48 Hours a Day

Chapter 826

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7 Hit one, this seems to be no suspense to the Blacktail.

For people like them who are on the street, bullying and fearing are basic survival skills. When they have an advantage, they can expand their victory as much as possible, and when the situation is unfavorable, they clamp their tails to be humans.

Only those who fully adapt to the environment and decide their actions according to the environment can survive in this land full of chaos and sin. If the area from Trajan Square to the Imperial Palace is a symbol of Rome ’s light and prosperity, then this is the representative The dark and dilapidated side of Rome is full of poor people struggling on the food and clothing line.

vicious and merciless is not a derogatory term, but a necessary quality of survival.

Therefore, the goal of the first guy who rushed up with a hammer is also very clear, that is, Zhang Heng’s arm, as long as the opponent’s 2 hands are abolished, then the opponent will have no room for resistance, and then they can only let them fish.

The guy with the hammer feels that he is still very kind. He actually avoided several key points of Zhang Heng. Of course, the main reason is that it is daylight after all. Although this place lacks effective security forces, it kills people. They will still be in trouble.

As a result, he saw that the guy in front of him did not retreat and went straight into his arms.

The person who took the hammer didn’t know why. When the two people collided, the difference in size was not too big, but next moment his body flew out directly.

Since joining this magical game, Zhang Heng has been active in fitness, and his time in reality is calculated by 2 times, and now the foundation has been played well, although the strength is not as good as Bach and Theo Philos, but compared to most people, it can already be called excellent. It is not comparable to a Hooligan pulled out casually, plus this copy has been trained by the Devil of Gabi.

Zhang Heng’s encounter with the meet force with force directly knocked his opponent out, and fell on a side fruit stand, smashing the stall there, but then the second person also rushed over, and beside him Also followed his partner.

Before 2 were underground gladiators.

The so-called underground gladiator refers to a gladiator who is not performing in the arena. Generally, they are people who are not strong enough to become official gladiators. For example, the free man who failed the final assessment cannot continue to stay in the gladiator school, or because of his age. Gladiators who have to retire, for example, have suffered some injuries before, and their strength is not, but they want to continue to make money in this industry, so they will become underground gladiators.

The venues for their performances are more casual. You can set up a stage or find an alley to host an underground gladiator performance. The audience is mostly poorer civilians or even slaves. Like the official gladiator performances, the organizers usually support Betting, at the same time, in order to meet the requirements for viewing, the rules will be more open.

For example, if there is no professional attention, the weapon will be relaxed a lot, and there are even bloody performances like dead fights. Therefore, people who have done underground gladiators and can retreat in general will also have 2 brushes.

These two people are also the most able to fight in the group of Blacktail snakes. Many tough battles were won by them before, and the Blacktail snakes have high hopes for them.

However, the next scene was fiercely hit his face.

Usually, 2 underground gladiators with 4 enemies 2 and even 5 enemies with 2 enemies no longer live up to the fierceness of this time. One of them came up with a dagger on his arm and could no longer grab the dagger in his hand.

But at this moment, one hand intimately helped him catch the short sword that was about to fall to the ground. Afterwards, Zhang Heng used the short sword to support the attack of another person, and kicked another foot on the man ’s chest. He rolled aside.

When the black-tailed snake saw it, he was finally anxious. With a wave of his hand, the rest of them rushed up together. As a result, they clearly acted collectively, but they didn’t know how the other party moved their feet, so they were easily separated, and then resolved one by one .

In the end, 7 people were the same as bottle gourd, but instead of failing to complete the enclosure, all of them were knocked to the ground, and everyone’s body was more or less shed blood.

The black-tailed snake knows today that his group has kicked the iron plate. There is really no suspense for 7-a-one, but it is no suspense for the defeat of his group. The two people who fought did not cause any trouble to the other party. Zhang Heng didn’t hurt at all after this fight.

“What … who are you?” The black-tailed snake’s gaze turned to Zhang Heng’s eyes in amazement.

“Zhang Heng.” Zhang Heng didn’t hide it.

The black-tailed snake thought the name sounded familiar, as if it had been heard somewhere, and his two underground gladiators responded much faster than him, and the face of the name suddenly showed a look of fear.

“You … you are the Oriental who won the Flavier Amphitheater?”

“Yes.” Zhang Heng nodded.

“It’s you!” The black-tailed snake sucked in a cold breath. Although these people are not slaves, most of the people living in this place are not qualified to watch the performance at the Flavi Amphitheatre. He has not seen it with his own eyes. Zhang Heng’s battle, but during this time the legend of the Oriental was circulating throughout the city of Rome, even if he didn’t know the name.

Whether it is to defeat those famous gladiators within ten strokes or tame the bison empty-handed, it is unheard-of, let alone afterwards there are rumors that he is a god incarnation.

The black-tailed snake just regrets why he didn’t recognize the other person earlier. It stands to reason that Zhang Heng is quite characteristic in appearance, but it belongs to a multi-ethnic mixed area, and there are also many foreigners. Think that many.

Besides, it ’s much more unlucky to run into the champion of Flavi ’s amphitheater by chance.

After knowing the identity of the other party, the black tail snake has given up all the ideas of resistance. He is still a little self-knowledge. Although they have an advantage in number, but together they ca n’t reach a bison, so it ’s still more reasonable to lie on the ground. .

And Zhang Heng did not embarrass him further, just let him leave his gang after he asked for the address of his residence, the black-tailed snake was relaxed, and people were quickly helped to lift people who were inconvenient to walk on their own Crawled away.

The little female slave who was watching the battle seemed a little dissatisfied, and asked Zhang Heng, “Why let the bad guys go like this?”

“Bad guys? Oh, according to the normal definition of bad guys, the people living here are basically bad guys, and if they are arrested, the imprisonment of the empire cannot be closed, and no one can do those low-return high-intensity work afterwards. Zhang Heng shook the head, “Evaluating a person, although there are objective standards, but also should refer to his environment. The situation here is more complicated, it is difficult for a good person in the traditional sense to survive.”

“But isn’t it the job of the patrol to eliminate crime?” Said the little female slave.

Zhang Heng laughed dumbly, “The patrol ’s job is not to eliminate crime, but to make criminal activity more controllable. Rest assured, I ’ve done this kind of thing before, and now I just do it again, even more how this time I There is also an official background. Okay, that ’s all it takes to hang out. Then you go home first. I have something to ask him. “

Zhang Heng pointed to the young man who grabbed money.

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