48 Hours a Day

Chapter 770

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The two gladiators in the same room didn’t know when they woke up. Anyway, when Zhang Heng returned to the house, they were already not in. They didn’t walk into the door again until the sky was completely dark, and they still had alcohol on them. .

In fact, their choice is not difficult to understand, although the gladiator schools continue to have slave gladiators like Sisnath and Garba to gain freedom, but among the majority of slave gladiators, it is always a small part to get freedom In the end, more people died in the arena.

Although the death rate of gladiators has decreased significantly compared with BC, the average survival age of 25 years old can still explain many problems. If you do n’t play in time, you may not be able to play tomorrow. Even more how they It’s just the carnival day.

After a while, Varo also came back from the training ground and chatted with Zhang Heng for 2 sentences before going to bed.


Late at night, the entire Roman city was quiet from the noise.

With the exception of a few Domus and temples that were still lit by oil lamps, most places fell into darkness.

Zhang Heng also closed his eyes and soon fell asleep, until someone pushed his body, Zhang Heng eyes opened, and saw the face of the old Persian trainer, who was standing in front of his bed, punching He made a gesture of going out and then walked out of the room first. Zhang Heng put on his sandals, followed behind the old trainer, and walked through the three people who were still asleep in the house, and came to the yard outside.

At least for now, the previous story of the other party is not fabricated.

Zhang Heng has experienced so many rounds of copies, many of which are 4 volts in crisis, which also makes him develop the habit of still keeping a little alert when sleeping, generally speaking someone who moves something makes the sound make him wake up from his sleep Here, of course, this ability is not necessarily as easy to use as the snoring gladiator dormitory everywhere, but the old trainer can explain a lot of problems before he comes to his bed unconsciously.

If the other party has a killing intent on him, he is probably already in a different place.

So … is this the way of fighting belonging to the Assassins?

Zhang Heng saw the silhouette of the old trainer turned into a small training ground in front, so he also followed along, but when he entered the training ground, he did not see the silhouette of the old trainer inside.

There is no more daytime excitement on the training ground now, and the entire training ground is empty, but soon, Zhang Heng’s heart becomes alert, something strikes behind him, although the opponent’s movement is very light, almost Nothing brings any air flow.

However, Zhang Heng’s rich combat experience still played a role at this time. He twisted his body and passed the blow at the last minute. In addition, he also saw that the thing that attacked him was a small wooden dagger.

The old trainer was also surprised to see Zhang Heng flash this blow.

Including before quietly coming to Zhang Heng ’s bed and disappearing, he intended to let Zhang Heng intuitively feel the power of the assassin in this way, but did n’t expect to roll over when he finally finished. Knowing that Zhang Heng had hidden his strength in the final assessment before, but didn’t expect the latter had hidden so much strength.

Coupled with his age, his skill has indeed fallen in the large section when he was younger.

No one can fight against the biggest enemy of time, whether it is an assassin or a gladiator. With the increase of age, his physical quality is indeed not as good as forgetting. As a person who is accompanied by death all year round, he can clearly feel the aging of the body I also feel more and more what it feels like to be weak.

Zhang Heng on the other side had already distanced himself from the old trainer at this time. He looked all around and was looking for a weapon. Didn’t expect next moment The old trainer gave up the attack and turned to run outside the training ground. go with.

Zhang Heng did not rush to catch up, but went to the room where the weapons were stored. Of course, he could see that the old trainer was not malicious to him, so he only took a wooden training sword.

As a result, as soon as the forefoot went out of the door, a dagger thrust into his throat.

“Watch out for places where you can block your sight, these all are the best places where assassins can attack.” The old trainer whispered.

But this time Zhang Heng had already prepared, and stopped the opposite dagger with a wooden sword in his hand.

In fact, this attack from the old trainer is still very good, faster than the previous attack from the sneak attack behind him, the angle is more mysterious, and still silent.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Zhang Heng who has Blade Technique skill set to lv4. Once the latter has a knife in hand, even the best assassin in the world can hardly break his defense.

The old trainer is still a one-click away, no war. This time he jumped directly onto a wall not far away, but Zhang Heng also followed closely from behind, over the wall to enter the next courtyard, but after such a moment of delay, the old trainer disappeared from his sight again.

However, Zhang Heng quickly thought of something, raised the wooden sword in his hand, and took a stab from dropping from the sky.

“Everyone’s eyes will be deceived and learn to use the observation habits of the target.”

The old trainer was like a ghost out of his shadow, ghostly and light.

But then he stopped Zhang Heng’s plan to chase after the victory, leaning on the side wall road, “Wait, let me breathe.”

So Zhang Heng also politely put away the training sword in his hand.

The old trainer rested for a moment and regained his strength, but it didn’t seem to continue. He waved with some interest and said, “If you don’t fight, let’s go here.”

“Well.” Zhang Heng had a little regret. Although there were only 3 moves between the two sides, the old trainer adopted a fighting method he had never seen before, which really broadened his horizons and made him gain something.

But Dadatis has already hung up a fight-free card, and Zhang Heng is not easy to bully the old man.

“In fact, excellent assassins generally do not assassinate the same target more than 3 times. If all 3 attempts are unsuccessful, it means that Kleis does not want to take the life of the target. At this time, as an assassin, no matter how much he is paid Rich, and for whatever good reason, you should choose to let go. “

The old trainer paused and said, “I have to admit that I underestimated you, even if I was younger, I didn’t have the full confidence of the 3 sneak attacks just now, but you shouldn’t be too happy, top None of the assassins will have only one way to kill the target. “

Dadatis said here, Zhang Heng had nothing to say, he was a little lost first, mainly according to the original plan, he should quietly put a wooden dagger on the back of Zhang Heng, with a low ‘S voice tells the other party that you are dead, and then talk about your own glorious history can be more convincing.

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