48 Hours a Day

Chapter 383

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40000 Euros is totally worthless to the daily flow of large casinos.

But the problem is that no casino likes to be treated as an ATM.

In fact, the high cheekbones casino staff recently heard some winds from their peers, and a couple who were called lucky fingers by the industry hit the royal flush from 3 casinos in just 4 days. But these casinos only reacted afterwards.

The main lucky finger couples have always been very restrained, and each casino has not won much, only one or two notes, which is at most 2 5 euros. Such an amount generally does not attract the attention of the casino.

There are a lot of tourists in and out of the casino every day. Although most of them are losing money, there are many people who win when the sample is large enough. The casino will usually watch out for some serious professional gamblers and old 1000s, but it is impossible to pay attention to every A winning person. Although the chance of a flush flush is not high, the entire casino that many machines still have lucky winners from time to time.

The reason for noticing that Lucky Finger was also one of the casinos was alert. They looked back at the video of the monitor and found that the male of the Lucky Finger couple had received a call and left for a while before hitting the flush flush, which made him It seems suspicious. In addition, although he has been working hard to control facial expressions, he is obviously not a professional actor, and his acting is still a bit stiff.

But at that time, the Lucky Fingers couple had already left, and then the casino made the corresponding arrangements. However, the 2nd day lucky fingers did not show up again. This move not only did not dispel the doubts of the casino, but also made them more suspicious of the previous winning, so they I contacted other casinos, and this revealed the lucky marvels of the four straight flush in 3 days of Lucky Fingers.

Even if it was really the finger kissed by lucky Goddess, there would be no such odd odds.

Therefore, there is only one answer, that is, the lucky finger couple is out of 1000, and according to their previous action trajectory, there is a high probability of replacing the casino and committing crimes, so the deceived casino immediately notified the other casinos. A scene.

In fact, from the moment the lucky finger couple entered the casino, their every move was under surveillance.

And when they magically hit the flush straight again, the casino staff arrived immediately.

This time they are obviously not so easy to get out.

The staff with high cheekbones have been engaged in this business for more than 20 years. He has been to Macao and spent time in Las Vegas. He has seen too many people with a pair of eyes, compared to professional gamblers and 1000 years old, this young couple is younger than the new buds just emerging from the tree.

This shows that they haven’t started to do this for a long time, and young children like this are best dealt with.

However, this time he seemed to look away.

As far as acting is concerned, the woman in the young couple is obviously better. She has been shouting loudly, trying to attract the attention of other tourists, so as to put pressure on the casino. This looks vulgar and rude, but Gao Zhe Bone staff also have to admit that this crude and simple method is indeed very effective.

Many people think that casinos are overbearing and arrogant. It is undeniable that many underground casinos are indeed so, but the more famous casinos for tourists pay more attention to their reputation. 40000 euros may be a lot for ordinary people, but for large casinos It ’s just one hair from nine oxen, they want to catch the lucky finger couple is not fake, but if this will affect their reputation among other tourists, it is not worth the loss.

On the other hand, although the man on the other side is also trying to be strong, his acting skills will be much worse, always giving people a feeling of guilty conscience, and some arrogance.

Seeing more and more people looking over here, the staff with high cheekbones also frowned, he thought that as long as he appeared when the other party committed the crime, things would be easily resolved, but the reality is not in this way.

The inspection results show that this video poker game machine was not at all being manipulated.

The staff with high cheekbones had 2 options at this time. Either let the 2 people leave immediately while the situation had n’t expanded. The casino would silently swallow the loss to minimize the impact, or use a stronger stance to invite 2 people to the cabin. For further inquiries.

In fact, the staff with high cheekbones would like to search the two people directly, so that their secrets may be invisible, but when there is no more than 2, no casino wants to use this obviously illegal method to solve the problem. At least on the bright side, the casino will exercise restraint as much as possible for its reputation or whatever.

In this way, “invite” 2 people into the cabin, continue to exert mental pressure, and strive to break through their psychological defense line is the best way, especially the male among them, the staff with high cheekbones is confident in ten Take him in the sentence.

But in the end, he chose the Third Type method.

The high cheekbones staff brought a bottle of Bordeaux red wine to the young couple in front of them, and apologized apologetically, “Sorry, because our work error caused you unnecessary trouble It ’s the casino ’s compensation, I hope you have a good time here tonight. “

Fortunately, the male face showed surprise on the male side, and the female was coldly snorted. “You guys have done this kind of thing, how can we still play.”

The high cheekbones staff smilely smiled, “Sorry for 10000 points, you can leave at any time if you don’t want to stay.”

“Are you sure?” The female side asked.

“Of course, we have neither reason nor right to ask you to stay.” The staff of Gao Zhiguo stepped back 2 steps and made a gesture of asking, “Welcome you to come again next time.”

“Well, I won’t come back in my life for such a stingy place.” The woman in a camisole dropped this sentence, and then pulled her husband to settle the bill. The two chose to pay in cash, and then took The money won hurriedly left the casino.

A man wearing a plaid shirt and Wrist Watch put out a long breath as soon as he went out, and could n’t help complaining, “I ’ll just say that I ’ll close it early. You have to say you want to play another one. Can’t come here to play. “

When she walked to a place where no one was there, the coolly dressed woman immediately let go of her husband’s hand, disdainful, “Afraid of anything, do you think I don’t know you yet, with your guts, even if you are not found Will come here again, you should thank me, so that before you leave, you can make an extra amount of money, and finally this time we should not pay another 90%, you should pay me half of the remuneration. “

“Half? You’re kidding. You didn’t do anything, just pretend to be my wife and cover me. All the technical work is done by me and my companions.” The plaid shirt man argued reasonably.

“You guys are just a bunch of nerds. If it weren’t for your crappy acting skills, how could we be found, even more how I’ve made you almost 2010000 euros, and my pocket is less than 2 euros, which is not Fair, I also paid a lot. “

“You just need to wear it cooler, reveal something, laugh deliberately, and attract the attention of those cameras and workers. Considering your previous work, does this have any loss to you?” The plaid shirt male opened wide. Eyes closed.

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