48 Hours a Day

Chapter 384

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“We have had an agreement before. Are these three days better than what you earned by doing half a year’s hard work?” The plaid shirt male argued reasonably.

“Yeah, but unfortunately not enough.”

“Not enough … what does it mean?”

“Okay, I changed my mind. How about we split all the money we made in the past few days? Otherwise, I will tell the casinos what you did … I believe they will be interested.” Female road.

The Mediterranean sea breeze is not cold, but somehow the plaid shirt man shivered, “Why are you doing this?”

“Why, because I need more money.”

“But we had an agreement before.”

“Yes, you guys always like to talk about agreements and so on, but it ’s ridiculous that there is no agreement in this world simply, right? What you are doing is destroying the rules of the game, is n’t it? ? “

“But …” Before the man in the plaid shirt finished, he suddenly stopped, and then a look of horror appeared on his face.

The cool-dressed female frowned, “Why not, I just want half the money, do you scare you like this?”

At this time, a strange voice came from behind her, “I’m sorry to disturb the two, but I don’t know if the two are interested in visiting the night view of Monaco?”

The cool dressed woman turned around and saw a black Buick business who stopped behind her sometime, the co-pilot’s window lowered, and a head was sticking out from it. It was a bald head, and it looked like it was not good There is also a mermaid tattoo on his neck.

“Are you … a casino guy?” Compared to a man in a plaid shirt whose calves had begun to tremble, his fake wife performed much better, and even though she was also afraid, she asked.

“Miss, don’t talk nonsense, we have nothing to do with the casino, just the hospitable local Monaco residents.” The Bald and Tattoed male grinned, with a greasy smile.

Although the other party did not admit it, even the fool knew that this black Buick and the people in the car were definitely related to the casino. The local casinos care about their reputation and some things are not suitable for themselves, but this does not mean that they are really Nothing to do, swallow this dumb loss.

The fact that there is no way to deal with 2 people on the bright side does not mean that there will be no movement in the back, and the black Buick that appears behind them at this time is obviously to solve this situation.

The plaid shirt became more and more panicked. This was the first time he encountered this kind of thing. The whole person had no idea at all. His eyes were squinted at four places. It was clear that he wanted to run away, and the cool women also regretted it. It ’s mainly because it ’s too easy for two people to make money from the casino in the past three days. It has turned several casinos in succession, which makes her appetite grow bigger and bigger and creates an illusion.

These casinos are no different.

In particular, she knew that there was a technical team behind the plaid shirt, and they were really a group of people, and as the plaid shirt said, she was only temporarily found to be responsible for covering the vases in this plan. Before her, she was just an unknown soldier who danced a pole dance in a small town bar. When she had no money to pay the rent, she would also provide a little bit of human care to the male drinkers …

She must make use of this rare opportunity to make as much money as possible, which is why she still had to vote for the other party when the plaid shirt already wanted to close, but did n’t expect 2 people really Will be planted on this last ticket, but compared to nerds like plaid shirts, she has seen all kinds of people dancing in the bar, and knows that since she is found, it is useless to run away from other people ’s sites.

Even more how the entire Monaco is only 2.02 square kilometers.

At this time, she was already thinking of selling a group of plaid shirts to the casino, but then the 2 euros she had earned before might not be guaranteed. Although she had threatened the plaid shirt before, if she could not get more She went back to the casino to expose them, but in fact, she did n’t want to do it if it was not 10000.

Because she knows what the people in the casino are interested in, although she also tried to pull out from the plaid shirt group of people, how did they achieve that they can hit the flush on the game console every time, and this also It happens to be what she is best at, 2 bottles of beer, a little suggestive music, plus her own indistinct silhouette in the water vapor in the bathroom, can guarantee that most men hook, but unfortunately even the plaid shirt The gang explained this to her, and she found that she couldn’t understand it at all.

What pseudo-random, what linear feedback shift register, she sounds like a foreign language, not to mention the dazzling code.

“That’s why I hate nerds. They don’t look like a grandfather at all, whether it’s a bed or a bed! The sweaty men on the construction site who are naked and showing muscles are real men, and these will only knock The keyboard and the guys who play with numbers are at best just a bunch of gangsters !!! “

After releasing a circle of charm, but it was just gratifying and she had nothing, she thought angrily.


She couldn’t get the most valuable things. Even if she wanted to sell the plaid shirts to the casino, she would not get any benefits. It would not be easy for the other party to let her go at the end.

The bald head on the black Buick was already a little impatient at this time, the compartment door was pulled open, and four robust men came down from above.

“In Monaco, it is not a polite thing to refuse the host’s invitation.”

The expression of the plaid shirt changed drastically, and the legs would run wildly, but no one didn’t expect this time a shadow was suddenly dropping from the sky.

It was a masked man with a hood, jumped from the second floor of a residential building next to it, and landed on the black Buick roof, causing the Buick body to wobble. For a moment, the bald head thought it was an earthquake. .

The masked man did not stay on the roof of the car, and then jumped from the roof again, and a knee attack was directly placed on a robust man.

At this time, three other people also reacted and surrounded the suddenly appearing masked man.

But then the plaid shirt was lucky enough to see the scenes that could only be seen in the American blockbuster in the past. The three robbery men who looked fierce and looked confident were turned down by the masked people in one minute. On the ground, and this is because the opponent clearly left his hand.

Although 4 people could not get up in a while, there was no fatal injury.

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