48 Hours a Day

Chapter 239

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Looking at the miserable appearance of the black man on the pillar, Karina’s face also showed an unbearable color, but the three of them could not do anything at this time.

The black slaves of this era are no different from the domesticated animals. Even if Malcolm ordered the black people in the manor to be executed overnight, outsiders could not say anything, even more how he must have arranged other near the square. Manpower, waiting for someone to rush out.

Therefore, the last three people could only watch the black man who was tied to the pillar being pumped by the leather whip.

Steward Wallace was not very satisfied with this result. After he got someone to report that Nadia colluded with others, he arranged this good show. However, after waiting for so long, the main leader did not appear, and he could not really treat Nadia was killed, otherwise the only clue would be cut off.

Seeing that the latter had lost his voice, he reluctantly stopped the supervisor from continuing to whip, and sullenly said, “Find him a doctor to bandage, and we will return to the manor.”

Seeing that there was no excitement, the people on the square also dispersed, and Zhang Heng asked Laeri, “What are you going to do?”

“Although Nadia is not a warrior in the tribe, his willpower is stronger than many warriors, he will not betray us.”

“It’s not a matter of loyalty or not,” Zhang Heng shook his head. “Few people can tolerate continuous torture. He may be able to carry this time, but next time, next time, Wallace always has a way. Pry open his mouth. “

“What should I do?”

“Perhaps you should consider leaving. During this time, you have sent us a lot of useful information, which is enough for us to deal with Malcolm. Our previous agreement is still valid. I have visited a lot of islands on these trips and found A place suitable for your residence, away from the normal merchant ship route, the island has fresh water and dense forests, which can provide you with a hidden living environment. I can also provide you with the weapons you want, apart from this, I can also Send you another batch of necessities. “

Zhang Heng paused, “But as I said, I can only let my people and ships wait for you at the agreed place. I can’t be involved in your fight against the slave Lord, otherwise we will fight with all the island The landowners of the plantation are the enemy. “

La Eli nodded, “I can understand that when I leave, I will let Leah bring the letters you need with you.”

Solved the matter on the side of the black gladiator, Zhang Heng and Karina can turn their attention back to the intelligence dealer Eugene, but it is not an easy thing to let the latter cooperate with them to accuse Malcolm. .

Annie was very direct, opened the mouth and said, “This is simple, just tie him up and have a good meal.”

“We cannot use violent means this time, otherwise the credibility of his words will also be reduced, and we need him to stand up and tell the truth of the year, proving that Malcolm will override his interests above the black merchant alliance. Not a qualified leader … In short, let ’s split his head and touch his details first. “

Billy also joined in the operation, and finally 3 people reunited at Zhang Heng’s residence on the morning of the 4rd day.

“I’ll do it first,” the business woman said. “Eugene became an intelligence dealer shortly after the disintegration of the Black Merchants Association 3 years ago. He had gathered many people to viciously compete with the Normand Black Merchants Alliance. Several pirate ships were poached from the merchant alliance. In fact, judging from the situation at that time, the situation was not at all so bad as to be irreparable. After all, Normand ’s prestige was high, and many people were willing to follow him. one thing.”

“whats the matter?”

“Normand broke out and had a secret agreement with the 2 pirate ships. Normand used his right to help them obtain a higher purchase price in the alliance. In return, the 2 pirate ships were willing to divide the extra income. Half of it was given to Normand, and it was this matter that destroyed Normand ’s reputation, but now it seems that this matter is actually quite suspicious, especially the captains of the two pirate ships are very familiar with Eugene, one of them I used to have a cooperative relationship with Eugene. “

“Can we still find those 2 pirate ships?”

“I’m afraid I can’t.” Billy said with a bitter smile, “I also found it here, but one of the two pirate ships didn’t come back after going out to sea. It should have been sunk during the robbery, and there was one later captain. After being voted out of the referendum, he was stabbed in a quarrel with a man a year ago. The crew of the ship went through several rounds of blood exchanges. In fact, it is useless to find the old crew. The average sailor can know very little.

“In short, because of this matter, the Black Merchants Union disintegrated, but Normand had many friends. After that, Eugene was not to be seen in this circle, so he was forced to switch to become an intelligence dealer. The customs network is quite good, but it is definitely not comparable to the black market businessman he was before. Now the problem is coming, obviously there is no benefit in the end, why is Eugene willing to be shot by Malcolm? What about? “

“Do you mean that Malcolm quietly gave Eugene compensation in private?” Billy asked.

“I think it’s more likely that Eugene has something in Malcolm’s hands.” The businesswoman said, “I have studied Malcolm and he is very careful in doing things. If Eugene is really instructed to frame Nuo Mande, there is no way to check and balance Eugene. Otherwise, a person like Eugene can frame Normand for the benefit, and in turn can bite him back for the benefit. “

“So we have to find out now what handle Eugene has in Malcolm’s hands?” Billy asked.

“I may know the answer to this question.”

No one didn’t expect this time it will be Anne, the red-haired girl sees everyone’s eyes gathered on her, shrugged, “Why, you have your investigation channels, I also have mine, Harry and several streets The little ghosts are very familiar, although they usually like to kill, but they can also come in handy when they need help, and because they are so many people will ignore their existence, so they can often listen. To many secrets, few people know-Eugene, there is probably a illegitimate child. “

“Illegitimate child? How old is it, where?”

“That was when he came down with a girl on the island. It is said that after the girl got pregnant, Eugene took her out of the court and bought them a house on the island, but then it happened there. In a fire, Eugene escaped himself, and the prostitute was burned to death, but the child was also alive, but because of this matter, he and Eugene had a bad relationship. When he was ten years old, He left Nassau alone. “

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