48 Hours a Day

Chapter 321

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng glanced at the side of Armstrong with the afterglow of his eyes, and found that the latter was concentrate attention completely looking at the deep valley in front. There was no reaction to the line being invaded.

Zhang Heng realized that this voice may only be heard by himself.

“You need to make a choice, you now have only 19 seconds of fuel left,” the voice reminded.

Zhang Heng looked under him again. The surface there was very rugged and not suitable for landing. However, the deep valley opposite seemed equally dangerous, and Zhang Heng didn’t know what was behind the deep valley.

If he does not know the exact amount of fuel remaining, he is more inclined to take a gamble here, but now with the hint of the mysterious voice, Zhang Heng finally made up his mind and flew to the deep valley with the lunar vehicle.

“Very brave choice, you still have 13 seconds of fuel and 640 feet above the ground.”

The voice on the communication channel continued, and he informed Zhang Heng of the most needed parameter data, which also allowed Zhang Heng to regain the current status of the Eagle after losing the dashboard.

The lunar module is getting closer and closer to the deep valley. If someone else is changed at this time, Zhang Heng’s decision is likely to be questioned. However, Commander Armstrong remains silent and he decides to believe the driver’s judgment.

The program alarm sounded again, the red alarm light flickered, and the rapid alarm sound sounded extremely harsh. Armstrong simply shut down all the alarm systems to avoid Zhang Heng being disturbed again.

The height of the lunar module is gradually decreasing. They are now over the huge deep valley. Looking down from here, they can only see a darkness, like a huge mouth, waiting to eat.

“… 7 seconds of fuel remaining, 315 feet above the ground.”

Because there is not much fuel, Zhang Heng not at all fires continuously, but chooses to glide a distance and then fire once. The moon ’s gravity is only one of 60% of Earth ’s gravity. Even if there is not enough power, the Eagle will not fall immediately.

But now they are getting closer and closer to the deep valley under their feet. Fortunately, when there is still 5 seconds of fuel, Zhang Heng finally sees the other side of the deep valley. From here, the terrain is very flat, which is an excellent place to land.

So the question now is whether their fuel is enough to get there.

Zhang Heng made a visual inspection. They are still about 1.7 kilometers away. At the current speed, they still need one and a half minutes, and their height from the ground is less than 50 feet. They are almost close to the rock walls of the deep valley. The same.

Zhang Heng had to consume another 2 seconds of precious fuel to increase the taxiing altitude of the lunar module.

He needs to stay on the ground to adjust his attitude and slow down when landing, so this is almost the last fuel he can use.

The lunar module glides silently over the deep valley like a shadow.

“32 feet …”

Zhang Heng’s hand holding the joystick was also a little cold, and finally the lunar module almost wiped the rock face opposite and leapt into the deep valley.

The distance between the lunar module and the ground was less than 15 feet. Zhang Heng couldn’t be more pleased. He controlled the lunar module to drift forward a short distance, and then immediately entered the landing procedure.

When he used the last second of fuel, the Eagle’s four load-bearing legs also landed firmly on the moon’s surface.

“Houston, here is the Jinghai base, the Hawk has landed safely.” Armstrong said to the communicator, his voice hardly changed.

There was a burst of cheers from the ground control center in Houston, and everyone was waving wildly everything they could catch.

They have enough reasons to be excited, because this is the first time in human history that someone successfully landed on the moon!

NASA has paid too much for this day. The doubts and pressure from the outside world = the race at the same time. When this moment really comes, everyone will have a tearful feeling.

Zhang Heng is also relaxed. Although he knew it was just a game, he still had a strong sense of being in history at this moment.

“Congratulations, a perfect landing, you can hit a very ten.” The voice in the communicator said, “Then I will soon enter my favorite link, Neil Armstrong around you will say my favorite That sentence, even if it is placed in the entire human history, this is still one of my favorite fragments.

“It’s incredible, isn’t it? Until 500 years ago, the vast majority of people still believed that Earth was flat, and now you are standing here, on the moon 300,000 kilometers away, there is no oxygen here, but rely on the aerospace on your body If you can still breathe, science and technology have changed the way of life and even the cognition of everyone. Although there are still some people who believe that Earth is flat, they held a party in North Carolina not long ago, but this is not important, the brain is a Good thing, you ca n’t expect everyone to have … The point is, technology is really great, is n’t it? “

“Who the hell are you?” Zhang Heng frowns saying, “It wasn’t that chance we met in Area 51, why can you enter our copy, are you a player, what purpose do you find me?”

From the first sentence of that voice, Zhang Heng heard that the other party was the guy who met himself before and called himself Einstein, which also explained why the Bluetooth headset he sent to Zhang Heng would suddenly turn on by himself .

Zhang Heng did not know the origin and identity of Einstein, but from the situation when the two first met, at least the other party was not at all malicious to him, and this time Einstein also gave in the lunar landing He helped a lot.

The latter hearing this is just laughed, “Times are different, they could burn Giordano Bruno with fire 400 years ago, to avoid him spreading the heliocentric theory in four places, but now our time is coming, those Old Guys every day They are becoming weaker and weaker. They are not willing to be forgotten by the times, and they also use this game to retrieve the glory of the past, but we all know that this is just the lie they used to paralyze themselves.

“They have already lost, and they have been defeated. As far as I know, some of them are not even as good as a dog. Sadly, they should have broken off by themselves a few hundred years ago. Decent-natural selection, survival of the fittest, Darwin said earlier, victory always belongs to the latecomer, so my suggestion is to choose your camp carefully, you wo n’t want to board the 100th place The leaking Titanic can be covered with lice under the gorgeous robe, I like you, we will meet again if there is no accident, and finally, enjoy this victory, not everyone can and Armstrong stood on the moon together. “

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