48 Hours a Day

Chapter 320

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“Uh, did anyone of you two see my gloves?” Collins emerged from Zhang Heng’s side like a ghost holding a bowl of pork and baked potatoes that had not been rehydrated.

“I don’t know, but it seemed to float past my head a quarter of an hour ago.” Zhang Heng said.

“Did you just watch it fly away?”

“It seems like this.”


“You can go to the lunar module, it should be drifting in that direction.”

“Corinth, did you take the wrong toothbrush?” Armstrong also came over at this time and expressed seriously.

“Is there? I clearly put a name on it.”

“Yes, and you put it on my toothbrush.” ​​Armstrong paused, “Also, remember to clean the fuel cell, who is in charge of cleaning up?”

Zhang Heng raised his hand, “It’s my turn.”

“Let me do it,” Collins said. “Are you still having big things to do today?” He said and pats Zhang Heng’s shoulder, “must come back safely.”

“Don’t worry about me, Neal will come back safely.” Zhang Heng said.

Collins was frowned and didn’t understand what Zhang Heng meant.

But at this time the Wireless Electronics communication system also heard the voice of the ground control center, “Apollo 1, this is Houston, and you will enter the orbit around the moon in a quarter of an hour, and the call is completed.”

“Received, Houston, we will be ready and finished.” Armstrong said, then turned his head to Zhang Heng. “You haven’t eaten breakfast yet. Eat more. After landing on the moon, we have a lot of work to do. Time will be tight. “

Zhang Heng nodded, but he knew in his heart that he would not spend too long on the moon, Zhang Heng looked down at the starfish in his hand, only one minute left from 5:55 minutes, according to reality Convert with the copy’s Time Flow Speed, which means that he has only 4 hours left in this World.

This is why he told Collins that Neil would return safely, as for himself, once he left, he would not step into the command service cabin anymore.

After 20 minutes, all three of them suspended their work and came under the porthole. At that time, there was a clearer vision outside the porthole, and the surface of the moon could be seen. Now Apollo 3 is only more than 100 away from the moon ground Kilometers away.

The moon itself does not emit light, but it can reflect about 7% of visible light.

Through the porthole, 3 people can see the undulations and gullies on the surface of the moon, like the surface of the beehive. The Heng is known to be plagioclase, a type of Fire Mountain Cliff, which is formed by cooling lava, and they form the moon crust The moon mantle is made of stronger basalt and has more iron than the mantle. As for the innermost moon core, it is melted iron and contains a small amount of sulfur and nickel.

“Well, this seems to be our destination.” Collins said, “We will soon separate, I hope you won’t miss me too much.”

“Thank you, Michael, you can eat all the chicken salad while I’m away.” Zhang Heng replied.

“I will not take this sentence as a joke.” Collins pretended to think seriously for 2 seconds before saying, “You two take care, I will wait for you here, we will return to Earth together.”

Armstrong is still silent as always, hearing this is just nodded.

Zhang Heng used the last time to make preparations for waiting a month ago, gave up those daily necessities, only brought game props on his body, dressed in spacesuits, and then he and Armstrong entered the lunar module “Eagle”, Armstrong Close the hatch.

“Houston, this is the Eagle. David and I have entered the lunar module. The weight-bearing legs have been deployed and are in good condition. It is finished.”

“Hawk, this is Houston, please confirm that your spaceship is powered by ethylene glycerin line 1.”

“This is the Eagle. We are on the first line and it’s over.” Zhang Heng said.

At this time, there was also the voice of Collins in the communicator, “Here is the command service cabin Columbia. The 12 pairs of bolts are sealed. Next, I will open the manual mode. It is expected that the Eagle will be separated after 20 minutes.”

“Roger that.”

“Wish you guys good luck.”

In order to reduce the weight as much as possible at not all seats in the lunar module, Zhang Heng and Armstrong stand in front of the control panel. As the lunar module driver, Zhang Heng will undertake the main driving tasks next, he needs to drive the Eagle Landed smoothly at the designated location.

This will be a challenge for him, but the more this time, the calmer Zhang Heng’s mind will be.

Armstrong was originally worried that Zhang Heng’s training time was too short, but seeing the latter’s eyes, he knew that Zhang Heng was ready.

“OK, we’re about to start.” After the countdown, Collins pulled the joystick to separate the command service module from the lunar module.

“This is Houston. Please keep in flight. Eagle, pay attention to your fuel. The continuous ignition time is up to 910 seconds.”

“Yes, Houston.” Zhang Heng carefully controlled the lunar module to land on the lunar surface.

However, it didn’t take long for them to get into trouble, and the alarm light on the dashboard flashed suddenly.

“The computer is overloaded, we lost the radar.” Zhang Heng glanced at the indicator light.

“Received, Eagle, please choose the landing place yourself.”

“Yes, Houston.” Armstrong replied.

However, the two of them hadn’t had time to take a breath, and the alarm light on the dashboard lit up again.

“Program alert,” Zhang Heng frowned. “Error code 1202, what is this Houston?”

“1202, received, we are checking, Eagle.”

Zhang Heng turned off the alarm manually, but after less than half a minute, a program alarm sounded, and the altimeter stopped at 4000 feet, no longer working, which means Zhang Heng can only land by naked eye .

The situation started to change and was not optimistic, but the two had no other choice at this time. When landing at about 2 feet, Zhang Heng and Armstrong realized that they had deviated from the target location.

However, the real death is the subsequent failure of the fuel meter.

When Zhang Heng last confirmed, the remaining fuel in the propulsion system could still be ignited for about 30 seconds, and a huge deep valley appeared in front of the Eagle, and the radar failed. Zhang Heng did not know how wide the deep valley was, nor Know how deep it is.

He needs to make a decision in the shortest time, whether to risk accelerating the forced landing before the deep valley, or to find a way to fly over the deep valley in front of him.

And at this critical moment, Zhang Heng and the AirPods wireless Bluetooth headset put together with those game props suddenly activated by themselves.

A familiar voice came from the communication channel, “Friendly reminder, you still have the ability to use 23 seconds of fuel.”

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