48 Hours a Day

Chapter 245

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Most recently, there has been a cloud over the Terence Manor on everyone’s heart.

Leah went to the kitchen to get breakfast for Malcolm, and unconsciously glanced at the empty corner. Just 3 weeks ago, there was a familiar face there. However, as Nadia was reported, he was directly dragged by the supervisor. Out of the kitchen.

When Leah met him again, he was already a whip-puller. The Nadia who was carrying a badly mutilated hurriedly walked outside from the house. Leah’s heart was full of fear, but she still tried to make a pair. Come calmly.

However, these days she has nightmares almost every night, dreaming that the supervisors are also coming to her.

In fact, all the people who had contact with Nadia during this time were called out for interrogation, and many people did not even come back, but she served Malcolm for breakfast every day, but she escaped unexpectedly until No one has come to her so far.

Malcolm has always looked at her differently since she was sold to Terence Manor, and she was very kind to her, even with others including Steward.

However, Leah is very clear that this is not because of how important she is. Once she loses this “look at each other”, what is the difference between her and other slave not at all in this manor, in the final analysis, their life and death still only depend on Malcolm The master’s anger.

And during this special time, her experience is particularly obvious.

But just when she was uneasy, she got the news from Laeri again.

After Nadia was arrested, the black gladiator’s contact with the people in the manor was severed, and it became a lot more difficult. Especially now there is a tense atmosphere everywhere. Even those who went to buy food were replaced by 2 supervisors.

Laeri spent a lot of effort to find a new messenger, the latter is not a black slave, but a Gentile Evangelical Association (approved by the British royal family in 1701, established by Thomas Bray, aimed at North American Indians, Black and white missionaries, who have had limited success in history), the little priests come to teach black slaves in the manor every day.

Laeli used the Gold Coin sponsored by Zhang Heng to buy the little priest and let the little priest help him talk in, but this time in order to protect Leah, he not at all let the little priest talk directly to Leah, but Let him first find another female child in the tribe, and then let that female child tell Leah and others.

Laeri set the time for the escape to be 2 days later, and that day is also the time when Leah usually organizes the study room for Malcolm, but this time she wants to use this opportunity to relate it to Normand and Raymond. Bring it out.

The reason for choosing this day is also to reduce the risk of Leah’s secrets. She can leave the manor as long as she insists on not being discovered at night.

Later, Laeri also asked the little priest to bring weapons such as daggers and short muskets into Terrence Manor the previous day, but this time was rejected by the little priest. The latter was originally just looking at the poor slaves and making some extra money. , But didn’t expect Laeri will make things so big, he immediately counseled him when he saw those weapons.

But it ’s too late to quit, because I do n’t know how long Nadia will be able to carry, and Laeri does n’t plan to wait any longer. He has no time to find new contacts. If he misses this week, he can only wait one week.

Therefore, after apologizing to the little priest, Laeri abducted the latter ’s younger brother to threaten the cooperation of the little priest. The little priest completely did n’t expect because of his temporary sympathy, he even led the wolf into the room.

He realized that what he was facing was not a believing boy or a good girl, but a wild beast that exudes a dangerous atmosphere, and the other party was naturally hostile to the white man who enslaved his clansman in order to remove his clansman from Fire Pit. Even if he was rescued, he would not hesitate even if he was in front of him, and he did not care about the so-called requite kindness with enmity.

The little priest regrets that it is too late now, and for the younger brother, he can only brace oneself on the thief ship.

He returned to Terence Manor with a carriage of bread in the name of distributing food to black slaves. Steward felt unfathomable mystery. The church did not help poor people, but under normal circumstances, he did not receive black slaves. Because the black slave is Master’s private property, the church did this silently protesting that the black slave’s owner did not feed the black slave.

However, the little priest said that everyone is the creator’s people. Without being poor and rich, Steward is not easy to refute. Anyway, the people from Malcolm to the following are very polite to these clergymen.

In particular, these people are willing to give up life in England or the colony. It is still admirable to run into this barren and barbaric World.

In addition, the little priest is also a frequent visitor of the manor, so how can steward not at all check the bread of the carriage?

At this time, the little priest was actually nervous and was about to bite his tongue.

He drove the carriage to the usual evangelistic open space, and the supervisors drove the black people over. At this time, it was almost time to eat. In order not to delay the work of these slaves, the sermons were usually during this time. ongoing.

But the little priest was probably too nervous today, and he was incoherent in speaking.

Fortunately, the supervisors were not interested in this kind of thing, they all gathered on the other side to play cards, did not notice the abnormality of the little priest, and the black slaves were the best listeners. Listen, do n’t complain.

In fact, the vast majority of people express their expressions indifferently and neither understand nor care about what the little pastor says.

It took about ten minutes, and the little priest finally talked about what he was about to say, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and began to distribute bread to the black slaves.

After ensuring that everyone had bread in his hands, he carried the four bread baskets at the bottom of the carriage and walked toward the house. As a result, he was stopped by the guards as soon as he reached the door.

The little priest knew that when it was the most critical time, the success or failure was here, and he opened the mouth and said without waiting for the opposite question, “I’m here to deliver bread, and there are no slave girls here.”

“Sorry, you can’t enter without invitation.”

“I have the Queen’s permission to teach in this land, there is no place where I can’t go.” The little priest tried to make his voice sound as straight as possible.

However, the two guards opposite this hearing this were still indifferent. Just when the little priest was worried about how to continue, steward Wallace’s laughter came from the hall.

“You can’t stop him. Father Tim is the bravest person I have ever added. I heard that he once walked in North Carolina for 3 days and 3 nights to teach him. Let him come in.”

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