48 Hours a Day

Chapter 254

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Zhang Heng didn’t expect There was one more person on board when the Jackdaw returned, and he looked towards Billy on the side.

The latter shrugged, “It’s not my idea, it’s her own return.”

Leah said politely, “Can you keep me? I will do a lot of things.”

“It’s okay, but why don’t you be with your tribe clansman? You finally escaped from the manor, isn’t it just to live a free life?”

“I … I respect Laeri. He united us in the most difficult moments and led us out of the life of suffering. It is a greater chief than his father, but in some things, my views with him Disagreement, I do n’t think my way out with my compatriots is on those deserted deserted islands. “

“En?” Zhang Heng eyebrows raised.

“We may be able to live a peaceful life on that small island for a while, but sooner or later the slave dealers will find us again, just like in my hometown, they will still kill the elderly and debilitated first. People, separate siblings and mothers and children. If we can’t find a real way out, these things will happen again and again until all black people become slaves. “

Zhang Heng was a little surprised that he did n’t expect to say such things with Leah ’s age and knowledge. Although still limited by the times, in a sense, she has seen farther than Laeri Now, Zhang Heng asked, “Where do you think the way out?”

“I don’t know,” Leah shook her head, “I’m still looking for, but what I’m good at is not at all on the desert island, so I want to stay here, stay in the Civilized World, and play my own effect.”

“This is not a civilized World, and my crew has basically completed the recruitment. You are not a sailor, but a woman …” Zhang Heng thought about asking Karina on the other side, “Are you still missing?” “

The business woman was nodded and said to the black girl, “I heard that you can read, by chance. My grocery store in Boston is about to open. Go there to help me keep accounts. I will provide you with room and board. The salary is temporarily one pound. For a month, wait for the business to be better, and then increase your salary according to the situation. “

Leah hearing this had a look of joy on her face.

After the black girl was settled, the business woman continued the topics that had not been finished before, and briefly discussed with Zhang Heng several previous individual meetings with Raymond and the agreement currently reached by the two, and then said, “Can I Go out for a walk? “

Zhang Heng nodded, and Karina walked out of the house and came to Tianlong.

Today’s weather is good, sun shone brightly, and the caressing sea breeze, but it is very suitable for walking, Karina also has no clear direction, so she just found a direction and walked down, and the business woman did not speak along the way, Zhang Heng also remained silent.

This is not because there is nothing to say between the two, but they are all enjoying this rare calm. Now the riots at Terence Manor have passed 2 weeks, and many things have happened in these 3 weeks However, the situation has basically stabilized so far, and Malcolm’s defeat has been determined.

The latter was also very refreshing, and immediately began to list and sell his various assets on the island, while on the other side, lack of Malcolm’s strong execution, the elderly Raymond was no longer able to maintain the operation of the black merchant alliance. Although no formal statement has been issued, everyone knows that the dissolution of the Black Business Alliance is inevitable.

Soon the power of black market merchants on the island will usher in a major reshuffle and return to the previous fierce competition. Most recently the black market merchants in Nassau have begun to move, contacting the previously cooperated pirate ships to find new ones. Partners, spy on other people’s quotations.

This means loss of income for some people, but it also means opportunity for others.

At that time, Malcolm used the disintegration of the first generation of black merchants to quickly rise, and now there are many people who want to have a try to reproduce his previous success.

In this case, Malcolm is the undoubted loser, and although Raymond has lost the nominal position of the chairman of the Black Merchants Union, because he presided over justice for Normand and Feigen, let him His reputation has risen to a new height, faintly catching up with Normand.

With good reputation and strong connections, many of Nassau ’s strong pirate groups have already spoken out and are willing to continue to cooperate with Raymond in the disintegration of the Black Merchant League, but as long as the latter remains in place for a day, You cannot respond to these rumors.

But everyone believes that after the disintegration Raymond had more pirate ships than before.

The next beneficiary is Karina. The latter has the shortest time on the island, but in the face of the huge pressure from Malcolm and the Black Business Alliance, she responded well and showed her extraordinary business skills. Her 2 The Hand Cargo Exchange also won a lot of praise for her among the small and medium pirates, plus Malcolm deliberately sent a wave of powerful pirate ships to her, if she can digest it successfully, wait for the black merchant alliance to disintegrate Then it will become a big black market businessman who only second to Raymond.

But this is all afterwards.

Now she doesn’t want to think about that many, she just wants to enjoy this staged victory first.

2 people walked all the way to the beach, Karina finally decided to open the mouth and said, “Sorry, I actually have something to hide from you.”

“Did Malcolm talk to you privately?” Zhang Heng said.

A surprised look emerged on Kalina’s face.

“Do n’t get me wrong, I did n’t send someone to monitor you, but after all, it ’s the day of the action. I will definitely pay attention to Malcolm ’s actions. In fact, I can probably guess what he said to you.” Zhang Heng said, “You It ’s a little too much to think about Kim ’s things by coincidence, and his attitude is too cooperative. I ’m not skeptical of Raymond, and afterwards, your disappointment also confirmed my conjecture in some way. ”

“Since Eugene’s things are related to Raymond, there is a great possibility that your father’s things are also playing a role in it. Before we were predominant, we saw the letter stolen by Leah. It was Malcolm who started your father, but in fact, from the content of the letter, it can be understood that Malcolm is investigating the matter. The reason why you did not tell me is because you are worried that you will be gone after telling me. Choose, because from my point of view, I will definitely suggest that you first use this opportunity to solve the most threatening Malcolm, so that you lose the possibility of working with Malcolm to avenge your father. “

“Why, since you guessed it, why didn’t you warn me?”

“Because this is your choice.” Zhang Heng said, “Although I have a share in the 2nd Lot Trading Office, in the final analysis, this is your business. It is your father who was framed and jailed. This should be you, and it must be The choice you have to make. “

“Then do you think I am a very cold-blooded person, with the hatred of father, and turning around and aligning with the enemy.” Karina asked again.

This time Zhang Heng did not answer this question, just said, “One day you will defeat Raymond and become the most powerful black market businessman on the island, just like you beat Malcolm today.”

“But will I not even know myself by that day?” The businesswoman smiled bitterly.

“Maybe you never really know yourself.”

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