to work were more obedient, but he was still worried that someone would run away halfway, so he never let slave We were too far away, but I covered my face, even if it was seen, people who were not very familiar would not recognize me. “

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