48 Hours a Day

Chapter 771

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The old trainer found a step in the yard and sat up, “Assassin is one of the oldest occupations of mankind, because most of the troubles of people are caused by people, and the people who trouble you are solved. Solve your troubles. “

“It’s hard to refute,” Zhang Heng said.

Dadatis continued, “The first assassin is who has no one understood, because the people you did good in this line are people who have no name. Once they are famous, they are basically not far from death. We are different from the dead. , The pursuit of remuneration, and the most important thing to get the remuneration is to survive first, although our name is not in history, but we are everywhere silhouette, since 1000 years, we may be hidden in rashness, committed to solving the ordinary The person’s life troubles, or serving the emperor Royal General, changed the direction of history with the dagger and short sword in his hand. “

“Well, it sounds like you are quite busy.”

“Of course, in the early days, the assassins were basically fighting each other, there would not be too many intersections, everyone had different service targets, which certainly gave us the freedom of incomparable, but because of the lack of faith, Let us always be in a state of loose sand. This situation continued until about 1000 years ago, when there was a person who retired. Senior received a Oracle from Kleis and began to find a way to integrate the forces that belong to the assassin. “

“So this is the origin of the Assassin brother?” Zhang Heng interjected.

The old trainer hearing this stunned, “What assassin brother will?”

“Sorry, I have come to Ubisoft, please continue.” Zhang Heng said.

The old trainer frowned, he did n’t understand the meaning of Ubisoft, but considering that Zhang Heng is from the far east, it ’s normal for the two sides to have some differences in communication, as long as it is not too important information, he also No tangled meaning on this.

“That Senior found 6 of the most powerful assassins at that time and conveyed Kleus’s intentions to them, but at first did not go well, because the people who would do this job basically didn’t like being constrained, but The Senior told others that joining an organization does not have much impact on their daily lives. On the contrary, the organization can become a bridge for them to exchange information, share resources and help each other. “

Paused, an old trainer, “Although the assassins prefer to act alone, this does not mean that the assassins can do everything by themselves. Accepting the commission requires an intermediary. Once the intermediary has a wealth of contacts, it is convenient to find the target employer. On the other hand This can prevent the assassin from avoiding positive contact with the employer. This is also to protect the safety of the assassin. After all, the assassination is not a radiance thing. Some employers also want to solve this hidden danger together after solving the problem, completely eliminating worries.

“And the assassin ’s early investigation of the target also needs the help of other people. These people may be street thieves, or they may be sociable aristocrats and businessmen, so they can easily access different goals. Apart from this, the assassins have I also need some help. In short, any perfect assassination needs a detailed investigation, countless previews and corresponding aftermath treatment. After all, we are also humans, not gods. “

“Oh, this is probably a certain level of craftsmanship.” Zhang Heng said.

“In summary, I believe you can also see the benefits of organization establishment, which can pool the resources in the hands of members to form an intelligence network, and ultimately serve the members of the organization. In addition, when members of the organization encounter dangerous Sometimes, other people can also provide assistance to him. After all, dealing with an assassin and provoking a group of assassins are completely different concepts. “

“It’s reasonable, but the question is what is the benefit of that convener? You said before that he was already retired, why did he come back and spend so much effort to form an organization that he can’t use.”

“Like I said, in the last ages the assassin line has always been a mess. The root cause is that they lack faith and a common goal that can unite them. This is what the original founder of the blade of balance thought The thing to do, we believe in Kleis, she is the god of murder and assassin, and has a delicate balance between 10000 things, and all we have to do is to maintain this balance for her through assassination. “

The old trainer looked into Zhang Heng ’s eyes and said seriously, “Balance is very important, because only balance is the best condition of 10000 things, which can benefit everyone in the world, especially the lowest-level civilians and slaves. Of course, balance Blade is concerned about the interests of all classes. In principle, everyone is a part of the world and together constitutes a balance, but we really care about the bottom of the public, the reason is very simple, because they have the largest number of people. “

“You want to benefit slaves, why not just liberate them?” Zhang Heng asked.

“We release the slave, and then?” The old trainer asked, “Have you ever been to the market?”


“The market is like the epitome of this World, there are all kinds of people, blacksmiths, farmers, carpenters, tailors … Everyone is selling their own things, we all have things to sell, and there are things to buy, and All of this brings together the balance. Now, when you take the peasants out of the market, what will happen? The tailor has no cloth, the tavern has no raw materials for brewing, the women cannot buy food, and the balance is broken. Everyone will suffer losses.

“Slave is the same. As I said, the blade of balance has been in existence for more than 1000 years. We have seen too many things, the rise of the country, the replacement of dynasties, the prosperity and destruction of cities, and some of them have succeeded in slavery. Killed the people who enslaved them, but after that, will the slaves be liberated as they claim? No, they just become a new group of slave masters. A fact that people at the bottom are often unaware of That is, no matter how the society changes, the bottom will always exist, just like you can’t pull farmers from the market, this is part of the balance. “

“So you tend to maintain the rule of the current ruler?” Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

“No, we only maintain balance.” The old trainer said, “We believe that a stable governance structure can maximize the benefits of all classes, but we also know that there is no eternal dynasty or rule in this world, just like chaos is new. The path that must be followed before order is established is that we do not exclude chaos. “

“So what’s your position?” Zhang Heng frowned.

“Let all 10000 things be balanced.” The old trainer replied, “If the power of the nobility is too strong, we will cut off the wings of the nobility. When the power of the emperor is too large, we will find a way to limit the imperial power. When there are civilians and slaves. When a meaningful riot occurs, we will also assist the army to suppress the riot in the shortest possible time and avoid causing greater losses. When the chaos comes, we will also help the true king to ascend the throne and reconstruct balance. “

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