48 Hours a Day

Chapter 253

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Recent events on the island happened one after another. Six of Nassau ’s most powerful pirate groups, led by Black Prince Sam, challenged the Spanish treasure ship that no one dared to provoke. After a fierce fierce battle After sinking the other party, they were ambushed by the navy afterwards. In the end, only a ship of the Jackdaw successfully returned to Nassau with more than half of the gold.

Shortly afterwards, there was a massive black slave riot in Malcolm ’s Terence Estate.

There was a lot of movement that night, and several nearby plantations were disturbed, but apart from the part of the black slaves who were killed in the fighting, the rest of the people who were running away were only caught a small part, and there were many people in the crowd. When guessing the loss of Terence Manor this time, the heavy news that Malcolm framed Normand broke out again.

After a lapse of 3 years, Eugene took the initiative to stand up and admitted that he was coerced by Malcolm, and several captains who had a good relationship with him forged the Normand acceptance of bribery, which led to the dissolution of the first generation of black merchant alliances. Mand sadly left Nassau, and at the same time, there were two letters that were exchanged.

The news caused an uproar among the black market merchants in Nassau.

Although Normand left Nassau for a few years, he still had considerable influence on the island. Most of his funerals were attended by black market merchants.

As soon as the news came out, Malcolm felt great pressure. In the afternoon of 2nd day, Raymond also formally uttered. On the surface, it was to appease the emotions of everyone, so that everyone would exercise restraint, but in the end it was still revealed. His true intentions indicated that he would investigate this matter. Malcolm certainly knew what the latter was fighting. If Raymond took over the investigation, the investigation result would not be suspicious.

However, at this moment he did not have too many excuses to prevent Raymond from intervening. The latter’s reputation played a decisive role at this time, especially Raymond was Normand’s closest and best friend, and the current president of the Black Business Alliance, In the eyes of outsiders, his relationship with him is also good. The investigation conducted by Raymond will undoubtedly be the most fair.

Malcolm has n’t had time to find a countermeasure to frame Normand here. On the other hand, his 3-day contract with Karina is about to expire. Malcolm still attaches great importance to this matter, especially now. More and more unfavorable to him, he also urgently needs to find new allies.

Malcolm was even prepared to bleed again, and the conditions previously offered were not without bargaining power. However, when that day came, Malcolm did not see the shadow of the business woman in the cafe.

Malcolm sat at the round table he usually sits on all afternoon, until the sun sets to the west and finally hears the footsteps from outside the door.

Steward Wallace pushed in and walked in.

Malcolm put down his cold coffee and raised his head frowns saying, “What’s the matter?”

“Now there are a lot of rumors outside, saying that Mr. Feigen ’s imprisonment is also related to you. Many people know that he opposed your formation of a black business alliance on the island before imprisonment. Miss Karina is now in Raymond, please He is fair, “steward cautiously said.

But beyond his expectations, Malcolm hearing this was not at all too much emotional changes, as if not surprised at all, but nodded, calmly said, “understood.”

Steward Wallace hesitated for a moment, and then said, “The matter of the black slave riot that night was also under investigation. The leader was Leah. They finally ran to the beach and boarded a boat and left Nassau. I investigated. The ships that left the port that day and the day before found that Jack the Jack had left the harbor with supplies in the morning. They probably turned back after dark, so … “

“So what?” Malcolm asked back.

“So what happened that night should be related to them. The letters were probably stolen by Leah. We can tell the other landlords on the island that they certainly do n’t want such things to happen to them one day. Unite to force the Jackdaw to surrender those black slaves who have escaped. “

Malcolm hearing this indifferent expression, pointing to the seat in front of him, “I remember when we were kids, we all played together every day, and you secretly baked sweet potatoes for me to eat, but then I went to school and I did n’t eat them together. After dinner, speaking of which cook you still find. “

“Yeah, Alfonso, the Spanish, has a stubborn temper and hates pirates. It took me a whole week and two times more than the market price to persuade him to cook here, knowing that he was there when he first came A sign prohibiting entry by pirates was hung at the door and was almost strangled to death at night. “

“Well, but the coffee and omelette he made are really good. It’s almost time to finish the meal. Since you are here, let’s eat together. After eating, you can ask him if he wants to join us. go away.”

“You …” Wallace’s face appeared worried.

“Don’t worry about me,” Malcolm said indifferently, “I came here empty-handed 4 years ago, and I have made money that most people can’t make in my life in these 4 years, even if I leave here, these wealth It still belongs to me. “

He paused and said, “If you lose, you lose. I have never been a loser. At worst, I will start at another place. There is more than one way to make money. I can do today without anything before. In this situation, it does n’t make sense to hold so much money in the hand, but ca n’t find a way out. Even more how Raymond may not be able to laugh for long. If he underestimates the woman named Karina, he will pay for it sooner or later. ”

“You seem to think highly of her.”

Malcolm snorted, “It was me who opened the box with my own hands and released the devil in her heart, let her face her ambitions and desires, I know she is a good student, but her growth rate still exceeds me Expectations, not long ago she was still resenting the people who ruined her life, and now she has been able to control her emotions, make the most beneficial choices for herself, and even ally with people who frame her father It ’s interesting, I made her now, and she ruined my career on the island, so I guess we are even.

“In fact, the alliance between her and Raymond is also very fragile. We can tell Raymond that she has understood who her father was framed by.” Wallace hesitated.

“No, we don’t do anything, Raymond is not a fool, and I will not turn over with Karina before I leave Nassau.” Malcolm took another sip of coffee, “I lived long enough to live at my age. It ’s the age of righteousness, why am I doing something that is not good for me, speaking of which Raymond must be intoxicated with the joy of solving me, and I do n’t know that there is a bomb around me , Just leave her there as the last gift I gave to my old friend. “

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