48 Hours a Day

Chapter 847

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“Are you threatening us?” The middle-aged Jewish man seemed to hear a very funny joke, “Is it just because of your manpower in your patrol now, even if you add those forces that fall against you or are secretly controlled by you, How many people can you put together? Do you know how many people are there in the Jewish gang? If necessary, we can even turn all the 30000 Jews living here into our people. What capital do you threaten us? “

“The threat I said did not come from us,” Zhang Heng said. “I believe that some of you have heard some wind during this time. Our young emperor Your Majesty just returned from the battlefield and took the throne. He is eager to do something that can win the praise and support of the people. Holding a gladiatorial performance is only the First Step. Next, he intends to turn his attention to the issue of law and order. Your Majesty He has noticed the extrajudicial status of until now in the southeastern city. I am concerned about the people of the empire living here. No matter what you think, in the eyes of Your Majesty, you are ultimately the people of the empire, and the situation here has indeed affected the surrounding area, otherwise you think why I joined the patrol here team.”

Zhang Heng said that it was paused here, and then said, “My arrival is only First Step. If I ca n’t improve the security environment here, then the 1000 Guard Army will be stationed to take over the security work here. It ’s the Guard ’s lance dagger, so are you sure you want to drive me away? “

Zhang Heng’s words suddenly caused an uproar.

All forces, big and small, didn’t expect this time, even the Guard Army will be involved, especially when hearing that the new emperor, Your Majesty, is preparing to do something in the southeastern city, everyone’s heart is tight. They used to be You can bully a patrol that asks for money, no money, no one, but if the opponent is replaced by a Guard army and a Guard army of 1000 people, at least all small and medium forces will not be able to eat around.

As for the top forces like the Jewish gang, they are indeed able to mobilize 30000 Jews, but let ’s not say whether these civilians can fight the Guards, even if they can fight, do they want to rebel? Although they are all criminals, they are engaged in criminal activities in the city of Rome, but they are only trying to make money for food and drink. There is no idea of ​​treason. The Spartak group is a living example.

Even more how Rome is now at its peak, and the war with the Germans has ended. A group of veterans who have gone through battle have returned to Rome. They can’t beat the Germans, and there is no problem in suppressing a civilian uprising.

However, everyone is also doubtful about this matter. The security problem in the southeastern urban area has existed since the first Jews settled in Rome, which is much longer than the history of the Jewish gang, but the successive Imperial Capital failed to solve it. It ’s not that you ca n’t solve it, but because it ’s a laborious and unpleasant thing.

The southeast urban area is certainly a stubborn disease of the Roman city, but it also continuously provides cheap labor for the Roman city. Sometimes their labor price is even cheaper than the slave. After the slave is dead, the owner is equal to a loss of property. However, no one cared about the death of the civilians here, such as cleaning the sewers, and the workers who unloaded and dredged the Tiber basically came from the southeastern city.

Many of them are businesses of criminal forces like the Jewish Gang. Put the criminals here to catch everything in one net, not to mention the question of whether they can be done and how many people are left. It is estimated that the cost of labor in the city of Rome will increase in the future. It is a situation that all businessmen and nobles with industry do not want to see.

So this question will be put on hold forever, but now that Commodity has just come to power, most people still can’t figure out the temper of the young emperor, no one knows what he is thinking, will he suddenly have a brainstorm and want to attack the southeast Urban hands-on.

They have been very clear about the investigation of Zhang Heng during this time, knowing that he is indeed the person who values ​​Commodity, and the patrol he will be assigned to here is also quite strange. If Commodity wants to deal with the southeast The crime problem in the urban area can explain the reason why Zhang Heng came here.

1000 Guard Army? If there are really 1000 Guard troops stationed here afterwards, everyone ’s business will not be affected, but the question of whether they can continue, so all the forces in the tavern whispered after hearing the explosion. stand up.

The middle-aged Jews coughed lightly to make everyone stop, and then shook their heads, “With this kind of news that catches the wind and catches the shadow, I want to bluff us. You can’t help but think it’s too simple. We haven’t had any trouble in these years I have seen it, but this place always belongs to us. “

“It’s clear whether you catch the wind and catch the shadows yourself,” Zhang Heng replied calmly. “I believe you have a little relationship with Elder’s Council. It seems that you don’t spend less money. This is the main reason why the southeast urban area has maintained the status quo. In this case, your people must have delivered the message to you. “

“Even the proposal is not a thing, it is just the whimsy of the Emperor Your Majesty a few days ago, how could Elder’s Council pass such a ridiculous thing. 80% are just you making gestures to bluff people, you are not going to go after being invited. The Linde family? The news came after that too … “The middle-aged Jew angered, but he realized that he had lost his word as soon as he blurted out.

Because he was equivalent to helping Shi Hammer overcome Zhang Heng’s previous threats, it was true that after he said this sentence, the faces of everyone in the tavern showed varying degrees of worry.

Although most recently they had a very uncomfortable life, they were certainly less willing to see the Guard troops stationed than to engage Zhang Heng with the patrols, because that would be devastating to the forces here. of.

Although the stalemate came to the end, the young emperor had no way to ask for anything. He would realize that if he wanted cheap labor, he needed to give it back to the local forces here, but there were still a few of them at that time. Can be there?

Even if it is just a possibility, it is worrying.

This is the significance of Zhang Heng’s visit to Clinde some time ago. He proposed to Clinde a plan for both parties to benefit. Zhang Heng used to engage in wind and rain in the southeastern urban area, and the Three Great Influences led by the Jewish gang stared at him. Sooner or later, Zhang Heng’s solution to the problem is also very simple, that is, to create external pressure and divert contradictions.

The reason why the patrol is difficult to grow in the southeastern city seems to be lack of people and money, and there are big forces that cannot be provoked, but essentially because the interests of the patrol and all the forces in the southeast city are not consistent, this is the patrol The team is not tolerated by the root cause of the southeast urban area.

Without solving this problem, the patrol cannot expand, so Zhang Heng needs Klind ’s help to create the news that the 1000 Guard Army will be stationed in the southeastern city, and Zhang Heng does not mind giving a part of the credit to Klind, He even gave most of the credit to Clinder. Anyway, he just completed his first job of a perfect nature and returned to Kang Maode.

Clint got nothing from this matter and worked with Zhang Heng to solve the long-standing law and order problem in the southeastern city. Of course, he can also choose to stand by and stab his potential competitor. But like Clinder said, he believes that people like Zhang Heng will not be the only solution for him. Zhang Heng knows that there is also a political force behind the blade of balance. If Clint does not plan to help him, he can go. Priestess looking for the blade of balance, but in this case he may have to pay a little bit, it is better to take the necessary comfort with Clint.

Zhang Heng looked towards middle-aged Jews, “This is not something you can decide, why not invite Mr. Rockid and other great characters to come down and talk to me, or should I take someone to the second floor?”

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