48 Hours a Day

Chapter 246

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The little priest adjusted his breath and walked into the hall with the bread basket.

Steward Wallace motioned for a black maid next door to get it, but then he heard the little priest say, “Is Daisy not here?”

“Why, the priest has something to do with her?” Wallace raised an eyebrow, a surprised look on his face.

“She asked me a question during the last sermon. I didn’t answer it, but I have been thinking about it for the past 2 days. Now that I have an answer, I can tell her.”

“You can tell me to tell her.” The black maid said with a slight smile.

“Sorry, I want to tell her personally that this is my job.” The little pastor insisted.

The black maid turned back and looked at Steward Wallace, who was shrugged, “You can’t say no to a priest, call Daisy.” He said to the little priest again, “Father Tim, you seem to be very hot , This is the second time I have seen you wipe sweat in just 5 minutes. “

“Yeah, today’s sunshine is a bit poisonous.” Little priest hearing this heart beating wildly, right hand subconsciously wanted to wipe the sweat, but then stretched back halfway.

A flash of rays of light flashed in Wallace’s eyes, and he wanted to say more, but by this time Daisy’s footsteps had been heard.

So steward kindly gave it aside, but not at all walked away and made it clear that he wanted to listen on the side.

The little pastor spent 5 minutes explaining the question of which of the black prayer and the white prayer would be heard by God first.

After he finished the last word, Steward applauded on the other side. “Very impressive explanation. Does Father Tim have anything else to do?”

The latter took the head and handed the bread basket to Daisy, “Please help me distribute these bread to other children.”

“Then I will send Father Tim away.” Wallace made a gesture of invitation.

As soon as the little priest ’s carriage left the gate of the manor, steward turned his head back to the house and called two supervisors, “Go and bring Daisy to the torture room, entertain first, and I will pass in ten minutes.”

“Then Father Tim?”

“Regardless, there is no absolute evidence not to provoke those clergy, otherwise it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.”

Two supervisors hearing this rushed into Daisy’s house decisively, grabbed the latter’s hair, and dragged the screaming Daisy all the way out of the room.

Wallace walked into the room afterwards. He walked to the four bread baskets and kicked the four baskets one after another, but there was nothing but bread in it. The cautious Wallace also used his feet The bread rolled up and found nothing.

So he started to turn Daisy’s bed upside down, opened the sheets, and opened every bed board, but still nothing.

Wallace frowned, and after searching the closet again, he walked out of the room again, when a group of maids in the hallway were watching him in horror while hiding on the other side.

Wallace grabbed a man and asked, “Did Daisy ever leave the room before?”

The latter kept shaking his head and Wallace’s face gloomy.

“You know what it’s like to lie.”

The maid hearing this cried out in fright, Wallace pushed her away impatiently, and looked at the others, “How about you, did anyone see Daisy leave the room?”

The maids shook their heads together, and the possibility of so many people lying was very small.

Do you really look away at this time? But Wallace recalled Father Tim ’s abnormal behavior today. His appearance was obviously a ghost in his heart.

Now is a very special time. Wallace does not intend to let go of any possible risks. Since Daisy ’s house ca n’t find anything, she can only interrogate her.

Wallace did not delay any longer and strode toward the execution room.

Leah ’s room was right next to Daisy. She heard Daisy ’s screams running out immediately and saw a scene that scared her. Daisy was a new contact after Nadia was arrested. She was also arrested as the escape approached.

Leah was really a little panicked at this time, not because Daisy might confess her, but because Daisy was completely cut off from the people in the manor when they were caught.

She did n’t know what the message passed by Laeli at this time, nor what to do next. She was most worried that Laeli thought they had received the message and started to act according to the original plan, which not only There was no way to rescue them, but instead he would be caught in himself.

At this moment someone patted her shoulder, and Leah turned back and saw Lola, who was not from their tribe, and usually did not have a good relationship with her. Envious of her being able to receive Malcolm’s favor, Often squeezing her with other maids, Leah did n’t want to be seen by the other party with a flustered expression on her face at this critical time.

However, the words that followed Laura made her stand still, “Are you planning an escape, right?”

“You … what are you talking about?” Leah heard her teeth trembling.

“Don’t be afraid of kittens, Daisy asked me to come to you.” Rolla said, “Come with me, I have something for you to see.”

When Lola finished speaking, she walked to the cabin where she put mop and rag and other cleaning supplies not far away. Leah hesitated for a while and followed along. She did n’t think that Lola was just using this method to trick her and sell her to Wallace Taxi.

After all, the relationship between the two before was not good, and Lola was not from their tribe. It did n’t make sense to lend a helping hand to her at this time, but Leah was nowhere to be found at this time, even if she sacrificed herself, as long as she had a chance, Willing to gamble, so she followed Lola into the hut.

The latter stood there waiting for her. When she came in, she closed the door and lit the fuel lamp. Then she opened a canvas in the corner. Below were 2 short muskets and 8 daggers.

“These are brought to you by your companions outside, apart from this, and this,” Lola said as she pulled out another letter from her arms.

Leah reached out to take over, but Lola retracted her hand again.

“Don’t you think I’ll give you this letter?” Laura eyebrows raised, “I took a great risk to help you hide this batch of weapons, if it wasn’t for me to clean it by chance, Daisy has all the money. “

“What do you want?” Leah gradually calmed down at this time and asked rhetorically.

“I want what you want, I want to leave this ghost place, I want to breathe free air again.” Lola said, “You either let me join, or you don’t want to leave.”

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