48 Hours a Day

Chapter 827

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

When Zhang Heng finished his questioning of the group of money-robbing teenagers, the sky began to darken.

Zhang Heng did not rush to report to the patrol, but took advantage of the time to find a small restaurant and settled the dinner first. He ordered a pickled anchovy, a barbecue and a small piece of goat cheese, with With a bowl of coarse oatmeal, so many things cost less than 6 Sesters.

Zhang Heng also took advantage of this meal to understand the consumption level of this place.

The price here is only about half of the outside, but correspondingly, the weight and taste are so-so, and the ingredients used in the grilled meat ordered by Zhang Heng are also suspicious. Anyway, it does not taste like chicken or rabbit meat.

Of course, considering the cost performance, this is not a problem for the money-saving parties. The main reason for preventing people from outside from dining is the safety issue. Especially after dark, being robbed is only a trivial matter. May give away the small life.

When Zhang Heng was eating, he saw two diners fight to grab a waitress. The winner finally went to the second floor with the pretty waitress. The loser stumbled and left the restaurant with his head behind. Places abound, and Zhang Heng has no interest in looking further.

After dinner, he came to the patrol station.

It was said to be a resident, but it was actually a dangerous building. The previous owner was killed by the tenant on the top floor when the rent was collected. The body was hidden under the bed. It took only half a month to be discovered. The murderer was eventually patrolled. Was caught and sent to the arena to feed the lions, but how to deal with this building became a problem.

Because the dead landlord lived alone, without a wife and child, the dangerous building was eventually taken over by the patrol and became the patrol’s resident in this area.

Not only did the patrol members live here, but their family members moved into this apartment without paying rent.

When he first arrived at the door, Zhang Heng thought he had gone to the wrong place, because there was no sign related to the patrol team, and there were no facilities like a training ground. The only small piece of space was covered with clothes for drying, apart from this There are also 2 large jars of pickled vegetables and a table that is half repaired.

“Stand there, don’t move, and I will blind your eyes when I get closer!” The little boy is talking, at least in terms of dress, shaved short hair, and wearing a piece of clothing is slightly larger for him With short sleeves and bruises on her face, it is estimated where the fight was left.

At this moment, he was holding a slingshot in his hand and was aiming at Zhang Heng vigilantly, and beside him was an old dog.

Zhang Heng raised his hand and signaled that he was not at all carrying any weapons and politely said, “Is this the patrol station?”

“Yes, what’s wrong with you, someone was beaten, the money was robbed? Or was it both beaten and robbed? Or came here to report the crime?” The boy continued to ask, but not at all Relax your vigilance, “You don’t look like the people here, why are you here?”

As a result, Zhang Heng hadn’t spoken yet, and a voice came from behind the little boy, “He is a newcomer to the patrol, put away your slingshot, Vijay, girl should not play this kind of thing all day long.”

“But I don’t take a slingshot. Who will defend this when you leave the patrol.” Vijay dissatisfied.

“This is the patrol station, not broken people dare to come.”

“Who said, we lost 2 clothes last week, and last week we lost half a bag of wheat, and …”

“The theft can’t be solved,” the man who appeared later said somewhat helplessly, “Half of the thieves and thieves in Rome live here.”

Although Pannonax barely introduced any information about the patrol team to Zhang Heng, the latter had already learned the basic situation of the patrol members through the afternoon.

He knew that the man in the image of a typical Roman soldier in front of him was Aris. He had a burly figure and bronze skin. He had fought bravely with the Ormani and fought bravely, but unfortunately it did n’t take long before the war He was shot in the calf. Although there was no worry about his life, he could no longer stay in the army to accumulate military power. He had to return to Rome and join the patrol to maintain the security of the city.

It is said that his strength is good, but because of a leg injury, it is difficult to work with people now.

Zhang Heng took the initiative to extend the hand, “Zhang Heng.”

“Aris.” Aris also shook hands with Zhang Heng.

This time it was Veja who intervened, she cry out in surprise, “Zhang Heng? Are you the Oriental who won the Flavi Amphitheater ?! Wait, are you new to the patrol?” She turned her head and looked up To Aris, “Dad, why didn’t you tell me that the most Legendary gladiator in Rome is going to join you.”

“Because this matter has nothing to do with the little child, do I need to report to you on every official business? Don’t be the same as your mother, ask all sorts of questions all day long.” Aris said impatiently.

“But it’s a big deal. Haven’t you complained all the time that the patrol has nothing to fight, making it difficult for you to enforce the law every time,” Vijah is full of excitement, “Now you have Flavi Circle The champion of the theater has not been able to beat you. “

“The situation here is not that simple, nor can it be solved by one person.” Aris said, “Your mother is cooking dinner, why don’t you go help her? In addition, go and call the person who will patrol at night downstairs Assembly, we are about to leave. “

“Every time you send me an excuse it sucks.”

Although she said that the female child still brought the old dog upstairs, when she left, she deliberately looked at Zhang Heng 2 again, just like looking at the monkeys in the zoo.

“Sorry, my daughter doesn’t have any etiquette at all, of course, that kind of thing is probably not used in this place.” Aris said.

“It’s okay, since I won the championship, I’m used to being seen by people like this.” Zhang Heng said, “Fortunately, I won’t lose a piece of meat.”

“That’s good, I honestly didn’t expect great characters like you would be willing to join the patrol in this area.”

“I’m just a free gladiator, not a great character.” Zhang Heng shook his head.

“But I heard that you are valued by the Emperor Your Majesty, isn’t it? I heard the people above say you want to come here to accumulate some political capital, gold plating and so on, but I have to regret to tell you that you may have chosen the wrong place . “

“Why do you say that?”

“You heard what I said to my daughter just now. Although this ghost place is in the city of Rome, it is completely different from other places. This is a huge stinky ditch, thief, robber, villain … everyone you can imagine Slag basically lives here. This place is not something that anyone can change, even if you are the champion of Flavi Amphitheater. “

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